share a room with my slave

As early as 10 am Dionne, Lucas and Ben were already at the airport. Dionne didn't hide her annoyance at this impromptu trip but Lucas pretended to not notice. She dragged her bag loudly and kept murmuring to herself. Lucas smirked as he listened to her pained side comments.

"Why is the terminal so far?" Dionne grumbled.

"But we only just came down from the car" Ben pointed and Dionne cast him a glance that made him look at the floor.

"Oh…I didn't notice" Dionne cleared her throat. They successfully boarded their plane and they were soon on their way to Texas.

Dionne decided to take a nap as she was awake all night responding to all the tantrums Olivia threw all because she was upset that she wasn't the one Lucas was taking to the event.

Lucas on the other hand decided to work on his laptop in the meantime, while Ben just chilled out. He didn't want to bother himself with work during his leisure time.

A few hours later…

"We'll be landing soon," Ben brought to Lucas's notice. Lucas started packing up his work and when he was done, he noticed a certain someone by his side who was still in dreamland. Her light snores confirmed that she was nowhere aware that their journey is over. Technically, their plane ride.

With Dionne still deep in her sleep, Lucas thought of a very mischievous plan.

"What are you doing?" Ben gasped with his eyes wide open.

"shh," Lucas gestured with his index finger placed on his lips.

"Oh boy!" Ben sighed as he retired back into his seat. He didn't want to imagine Dionne's expression when she realizes the prank Lucas was about to pull on her.

The plane landed and Lucas woke Dionne up. Ignorantly, Dionne stood up and followed the rest of the passengers out of the plane. She missed Lucas's expression when he was trying to stifle his laughter.

Dionne noticed the funny look passengers were giving her and how they brought their hands to their mouths to hide their amusement. She wondered what was funny but decided to brush it away. They came out of the airport and even though Dionne decided to pay no mind to the attention, the stares were becoming unbearable.

"Is there something on my face?" Dionne asked Ben.

"Uhm..." Ben drawled as he tried to choose his words carefully. Anything he says may to may not implicate him. He glanced at Lucas for help but Lucas feigned ignorance.

Dionne gave both Lucas and Ben an accusing look before running to a car that was packed in front of her. She looked into the side mirror and got the shock of her life. Someone used a marker to dawdle on her face. Not even draw, but dawdle! It looked like the work of a child who was still learning how to hold a pen.

She gazed sternly at both men and Ben didn't know when he spat, "it was Lucas" he had to save himself.

Dionne directed her gaze at Lucas who stood with one hand placed inside his trouser pocket, and the other holding his suitcase. He didn't wear the look of guilt instead he looked at her as if he was waiting for her to praise him. He wore a smug smile with that 'What can you do' look. Dionne was left speechless.

Images of her cussing and swearing the hell at Lucas played in her mind but she never said them out. She swallowed her words and turned to the front. The moment her back faced Lucas her expression changed as she mumbled all the insults she thought of earlier.

"Stupid dumbass jerk!"

"Did you say something?" Lucas sneaked up on her and whispered into her ear. This action of his made all the hairs on Dionne's neck stand as she wasn't expecting him to do that.

"I didn't say anything" she managed to say and started wiping the marker off her face to distract herself from Lucas's breath that fanned her neck.

"Our ride is here" although Ben didn't want to interrupt, he had to do the needful.

"Quit trying to get that off, that's a permanent marker" Lucas snickered and walked ahead of Dionne to their designated car leaving Dionne standing all alone, completely stupefied.

Ben walked closer to Dionne and cleared his throat before saying, "Let's go"

Dionne felt suffocated throughout the ride and couldn't be more relieved when the driver stopped in front of the hotel.

They got down from the car and headed straight to the reception to book rooms for themselves. Apparently, Ben forgot to do that one important task. Despite everywhere still being quite bright, Dionne already knew she'd be hitting the bed as soon as she gets to her room. Of course, after she has already hit the shower to wash the permanent ink off her face.

"Good day sir, how may I help you?" the receptionist politely asked. She chortled once she saw Dionne's face but immediately composed herself.

"We need three suites," Ben said in a professional tone.

"I'm sorry but we have only two rooms available" the receptionist revealed. Ben turned to glance at Lucas and he saw Lucas nod.

"We will take both rooms"

The receptionist then called two bell boys to get their bags and show them to their rooms.

"These are the rooms if you need anything, just call the reception and we'll come right away," one of the bell boys said and handed the cards to the room to Ben. The two bell boys then bowed and left.

"So…Me and Lucas will take this room while you take the other one" Ben stated the obvious and that was what Dionne thought as well until Lucas spoke.

"That won't be happening. My slave and I will share a room while you take the other"

"What?!" Dionne exclaimed.

"There are some minor things that need to be done. Things that I, myself can't possibly do as I need enough rest. Things that are only befitting for a slave"

"That's enough, Lucas. Let's just share a room, if you need anything, you can just tell me" Ben stepped in when he saw Dionne glaring fiercely at Lucas while Lucas looked unbothered.

"It's fine Ben," Dionne said, took a card from him, and opened the door to one of the rooms.

"That was harsh!" Ben pointed when Dionne was out of sight but all he was met with was a satisfied smirk on Lucas's face. This was not looking good.