We are going

"This is the rounded investigation on Dionne's past," Ben handed a long brown envelope thick with files to Lucas. "Are you not going to open it?" He asked when Lucas stared at the envelope without opening it.

"Do you think she'll hate me for invading her privacy?" Lucas was concerned. Concerned that if Dionne found out, she'll pick an issue with it which will strain their relationship further.

"You just did what you had to do, besides she won't have to know if you don't tell her."

"You're right," He already had all the information in his hand yet he was hesitant. What was this weird feeling?

He pushed all guilt to the back of his mind and opened the envelope. One by one, he flipped through each record of her years. From when she was a kid till her high school years. Then he paused, "There are no records of her for two years," He stated.

"I found that odd as well. It was as if traces of her were been cleared on purpose. No matter how hard I tried to find something...I was led to a dead end. After those two years skip, her family moved to Greenville," Ben said.

"What could have happened in those two years?" Lucas thought aloud.

"I don't know if I should say this but..." Ben pursed his lips as he meditated If telling Lucas was the right course of action.

"Tell me everything. Nothing is too minuscule when it comes to Dionne," Lucas ordered. He could have pleaded, but he ordered. This gave Ben no other choice than to adhere to his orders. He treated it like work.

"I met some of the people that went to high school with her. There was a rumor going around that she was kidnapped after skipping school for two days. According to them, Olivia was involved. From what I gathered, a girl overhead Olivia talking to someone on the phone asking if the kidnapping was successful. They still remember it as it was a very hot topic back then." Lucas squinted his eyes as he took in all the information.

"Do you think there is more to this?" Lucas asked.

"Nothing is set in stone. I'm not sure if what they were saying is true as they are not facts. Just unconfirmed rumors." He did say he would treat this as work but he left out a piece of very vital information. He didn't want to rile up his friend's emotions for something such as a baseless rumor.

"What about her parents?" Lucas leaned back in his seat as he felt a headache coming.

"Her father is the owner of Brytex electronics," Ben said and Lucas's eyebrows shot up.

"Brytex electronics? Isn't that one of the leading electronic brands in the world?"

"Yes..." Ben pursed his lips. He wasn't expecting that Dionne was the heiress to one of the biggest electronic companies and yet Lucas had the gut to make her his slave. How would her father react when he finds out? Will it be a clash of companies??

"When is Vee launching her new branch opening?" Lucas asked as a small smile curved his lips.

"This Saturday. Why do you ask? Last I remember you blatantly rejected her invitation," Ben fought the urge to roll his eyes. Lady Victoria popularly known as Vee personally came to invite Lucas to the opening party of her new branch but he refused on the spot without giving it much as a second thought. She was stunned so to say but didn't probe any further as she had some self-respect herself. She was 56yrs already. It was a really good way to get more investors and make more business connections as many businessmen and women would be present but Lucas threw the opportunity out the window and Ben was still mad at him for it. Not like he could debate Lucas's decision.

"Check if an invite was sent to Brytex electronics. Just for formalities sake." Lucas already knew that Vee sent out invites to all leading companies, Brytex won't be an exception, but he just wanted to be sure.

"And what if they got an invitation?" Ben asked cockily. He knew where this was going.

"Tell lady Vee that I've changed my mind. We will be attending," Lucas said in a final tone.

"By 'we' you mean me and you right?"

"I can't leave without my slave," Lucas said literally.

"Are you sure about this?" Ben warned,

"It's now or never."


At the dining table,

Lucas dabbed his mouth with his table cloth as he finally finished eating dinner. Another great meal it was again. Dionne and Sandy stood by the side, as usual, waiting for Lucas and his delusional guest, Olivia, to finish their meal so they could clear the table.

"Pack your bags, we'll be leaving for Texas first thing tomorrow morning," Lucas announced but the wrong person got the message.

"Oh my god, are we going for a vacation?!! You should've told me sooner!!! I need to get my hair and nails done and I didn't bring many clothes...We need to visit the beach over there..."

"I think you got me wrong Olivia, I was talking to you but to Dionne,"

"Eh?" Sandy stifled a laugh when she saw the comical look on Olivia's face. She was the perfect example of hopes high to hopes crashed.

"Me?" Dionne gasped,

"Yes, you" Lucas answered as a matter of fact.

"Why are you taking her instead of me?!" Olivia flipped immediately, "I'm the one you should be taking to every business party, occasion, hang out, and whatever, not some slave??"

"It's a branch launching and you're not invited. Dionne is my slave and I need her to go everywhere with me, or will you do my laundry??" Lucas scoffed before he abruptly stood up.

"You should be ready before 9 am," He directed to Dionne and went up to his room.

Dionne sighed tiredly and went to pack the plates when she felt an icy glare pointed at her.

"You slutty witch!" Olivia gritted,

"It's not my fault that you are useless to him. He can't even take you to a simple gathering," Dionne scoffed before she walked out of the dining with both hands full of plates.