Hazrat Adam (A.S.)
When the God, the Munificent (extremely liberal in giving, very generous) wished and created the earthly face and body of Adam a.s. and kindled the spirit in it and commanded the angels to prostrate before him in his respect. Iblis a specie of the Jin who by his extreme adoration to God was honoured the status, to worship God in the row of the archangels, He refused to prostrate the Adam a.s.
He was the first who went against the wish of Almighty God and behaved with proud and haughtiness. He considered Adam a.s just an earthen body as he was ignorant of his soul.
When God the Omnipotent created the earth, told: I want to bring into existence the creatures from you. Some of them will obey me and a certain number of them will disobey me. The people who obey me, I am going to send them to the Heaven and those who disobey me I will be burning them in the Hell.
God addressed the jibril a.s (gabriel) and said: Bring from every part of the land like mountains, waters, rocks and terrains, a handful of their elements. When Jibril a.s wanted to grasp the earth, it pleaded in the words and said: I take refuge in God that an individual is going to be created by me who will be going to rebel with the God and burnt in the fire.
Showing sympathy to the earth Jibril a.s returned empty handed and informed the God: The earth is seeking refuge to you that a creature is coming into existence from it and going to rebel against you.
Then God the Omnipresent addressed the archangel Mikail a.s (Michael) and entrusted him the task of bringing the earth to the Heaven. The earth again requested him not to create a wrongdoer out of it so Mikail came back to the Heaven, leaving aside the earth. After that Israfil a.s the archangel was given that duty and he too came back without the earth.
God commanded the Izrail a.s the archangel to perform the foretold task and he performed it by expressing his wrath and brought a handful of earth. The dough of Adam a.s was prepared by that earth and the wonderful body of Adam a.s was created and that strange entity was laid on the threshold of the Paradise. The angels were watching this creation with extreme amazement and Shaitan was also present there in the row of the angels. He wanted to view the inside of the body of Adam a.s. He asked permission from the God and entered the body of Adam a.s. when he wanted to enter into his heart there he was addressed: This is the place of the divine light, you are not allowed to enter here. The heart is the house of secrets and prime part of the body, you cannot enter here. Iblis came out of the body and stood above his head watching him with astonishment.
The soul was hesitating to enter the body and when at last entered the earthen body, Adam a.s moved his head and sneezed and soon raised his head and said:الحمدالله رب العالم?نwhen the soul reached the chest, Adam wanted to stand straight he was ordered to be patient. "Does this movement of Adam a.s was the sign of the impatience in man?" و کان انسان عجولاwhen the soul came to the feet, it overwhelmed the whole body. Adam a.s was the wonder of the creation of the God, the Omnipotent and the Almighty God addressed the entire angels to be obedient to him. They answered Him:سمعنا و اطعنا'we have heard and we have obeyed". Adam a.s was given a trip to the entire existing skies so that he could acquire the knowledge of the whole universe. Whenever Adam was seeing the angels he used to salute them by saying Salamun Alaikالسلام عل?ک ?ا ملائکهand they were replying himالسلام عل?ک و برکاتهJibril a.s was his guide and escort. At this time Adam a.s was taught the namesاسما.
Reaching the Arshعرش'the Empyrean throne of God' they came across some names which were written there. Jibril a.s expressed to Adam a.s: The owner of these names are the purpose of the creation of you, your children and the entire universe. Then Adam a.s was informed about those names asحم?د و محمدHameed and Muhammad,عال? و عل? Aali and Ali,فاطر وفاطمهFatir and Fatimah,محسن و حسنMuhsin and Hasan,قد?م الاحسان و حس?نQadeem ul Ahsaan and Husain.
The soul is abstract and stimulant and it is homogenous to the air.
Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s, to one of his companions stated: The Almighty God created one body and one soul and bring both together at one place for the perfection of man. This is to give him rise to the last height of perfection; he ordered the angels to prostrate before his creature and then praised his creation.
Here the prostration does not mean to worship Adam a.s but this prostration was to revere him. When Adam entered the Garden of Eden, by his loneliness he was feeling fearfulness as he was not having any companion or anybody to sit with him. He was very much gloomy and dejected and he was tiresome and weary, God made the slumber to overcome him. When he got up he saw a lady in the dress of Hoor (Hourise of Paradise) who kept his head upon her lap.
He enquired: Who are you? She relied : I am Havva as I am created by "Wahi"وح? Hazrat Adam a.s made his head upright and asked God: O My Provident! For what purpose you had created her?
He got the reply: For your tranquillity and peace.
Imam Baqir a.s said: Havva 'Eve' was created by the remaining dough of earth by which the body of Adam a.s was made.
What is the Shajar e manhiya 'prohibited tree'? Some expressed it was the wheat plant, few describe it was the tree of grapes and every kind of fruit was growing into that tree. One who was eating from that tree, the doors of knowledge from first to last was opening before him and he was learning them without the help of teacher and eating the fruit of that tree without the permission, in that case all the wishes of the person will be dejected and it was abusing to get near to that tree. Some define that it was a tree of jealousy whoever was eating from it; he was reaching to the decline as the jealousy brings the downfall to every blessing and the means of reaching to perfection is only in the world it does not exists in the Heaven.
Hazrat Imam Reza a.s said: This prohibition was not that it was unlawful. The mistake which was happened by Adam a.s was before his attainment to prophecy as he was then not reached his prophet hood in the Heaven. Its punishment was not the fire of hell or it could be forgiven by God.
When the great prophet of Islam was asked: How is the Heaven?