Chapter 9 : Gentlemen

school started again, i'm going to the train station with Mili as usual. we met Mona and Lisa and in the end we walked together and stopped by the ice cream shop, we met Lili who always stopped by every morning and I always treated her. I sighed because my daily life since entering high school has always been like this and the next thing is that an luxury car will appear in front of the school. eh? how unusual that Erina's car doesn't show up when I'm in front of the school. well, maybe it's the luckiest day of my life.

i study as usual but in front of my seat is empty, Erina really didn't go to school, did something happen to her? well, it's not my problem though. break time is coming "here, it's for you." Mili was giving me half of her Melon's bread to me and i take it. Mili was worried about Erina that didn't come to school and that reminds me something, about the money that Erina gives to Mili. "ah, about that. i said that someday i'll return the money for her but she said to not worry about the money. but, i promise that one day that i'll pay for it." come to think of it, Erina wasn't a bad person at all but her luxury style and her elegant moves was annoying me. but, she's having a good side that's when she let me sleep in her laps.

school is over, I went home alone because Mili said that she got a new part time jobs. that's good for her and i saw a mysterious person who wearing a big jacket, a hat, a mask, and a black glasses. the person seems aware about the surroundings and that person was surprised when she saw me and she charge towards me. i shocked and i run away too "what the fuck do you want?!" i shouted to that person but she just run after me, i'm scared please someone help me. she fell down and i stopped running too because coolnest took over my body and he approaching that person. what are you doing?! this person was targeting me "a romantic person must help everyone who was in trouble." No! it could be a hitman or a guys who have a grudge to me. coolnest arrived in front of that person and hestitate immedietly. "right, what if this person was a boy after all?" that's what he said on his mind. he opened that person mask and "it was a girl." me and coolnest was relieved but the girl was crying and coolnest recognize this girl. "Erina?!"

I arrived at my apartment and I brought Erina here. I told her to sit on the sofa and I cleaned the wound on her knee and covered it with a bandage. I asked her what she was doing earlier and why she didn't go to school. "i run away from home and my bodyguards are searching for me." isn't this bad for me too? what if her bodyguards finds this place. I told her to get out of my house and she begged tome while hugging my legs to stay here for a while. i scratch my head and let her stay and she was very happy.

she's taking a bath in my bathroom and i left a changing clothes to her. after she finished bathing and she came out wearing my clothes, she looks cute. "sorry, i don't have any other clothes for you." she said it was okay and it smells just like me. i feel uneasy right now and i making something for dinner, she curious and keep bothering me. she said that she want to help me and when she cut the vegetables, she cut her own fingers. i told her to sit on the sofa again and i'm applying bandage to her fingers "just sit still." she's apologizing to me and finally the food is ready "sorry, i only cook simple food for you." she said why i keep apologizing to her, it doesn't mean she's from a rich family she can't eat this kind of food. she took a bite from my food and it seems she really enjoyed my food.

night came and I told her to sleep in my room while I slept on the sofa. "you idiot! how can you miss the opportunity to having a lovely while sleeping together." shut up! i scold coolnest that giving me a naughty scenes. the rain is falling and i already sleep then a big thunder sound wakes me up. i heard a sobbing from my rooms and i opened it, Erina was sobbing "i'm scared.. please sleep with me." seems like i got no other choice and i sleep in my bed with her but i opposite my direction from her. the thunder's coming again and she's hugging me tightly from my behind, D-Cup. i can feel her chest pressing my back and i know that she's not wearing a bra. damn it! i can't sleep like this, she also doesn't let go of his arms from my body. "this is it, i'll give you the experience with a girl this time." shut up, coolnest!

"The reason i ran away from home was that i was going to be married off to an acquaintance from my father."

i looked at her while staring at her seriously and she was blushing over me, she tought that i wanted to kiss her. "then go." i ruined her mood and she pinched my cheeks really hard "i'm your girlfriend, you're so cruel!" i laughed and i said that i was joking but i was hope she's really go away from my life. i asked her what happened after that "my dad wants to build a good relationship by marrying me with a son from the mafia group. what a cruel dad isn't it? he doesn't thinking of me at all." wait a minute, i was thinking that i've been dealing with her family and the mafia groups. shit! what should i do? i don't want to interfere with the trouble.

"don't worry, you don't need to think about it. i'll figure it somehow, thanks for listening to my story."

she's stick her head to my chest "oyasumi" she said that and then she sleeping immedietly. coolnest, what should i do from now? "you can try to grab her butt first then you-" THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN!! geez, this personality so useless.

the next day, i woke up early and i leave her some breakfast and i go to school. i walked alone and i met Lili in the ice cream store and i treated her like always. who the hell eats ice cream in a cold weather like this, it just this girl. "i eat it too." shut up childish! i saw a luxury cars passed me and it was Erina's car, the direction is heading to my house. i have a bad feelings about this and i throw away the ice cream that i was holding and i ran away to my place.

i arrived at my apartments and when i opened the door, Erina is nowhere to be found and my place is messy. Tch! i remember what Erina's face when she don't wanna have a married with a man she doesn't love. i guess i have no other way but to approach to her house. "that's a gentlemen would do, i'll help you buddy." thanks coolnest.

i arrived at her mansion's and the bodyguards are appear. "i'm here to meet my girlfriend." ah, that's a embarrassing for me to say it but, it was a cool line for me. the bodyguards charge me and coolnest took over my body, he can dodge the bodyguards with a elegant pose. he went through them and arrived at the door, he opened it and there was a bunch of mafia holding a gun and pointed their guns towards him. coolnest raised his both hands "i surrender." they lower their guards "just kidding, you idiot!" when he was moving one step, a gun was shot in front of his feet. he was force me back to normal "i leave it this time to you, buddy." HUH?! you bastard!

i was being brought by them while my hands being tied in the back. i got to a room and i was kicked in the back by one of the man. i fell and i came face to face with Erina's father "so, you're the one who kidnapping my daughter's huh?!" he has a scary presence "no! don't you know that Erina's doesn't wanna marry the guy she doesn't love?!" Erina's father was mad and said that this is for her future's too. "yeah?! well, you should looked at her face now. is she happy right now?" he took out a katana and want to swung it towards my neck. "STOP!" it was Erina appear and told her father to stop and she was telling her father that i was her boyfriend. "with him?! he can't be worth it to be your husband." it brokes my heart, even so Erina still said that the ones she loves was me.

"hahaha! awesome, my name was Archer Collins. i'm her future husband, you are?"

it was the guy that wanted to married Erina, it was an handsome guy and i introduced myself to him. he untie my hands and give a hand to me for stand up, woah~ such a gentlemen right here. "sir, i think i know the situation here. i resigned to be her future husband." Erina's father asked why did he resigned to be with Erina. "this is the coolest guy i've ever met, i'm no match for him. he's the true gentlemen right here." he patted me in the shoulder and he left from this house.

Erina was crying and she hugging me and said that she was glad that nothing bad happened to me. "Tch! if you makes my daughter sad, you know the consequences you will face." her father was left us alone in this room. this is bad! what if they know that i had five girlfriends, my head will be beheaded this time.