Chapter 3 : Date

this is yuko, I'm sure why you're asking why I'm wearing such a neat outfit today. yes, you guys have read the title, today I'm going on a date with my girlfriend. when i look in the mirror all i can see are tears in my eyes. why? because you all already know that I'm going out with five girls at once.

- yesterday -

I got on the train with mili and there's a guy staring lewdly at mili's chest. "oi! keep your eyes away from her!" my wrathful personality scold him and the guys looks scared and get off to the next station. Mili giggled at me and i asked what's so funny "it's good to see you get angry." why? when i scold everyone at my middle school, everyone looked so scared. i asked her if she doesn't scared of me. "scared? why am i scared with my own boyfriend?" i blushed because what's she said was so embarrassing to wrathful. "it's not like i want to scared you too, you know?" stop acting like a tsundere! Mili suddenly hold my hands "uhm.. Yukimura-kun.. do you want to go date tomorrow?" i was shocked but wrathful getting on fire. "Yes, please!" Mili getting blushes too and when we arrived at the station she run away and said that she was wanted to buy something first before school and then she left me alone.

wrathful walking so happily and suddenly childish took over my body because he saw Lili in the front of ice cream store. "are you waiting for me?" Lili was blushes and she said that she wanted an ice cream. i brought an two ice cream, the strawberry and the vanilla. i gave her the vanilla ones and she said how can i know that she likes the vanilla. "because i'm your boyfriend." she blushes again and we eat ice cream together. she suddenly licked my ice cream and giggled "ah, that's not fair. let me licked yours too." why this converstation getting so weird. "ah, that's given me some idea, why don't we go on a date tomorrow?" Lili surprised and she was thinking. "we can get an ice cream together or something sweet." she was agree and said that tomorrow we meet at the train station then she left me because she had to go to school. damn it, i scold childish from my head and tomorrow is the day wrathful is going on a date with Mili. "that's not fair, i want to go to the date too."

childish walking so happily and suddenly coolnest took over my body because Erina was slip again because of the wet ground. i catch her elegantly "are you okay? m'lady." she's having a nosebleed and she standing by herself, "uhm.. so.. did you decide it?" coolnest was wondering what is she talking about. "about we're going on a date." i make a pose just like a cool guys do and i sanpped my fingers at her "date? we can go tomorrow." then i walked passed her. she's melting because in front of her, i was so cool. please, don't make me in a so much trouble, i've already had two painful dating plan tomorrow and this time coolnest getting another date.

laziness took over my body this time and i was sleeping in the rooftop when the break time. Mona appear in front of me and she wakes me up "five minutes more, i haven't seen the dream yet." she pinched my cheek then i slowly opened my eyes "geez, i did say that i wanted to get rid of your laziness but if you're like this, i think this going to be hard." i closed my eyes again and continued my sleeping. "want to go on a date? it makes you have activity." i showed my sleepy eyes to her "i'm too lazy" she gets upset "so i'll do it tomorrow." she was shocked because i actually said yes to her. "really? we'll meet at the train station tomorrow!" then she left me. the inside me was really turned into a piece because of this personality, if you're lazy just reject it! "i'm too lazy to reject her." that's what he said and then he continued snorring.

break time is over and i washed my face in the toilet, i asked smartest to not get involved with his girlfriends and just forget to making a sand castle. smartest agree with me because sand castle can be made when it's not on date with Lisa. when i already washed my face and i came out from the toilet, Lisa has waiting for me. "tomorrow is a weekdays, so.." smartest took over my body and he's wearing a glass "sorry, i don't have the interest for making a sand castle." he passed Lisa and she's upset. that's right! i know that i can trust smartest for this situation, then he stopped his steps "but, tomorrow we can make a castle from a french fries on Mc'ronaldo, don't be late at train station tomorrow." she's getting excited and she pay respect for me "yes, sir!" you know? that's not what i meant when i said forget making a sand castle.

- the day i go on a date -

i walked to the train station in no spirit and i just wished i've learned kage bunshin no jutsu. as i arrived i saw five girls are confused why they're gathering together. i'm hiding from them and i eavesdropping them, Mona asked Lisa what is she doing here but Lisa didn't tell her the reason same as Lisa asked Mona, Mili and Lili just asked the same but they didn't tell each other the reason. Erina was busy for self reflection with her make up mirror and she noticed at the mirror, there was me hiding. "ah, you came!" i was shocked and i showed myself here. i was panic and i waved at them.

we go to the train station together and they were sitting in the seat staring each other. i was standing in front of them just looking down and they questioned themself.

