Chapter 62

To complete his second main task, Haru had to announce himself as the king. It seems the system won't give him the rewards until the people recognise him.

Currently, Haru was standing above the walls of the palace. Suki was next to him. She gave him a slide glance before looking down.

The people of the kingdom were gathered below. The nobles were on the front lines.

Haru then started speaking about the war, which lasted for hundred years. The people seemed to accept the information way easier than he had thought. As it seems, Feng had made sure that people don't know about the war. He had prohibited the soldiers from telling the citizens. As it seems, only the army of Omashu knew about the war.

The people expressed their shock after their new king finished his words.

He then said. "Worry not, my people. Very soon, you will be able to step outside these walls, the Earth Kingdom will expand. I'm gonna lead you, and you wanna know why I'm going to make.

"I have a dream, that one day, every person in this nation will control their own destiny. A land of free damn it…"

Haru repeated the same speech he had used in Omashu when he became a prince.

"… I'll make The Earth Kingdom great again!"

Seeing how people existed after hearing that they will own the land, Haru couldn't help but smile a little.

'I did it. These people are boiling to make the Earth Kingdom great.'

'Finally, I will unite the kingdom. We will be strong. No one will bully us.

'The new kingdom will be called, 'The United States of Earth Kingdom.'

"That speech was surprisingly good." Kyoshi nodded. "A nation of actions, not walls… By the way, I've noticed something." She looked at Haru. "You build walls whenever you go. Every city you open you build a wall in, even in that town in Omashu you built a wall. I bet you built a wall in your home village, didn't you?"

Haru, with his smile still on his face, nodded.

'Now I think of it, I built many walls.'

'If my story was a show, the title would be : Avatar: The Last Wall Builder]

"Soon there will be no need for them." Haru waved his hands when the people started cheering up for him as the king.

[Quest is completed: becoming Ba Sing Se's king]

[+100.000 exp]

[you levelled up]

[Level 25]

[+4 Gift Boxes]

[+1 Epic Box]

The only epic main quest left is to unite Ba Sing Se and Omashu.

There was still that legendary quest that asks him to free the whole Kingdom. But that will be achieved later.


After consulting Kyoshi, Haru changed the political order in the royal palace. Kyoshi was experienced and lived for more than two centuries. It was wise to ask for her opinion sometimes.

He made secret members of the Dai Li his ministers. They were so loyal to Haru, and their happiness was linked to his satisfaction. They seem to realise it on a subconscious level, which pushes them to serve him.

As he was sitting on the throne, Haru ordered a messaging hawk. He wrote a letter, and he sent it to Omashu. For the first time in history, Ba Sing Se will answer Omashu's calls.

Meanwhile, in Ba Sing Se, the people were learning about their king from the army, who has access to external information.

They knew that Haru was the prince who is liberating the land. He had merits on the battlefields.

Rumours about his power made people doubt that he is the Avatar.

But he appeared not to be. He was just a very powerful man who can defeat a whole army on his own.

At any rate, having a strong leader gives people a sense of assurance and victory. It gives them a reason to fight, believing that they won't die for anything as only victory is waiting for them.


While Haru was absent, Omashu was advancing. After liberating the bases of the Fire Nation, their army gained a huge boost.

Bumi was happy with the results. Haru seemed to know how to change the war's direction. Now, Omashu has more land. They used the earthbenders to create defences for these towns and cities. They had a huge hope to go for a full war once Haru comes back from Omashu and convince their king.

"Your majesty!"

A captain entered from the door. He was holding a letter in his hand. He was staring at Bumi with wide-open eyes.

"Why do you look so existed? And why the hell didn't you knock on the door."

"Ba Sing Se! Ba Sing Se!" The soldier repeated.

"What's with it? Catch your breaths." Bumi raised his eyebrow, and he wondered why this man is acting like that.

The captain took a few deep breaths before he said. "They sent us a letter, for the first time."

So that is what happened. Ba Sing Se had never sent anything to Omashu. They were living in isolation. Now Bumi understood why the soldier was excited. As Bumi thought of the reason behind this letter, he realised that it must be Haru's doing.

Unable to hold his excitement and curiosity, he walked to the soldier and snatched the letter.

"Oh, let me read that."

Bumi's eyes scrolled through the letter.

"No fucking way!"

Expect the unexpected. These were Bumi's usual words.

However, even he couldn't expect what may this letter contains.

"Your majesty, what's going on?" the captain asked.

"That Haru… he is going to give me a heart attack." Bumi sighed as he turned the letter to the soldier.

The soldier started reading. His eyes going left and right.

Bumi said it. "He became the King of Ba Sing Se, and he used the royal stamp. Not only so, but he is saying it's time to unite the Earth Kingdom."

Feeling a bit dizzy, Bumi went to his throne and sat down. He lifted his head and laughed. He remembered what Haru told him when they met the first time. His goal was to kick out the Fire Nation and reunite the Earth Kingdom.

"How can things progress this fast." Bumi exhaled a sigh and looked at the shocked captain. "By the way, how old am I?"

Maybe things progressed too fast and Bumi didn't realise it.

He needed to confirm his own age in that case.

"112 years old, your majesty."

"I see." Bumi lifted his head and laughed. He is still young. So things are real and they are progressing fast. "Call everyone! Today we are going to celebrate!"


Haru was sitting on his throne.

Currently, he was holding the device that Fong used to brainwash people.

As Dai Li's agent reported to him, he learnt that it uses electromagnetic waves to brainwash people.

Haru wasn't just an earthbender. He was an Earth Forces Bender.

He has a passive skill, with a fixed level, that allows him to learn how to bend any earth force that he comes to contract with.

"If you like, you can destroy the device, and the waves would stop transmitting." Said an agent from the Dai Li.

Haru played with it. Electromagnetic. Earth unleashes them, right?

[+A passive ability discovered: Electromagnetic bender (Level 1)]

Technically, Haru found a support skill for his hypnosis technique. But as someone who had reached college in his previous life, he knew that there is more to electromagnetic.

If Haru mastered it, he can spy through very far distances.

"I'll study this device for a while." Haru hid it behind his throne. He will store it when no one was seeing it. After that, he will study it.

Haru, thinking of something interesting to do, pointed at Suki and closed his eyes. He moved his hand, and a wave was unleashed. A visible image of her, without her clothes, appeared in his mind. Same for this room. 'Hehe boy!'

[Electromagnetic-bending up to level 2]

Now, Haru waiting for Bumi to send him a letter. He will work on uniting the kingdom.

Turning to the nearest Dai Li agent, he said. "Gather the army, I will examine them. I may teach you a few tricks to turn up the wall upside" He would do that before thinking of his next step. He needed to make a strong army of people who can metalbend. He would use hypnosis to make them do that.

After that, he may go directly to the Fire Lord. But there may be a few things that needed to settle. That's why he needed to meet Bumi, plus the Order of the White Lotus. Also, he needed to see his rewards.