My slave not yours

Dionne hesitantly knocked on the door to the study,

"Come in," She gently opened the door at his order.

"Lunch is ready," She said quietly with her head facing the ground.

"I'll be down soon," He dismissed her while wondering when Dionne became so quiet and meek.

With her head still bowed, she walked out of the study. Lucas looked thoughtfully at her disappearing back before sighing and wrapping up his work. He hasn't eaten all day and only now did he just realize how famished he was.

From the top of the staircase, he could already sight Olivia with her authoritative aura and his servants lined up in a straight line ready to do her bidding. 'When will she leave?'

He couldn't help but be annoyed by her presence.

"Oh, you're here Lucas!" Olivia exclaimed as she ran to go link hands with him like what happened in the study didn't happen at all. She was one hell of a shameless woman.

Lucas didn't say anything and harshly removed her hands from him. This was not new to the servants as they already knew Lucas wanted nothing to do with Olivia and was only merely tolerating her, yet, they couldn't be disrespectful as she was still their boss's guest.

"Bring me another plate!" Olivia ordered no one in particular and three maids ran to the kitchen to get one plate. That was how scary she could be.

She coquettishly sat next to him and kept making advances at him which he ignored. She didn't even manage to get him hard. Sometimes she questions If he was impotent or if he was gay as none of her tactics worked on him. Men would give all their fortune just to get her on their bed for one night, yet this man kept treating her like she was unattractive.

Dionne came out of the kitchen with the pot of noodles that were specially cooked by her with Sandy following behind her. Olivia smirked when she saw Dionne serving her, she couldn't explain the happiness she felt right now. She wanted to make it last.

"Scoop some noodles for me," She ordered and even though Dionne didn't want to comply, she did.

Lucas silently watched it all play out. On a normal Dionne would ignore her like she was air but now she was willingly serving her. If he thought something was wrong when she came to inform him of lunch, then that feeling got stronger now.

"You may all leave," Lucas ordered his maids and they all sighed with relief before they filed out of the dining room. All the maids except Dionne and Sandy as they were the ones who prepared the food.

"Why did you tell them to leave? I still need their services" Olivia whined but one glare from Lucas sent her focusing on the food before her.

"Who cooked this?" Lucas asked his usual question whenever a food Dionne claims she cooked did not taste disastrous.

"It was Dionne sir" Sandy excitedly relayed. Even she couldn't believe it when she tasted the dish. Guess everyone has their strengths.

Dionne smiled proudly when she saw the look of acknowledgment on Lucas' face. Who said she couldn't cook again?! She can never go wrong with noodles.

"It's okay but it's average. The crabs aren't seasoned well but it's manageable," Leave it to Olivia to make a useless comment.

"It's okay if you don't like it, not everyone has good taste," Dionne smiled warmly like she understood where Olivia was coming from.

"Are you mocking me?" Olivia dropped her spoon and leaned back in her seat.

"I wouldn't dare mock the madam of this house,"

Lucas's eyebrows shot up at Dionne's words. Did she just call Olivia the madam of this house? Seems like she was misunderstanding something.

"It's Good you know where both of us stand. I'm the madam and your nothing but a slave!" Olivia turned to Lucas and smiled before facing Dionne who was standing before her.

"Don't just stand there, come pour me a glass of water!" Olivia ordered.

Sandy looked at Dionne who stood still without even making an effort to move. She has been quiet and observing the two ladies since their argument in the kitchen earlier on. From their interactions, she has come to understand that they were enemies despite Olivia claiming the opposite. Even a child could see they were on the verge of pulling each other's hairs out and knowing Dionne, she knew she wouldn't go pour that water so she made a move instead.

"Not you fool," Olivia hissed and directed her gaze at Dionne, "You. I want you to pour me a glass of water," She folded her arms and waited for Dionne to act on her orders. When Dionne didn't move Olivia smirked,

"Do you still think you're in the city? Should I remind you why you left the city and is in this situation right now?"

Lucas's ears perked up. Was Olivia blackmailing Dionne?

Dionne finally moved when she understood the underlying meaning of Olivia's words. She has to find a way to get out of Olivia's trap but for now, she would need to play along so her secret won't be out in the open.

Lucas who was quietly observing finally stepped in when Dionne was halfway to Olivia's side, "Stop," He ordered and Dionne halted in her steps.

"Is anything wrong?" Olivia innocently asked,

"The jug is beside you yet you can't even do a simple job as pouring water for yourself. How useless could you be?"

"Lucas!" Olivia was not expecting such harsh words. Her eyes watered when she saw the disparaging smile on Dionne's face.

"But I just had my nails pedicured and what's so wrong in asking a slave to pour me a glass of water?"

"This is the last time I'll reiterate my words else be ready to bear with the consequences! Dionne is my slave, not yours. If you want something, go get it yourself, and don't bother my slave again. I hope this gets into your thick skull!" Lucas yelled before he loudly stood up from his chair and went to his room. A shower will cool him down from the anger he felt. If only she was not a woman... His hands itched to punch her right on the mouth she used to order 'his' Dionne around.

"L-Lucas!" Olivia called out unbelievably but he was already far gone to hear her and even if he did hear her, he would ignore her all the same.

"Let's go, Sandy, our job here is finished!" Dionne gave one last look to Olivia who was breathing furiously and left for her room with Sandy. They now share a room

"Argh!" Olivia yelled flipping everything on the table. More work for the maids.