Mili : ( "what is lili doing here? how can i go on a date with yukimura-kun?" )

Lili : ( "what is onee-chan doing here? how can i get a space with him if onee-chan with us?" )

Mona : ( "is it some study group or something? but why lisa is coming? even she doesn't like to study." )

Lisa : ( "did mona followed me? did yukimura asked mona to helped us to make a french fries castle?" )

Erina : ( "i can't wait to having a date with my darling." )

we get out from the train station and i asked them where should we go. they say at the same time that's up to me to decide the place that i want to go. i decide that we are going to having lunch first and we arrived at the place that having various kinds of food. Mili said that she want to eat at ramen place and she giving me a hint to come with her then she left. Lili said she want to eat at dessert place and she giving me a hint to come with her. Mona said she want to eat at sushi restaurant then she giving me a hint to come with her. Lisa said she want to eat at Mc'Ronaldo and she giving me a hint to come with her. it just me and Erina and she drag me to the fancy restaurant.

she ordered a steak to eat and i changed my personality with coolnest "medium rare please." as the food arrives i eat it like a cool guys and she seemed so happy for me. "do you like it? this is my father's restaurant, so we don't need to pay it." i was glad that i was saving my money here because this place was so fancy for me. "mm.. delicious." i wiped erina mouth's with napkin and she is blushes, she helding my hands at the table and she closed her eyes to asking for a kiss. i closed my eyes too and i moved my face towards her lips. we almost kissed but i forcibly myself to back to the normal then i smack myself. she shocked and coolnest took over my body again "ehem- sorry darling, i need to take a cigaratte first, i'll wait for you in the outside." she blushes and thought i was so cool and she was melting again. i came out to the outside and coolnest was mad at me. "what the fuck?! you ruined the moments of the romantic love." romance my ass! it's my body you know?! now go to the ramen store!

i'm back to the normal and i'm running to the ramen store, Mili was waiting for me and she was happy when she saw me. i sit in the table with her and she was already orderer the food for me. the food is coming and i changed my personality to wrathful and he was hestitate to eat because it looks so spicy. "why? you didn't like it?" Mili is getting upset and i said that i like it then i eat the ramen. i already guessed and i was right, it burns my mouth and she's eating it normally. i smack the table because i was mad, everyone was silent and looking at me then i said i smack this table because this ramen is so delicious. i can't eat this and i have an idea, i feed her with my ramen and she was blushed because it feels so romantic for her. my stomach is so hurt because the spicy is kicking it and i said to mili that i had to go to the toilet then i left her.

i'm back to normal again because wrathful fainted because of the ramen and it pains my body too. i can't stop here and i went to the dessert place, i saw Lili already ordered a couple's parfait and it was so big. childish took over my body "uwahh, that looks so delicious!" i eat the parfait and i was so excited with it then lili said that i looked like a child when i'm having an parfait "you are a child too" she pissed off because i was talking to the younger than me then i noticed she's having a cream on her cheek. i moved my face towards her and i licked her cheek, she was blushing and i was satisfied with the parfait and i said to her that i'm going outside for a while. i was scold the childish to not make a reckless move "why? that's my girlfriend." i was pissed with this personality and i running again to sushi restaurant.

as soon as i arrived, laziness took over my body and i was asleep at the table. Mona sighed and told me to eat "i'm too lazy to eat, feed me." she took a sushi with a chopstick and she really feed me up. she's having a good time for feeding me "fufu, you're cute." she embarrassing herself but my laziness doesn't care what is she saying to him. "yukimura-san, can i kiss you?" i slowly opened my eyes "i'm too lazy right now, do it later." you idiot! how many times did i must tell you, if you're lazy just reject her! i stand up and i said there something i forgot out there. i left her alone and i'm back to the normal.

i running again but my stomach are already full, i arrived at Mc'Ronaldo and everyone was giving an applause to Lisa because she is making feench fries castle. smartest took over my body and i sit beside her and help her making a french fries castle. we finally finished the castle and everyone was giving us an compliment. "huh, we could make a guinness world record." but my hand slipped and make the castle fall down. "aaaarrrggghh!" everyone who was watching us getting upset and left us. i was upset too because of me but Lisa was giggled "don't be so upset, we have another day. now opened your mouth" she feed me the french fries "yes, there is another day." smartest was blushes but she doesn't stop feeding me with the fries. "wait, isn't it too much?" she keeps feeding me until the last of the fries is gone.

we gathered back in the first place we arrived and i can hardly breath because i'm so full. Erina suggested where we should go next, it's a amusement park. the girls are staring each other because the real dateis about to begin.