Her Fiance

As the Carriage rode into the castle walls, she gasped at the view. She had only ever seen the castle from afar and had always thought it was beautiful and big but up close, it looked even more beautiful and bigger.

The carriage suddenly stopped at the entrance and Sir Williams immediately helped her out.

Reign's eyes widened at the Dozen of maids lined up with their heads bowed at her. Was this how royalty felt?

"Welcome miss Wright" Reign still hadn't gotten used to that name.

"Oh thank you for your warm welcome" They all looked up in confusion then Immediately bowed down their heads again. Reign turned to Williams with a frown.

"Did I say something wrong?" He shook his head with a smile.

"They aren't just used to a noble woman such as yourself being nice to him. Normally, someone of your caliber just walks past them like they are specs of dust" Reign's eyes widened.

"Sir Williams, that's not a nice thing to say and besides, we are all humans. Even if my status is higher, that doesn't give me the right to be mean" He grinned at her.

"You and His highness are going to get along very well I presume" She didn't understand what he meant by that but followed him from behind as he walked into the castle. Reign couldn't help but stare at everything in awe as they walked past. It seemed they were in the hallway because of how many portraits were on the walls.

Luckily, there was no one on the way as Williams led her up to her room. Reign gasped as soon as he opened the door to her room. It was the most beautiful and big room she had ever laid her eyes on. She slowly walked into it without batting an eyelid.

"I know it's a little plain now but later on, you'll get to arrange it the way you like" Reign turned to him.

"Does his highness Sleep in here too?" Williams shook his head.

"No but maybe one day, he will. I'll go announce your arrival now, just wait here for the visitors, okay?" Reign nodded slowly.

"Okay" As soon as Williams was gone, Reign suddenly felt so lonely. She sighed as she sat down on the big comfy bed. Was this how her life was going to be from now on? Would she be able to bear it?

Just then, she heard Voices coming down the hall. They were talking so calmly but she could spit behind every word. She couldn't hear what they were saying and curiosity suddenly got the best of her. She slowly stood up from the bed and walked over to the door.

She opened it slowly and saw two huge figures standing close to each other as they talked. One was backing her so she couldn't see his face while the other, he was very handsome and looked like the typical prince anyone would imagine. Brunette hair and deep green eyes with tan skin. He was at least 183cm tall. While the one in front of him seemed to be 187cm tall as he stood above the other man. His physique seemed so familiar that Reign could have sworn she had seen him somewhere.

"Well, as much as I'd like to stay here and argue with you, I have other matters to attend to so if you'll excuse" Reign immediately closed the door as the man turned towards her. She ran over to her bed and sat down, anticipating his visit. Could that be his highness?

She waited for over an hour but no one came to her room. Wasn't that him? Did he have something else to do? Why was no one coming to meet her? She wondered as she laid back on the bed.

"I guess I'm just as irrelevant here as I was back home" She murmured to herself with a sigh. Just then, she heard a knock on her door. She immediately jumped out of bed and ran over to open the door. She frowned when she saw it was Williams.

"You don't have to look so disappointed. I'm sorry but his highness had some matters to attend to and everyone else is busy at the moment but rest assured that you'll get to meet everyone at dinner tonight. Alright?" Reign nodded slowly.

"So what do I do here by myself?"

"Why don't you rest ma'am? I'm sure you must be tired" She wasn't tired but it seemed sleep was the only thing she could use to pass the hours.

She nodded at Williams.

"Alright then, see you later" Williams smiled then closed the door as he walked away. Reign groaned as walked up to her bed and plopped down on it.

She wasn't used to being so idle. She tried falling asleep but she couldn't.

"What am I supposed to do with my life?" Suddenly, there was an aggressive knock on her room door. Reign furrowed her eyebrows as she stood up from the bed and walked over to the door.

She slowly opened it to reveal a smiling girl that looked her age.

"Hey! You must be the new addition to our family, my name is Mirabel. Sorry it took me so long to get here" Reign smiled at her. She seemed like a good person.

"Hey, nice to meet you. My name is Re… I mean Isabella" Mirabel smiled then walked into the room and sat down on the bed. Reign furrowed her eyebrows as she closed the door then turned to her.

"I'm sorry but I don't know who you are," Mirabel chuckled.

"Oh? I forgot to introduce myself properly. I'm the daughter of the King's Fifth concubine" Reign's eyes widened. She was about to bow her head when Mirabel immediately stopped her.

"Don't do that, you are going to be a princess soon too after all. I just came here to see how you're doing and to make friends. It's mostly males in this house and I'm always lonely so I decided that we should be friends" Reign scratched the back of her head. It sounded like Mirabel wasn't giving her any choice.

"Oh alright" A yawn suddenly escaped Reign's lips. She suddenly became tired. Mirabel noticed this so she stood up from the bed and Walked up to Reign.

"It seems you need to rest so I'll come back in the evening so we can both go down to Dinner together" Reign nodded as she watched Mirabel walk out of the room. As soon as Mirabel was gone, Reign walked up to the bed and as soon as she laid down, she fell asleep.


Reign suddenly woke up as she heard some movements inside her room. She slowly raised up her head and gasped when she saw a silhouette figure standing inside her room.

"Who's there?" Her eyes suddenly connected with familiar Grey eyes.

"Your fiance".....