Chapter 10 : Surprise

Hello, this is Yuko again. Today it feels really peaceful because lately the girls haven't bothered me. Even Erina doesn't bother me even though what happened last time must have made her very happy. When i was at school, all my girlfriends looked away from me and i felt something strange. When i wanted to call Mili, she immediately left me. just like when i called Erina, Mona, and Lisa, they immediately walked away from me. Of course this looks really weird, is there something they are planning about me? well, i don't care either, let them be like that.

When i came home from school i was walking alone and when i passed the ice cream shop i didn't see Lili. Wait a minute, she's here but she is stalking me from behind with the other girls. I quickened my pace and they also kept following me until i ran, they also ran after me. This is bad! Did i do something bad to them? Did they realize that i cheated each of them? Let's hide first.

I hid in a park and the five of them grouped up looking for me. My heart was beating fast and i was so scared of them. When there is a chance i immediately run and they noticed that i've run away from here "There it is!" Lisa shouted at the girls and they continued running towards me. Please, whoever my personality is please help me to get me out of this hell. "let them catch you, maybe they will make you masochistic." Shut up you pervert coolest, anyone?! Wrathful! "hmm.. it's not a bad idea if they're making you to be a masochist." ah.. what a weird fetish do you have here. Smartest! Please, only you can help me with your calculation. "i already calculate if you are tortured by them, you will enjoy the sensations of-" You bastard! I'm not talking about that! "maybe they want to give you a cake~" Cake my ass! you're not helping childish. "i'm too lazy to-" Shut up! I already know your answer laziness.

I'm still hiding and right now i'm in under the river bridge. "Yuko~ where are you?" I peeked from here because i heard Lili's voice and she was looking for me alone while holding a knife. This is bad! They definetly wanted to kill me somehow. When i look to the left, Mili was staring at me. i got shocked but i tried to calmed myself down "uhm.. can i asked why you girls are chase me over?" She just smiled and then she screamed "He's here!" I panicked and i run away again towards my apartment.

I arrived at my apartment's then i locked my door "Yuko~ open the door, please." I'm scared.. i'm scared.. i'm scared! What should i do? They're trying to break the doors and maybe this is it, the moments i die. Dad, Mom, thank you for raising me and i'm sorry that i'll be gone now. They finally break the doors "Happy Birthday!" They want to surprise me with a cake and a knife to cut the cakes but as soon as they opened the door, i was hanging myself in the ceiling. "YUKO!!"

"Gezz, why didn't you girls tell me you wanted to celebrate my birthday." They said that it's not a surprise if they tell me directly. I sighed and that's why they acting strange at school, Mili gave me a cake and she lights the candle and the girls told me to make a wish first then blow the candle. I closed my eyes for a while then i blow up the candle, Lili gave me a knife "Give the first cake to the most precious person to you." My body twitched because if i give the cake to one of the girls, the other must be mad at me. Can't make a wrong move, what should i do? As soon as i slice the cake, the girls are hoping that i'll give it to them but "The precious one is myself!" I eat the first cake and they're confused and they want to say it the most precious person to me. "i'm too embarrassed to say it, in front of you girls." They think that i want to keep it a secret from them and they're blushed. Yes! That was genius of me.

After we ate the cake and they said that we should celebrate with a picnic in the park. I agreed this time with them because they already celebrated my birthday. They said goodbye and they came home from my house, i lay on my bed "See? I told you that they will give you a cake." Yes, yes. Shut up now. "Even though every year you always celebrate your birthday with your personality and makes your parents worry." Shut up! Don't make me such a embarrassing story! But to be honest, it's not bad that the girls celebrate my birthday's.

In the weekend, we goes to the park, the red and brown leaves of the trees are falling and the wind is blowing in autumn. We opened the mats and Mona had already prepared food for the picnic. We had fun after eating and i sat on the mat again, Erina came to me and she sat beside me. "Darling, you didn't tell the girls about our relationship?" I was drinking tea and was shocked when she said that to me. Uhh, how to explain it to her? I don't have any excuse. "Well, if you wanted to keep it as secret, at least we should have romantic session in private." I was relieved that she won't force me to announce our relationship to the girls.

Lisa stands behind me and she drops a pile of leaves on me, she laughs at me and i joined the fun. I chased Lisa and she ran away from me, "idiot, catch me if you can." All the girls also followed us and we had fun in the middle of this autumn.