Chapter 2 : Smart & Lazy

hello guys, this is yukimura yuko again. this is the second days of my school and i was walking to the train station. someone grabing my clothes from behind and it was Mili was blushing at me. "good morning." this is awkward for me and she didn't even my girlfriends and i said good morning too. we walked together to the train station and we ride a train together. when i look at her, we stare each other in the train and it makes her embarrassed. we waljed together to the school silently and we stopped at the ice cream store "Lili, what are you doing here?" it was a middle school girl that becoming my childish girlfriend. "onee chan?" and it was Mili little sister, she said that she was waiting for her friends. Mili introduced me to her little sister and we shake hands, she glaring at me and i was scared. we left her and mili said to her to not come late for the school, as we passed her, she still glaring at me and it gives me a shiver. Mili said that i can't tell her sister that we're dating.

we arrived at the school and a luxury cars arrived too. as always, erina was drop off the school in elegantly but as usual she slip off again because of the wet ground. i left Mili from my side and i ran away towards erina but i was fell down into a mud and erina was sat on top of my body. "ara ara darling, are you okay?" i said i was okay but my clothes are dirty now. Mili was jelaous over there and i went to the toilets. i asked my personality to come out and take care of their girlfriend by themselves but they won't come out and leave their problems on me.

i came out from the toilets and there was a twins girl with the hair tied in a twintails mocking at me. "it's a muddy boy." "yes, it was the muddy boy." i feel so pissed by this girl and i passed them but they keep talking about me from behind. i turned back and i asked what is their problem, "Mona don't want to be one class with the muddy boy." "Lisa wants to play with the muddy boy." seems like their name was Mona and Lisa, and they're the same class with me.

the first period was japanese history and i was asleep peacefully and the teachers asked the students who can answer the question. everytime the teacher asked a question, Mona always answered it correctly and the teacher feels impressed. the teacher wants the other students abswered it too "oi! the one who was sleeping in the back!" the teacher means me but i didn't hear it and keep sleeping. Mili was panic and she wakes me up, slowly i opened my eyes "hooaamm, what?" she said the teacher called me but i didn't response to the teacher. "i'm too lazy to answered it." then i continued my sleeping time ans it makes the teachers mad and the teacher told me to stand up in the hall. everyone in this class is laughing and i go out to the class and continued my sleeping while standing in the hall. this is disaster for me, i did called my personalities out, but not this one. this is my laziness personality.

break time is coming and Mili brought me a melon bread and she wakes me up again. i slowly opened my eyes again and i said that i'm too lazy to eat, she became worried about me. break time is over and there is come the strict teacher who teach math. the teacher saw me sleeping and the teacher throws me a chalk. i catch the chals easily with my two fingers and the teacher told me to come forward and answered the math question in the boards. i get up and Mona mocking me again "look at this lazy boy, there is no way he can answered it." i reached my pocket and i grab my glasses, my personality became a smartest and i answered the question with the complicated formula. the entire classes was shocked and they give a compliment to me. this is it! the personality i can count on. Mona wanted to challenge me in every subject in this class "go on, challenge me!"

the bells ringing and it means the school is over, i won in every subject and Mona feel defeated. "huh?! you're no match for me, don't you ever makes me your rival." she said that she will get her revenge and i left. i'm back to the normal and i meet Mili in the shoes locker room. it still feel awkwards to me and i asked her if we want to waljed together again. she apologized to me because she had a part time job and she left me first. i walked alone and i arrived at the park because i saw a high school girl playing with a sand alone. "Mona, what are you doing?" the girl looks surprised and she embarrassed because i saw her playing with a sand. "i'm Lisa!" i apologized because i mistook the person and i saw her trying making a sand castle. my smartest personality came out and he said "idiot! that's not how you make a sand castle!" we build a big sand castle in the park together and she impressed with me. she said she want to go home right now because Mona would be worried if she arrived at home late. Lisa said to me that she's having fun with me and i was a funny person then she left.

i walked alone again to the train station and i stopped again because there was Lili, Mili little sister waiting for me in the front of ice cream store. "hey! did you dating my sister?!" i was panic and i lied to her "no.. uhm.. because we're classmate." she looks me with doubt and she believes me and she said to not tell her sister because we're dating. "now, buy me an strawberry ice cream." i treated Lili an strawberry ice cream and she started to licked it. she gave me an ice cream and told me to eat this ice cream too, i refuse it and i said that i don't want it. she turned upset "i thought you like strawberry." damn it, it's because my childish personality, i bad to licked it and she was blushes. after the ice cream she got is gone, she said to me that she got to home right now and she left.

i walked again and there was a luxury cars stop in front of me, i had a bad feelings about this. "darling, did you want to ride in?" i sighed and i jumped to her cars and there was a bodyguards glaring at me. "darling, wnat to take a dinner in a fancy restaurants?" the bodyguards keep glaring at me and if i accepted her offer, i think they would kill me. "sorry, i'll pass." we arrived at my apartments "darling, we should go on a date sometimes." tge bodyguards turn down the windows and it give me a chills "i'll think it later." then they left me. i arrived at my apartments room and i lying down to my bed's. i'm so exhausted and my personalitues finally came out. wrathful, coolnest, childish, i scold them all and asked why they just come out right now. they said it was because laziness hypnotized them to fell asleep all day. i sighed and at least they two didn't have a girlfriend because it would be trouble me so much. i want to sleep right now. smartest was thinking right now what's the benefit for having a girlfriends.

the next day at school, laziness already took over my body and i was sleeping in this class. no one's here, only me with this peaceful time and Mona was opened the door and challenges me to compete again. i didn't hear what she said to me and i keep sleeping until she shakes my body. i slowly olened my eyes and asked her what do she want. "geez, no one wants to be your girlfriend if you are lazy like this." i close my eyes again "i'm too lazy for having a girlfriend either." she feel upset and she said "hey, what do you think if we're dating? i'll get rid of your bad habits of laziness." no! you can't accepted it! if i were you, i would say that i'm too lazy for having a girlfriends like you. "i'm too lazy to reject you, so that was a yes on me." that's what my laziness said to this girl and she was very happy for me. she said that this a secret between us and she left the class. my laziness already sleeping and i was broken into pieces.

i wanted to skip class and went to the rooftop because i was annoyed by my own personalities. i sat on the floor and was thinking at least the smartest is the one i can count on. someone come to the rooftop "Mona? what are you doing here?" "i'm Lisa!" i apologized to her because i was mistook her again. she was blushes and she asked me to be his boyfriend because she always wanted a smart but a funny guy too like me. i stand up and sighed at her "i'm sorry but-" my smartest personality took over my body and he wearing a glasses. "but you must prepare because we're gonna build the biggest sand castle ever!" Lisa was surprised and she gets excited. oh my god! the smartest becoming the stupidest. the smartest said to me that he already calculate of having a girlfriends not having a trouble. my ass in a trouble right now! Lisa said that i can't tell anyone because we're dating right now and she kissed mein the cheek then she left me alone happily.

the smartest blushes and he didn't calculate that Lisa would do this to him. i didn't even calculate the smartest would get a girlfriends.

five girlfriends in one time. i'll be dead for sure.