∆ Islam is a religion which teaches equality.
∆ It explains and give equal rights to everyone no matter king or slave , poor or a rich , old or a young , men or women .
∆ It gives rights and respect to Women which is not very common.
∆ I hope you will enjoy this and making all these things to be a part of your life 👍
3 years ago
atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki bigot fanatics kaboom pedophile followers hypocrite world will b peaceful without u guys
∆ Islam is a religion which teaches equality. ∆ It explains and give equal rights to everyone no matter king or slave , poor or a rich , old or a young , men or women . ∆ It gives rights and respect to Women which is not very common. ∆ I hope you will enjoy this and making all these things to be a part of your life 👍
atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki atanki bigot fanatics kaboom pedophile followers hypocrite world will b peaceful without u guys