Meeting him again

Reign's eyes widened at his words. She was about to get up when he stopped her.

"Do not bother, I'll be going now" Reign stood up anyway and grabbed his hand before he could walk out of the room. Reign frowned when he yanked his hand out of her grip as he turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Is there something you want?" She dropped her hand slowly as she cleared her throat.

"You're just going to leave just like that?" He scoffed.

"I really have nothing to say to you" Her frown deepened. Why was he being so rude to her? She reached out and turned on the lights. Immediately she did that, he turned away from her.

"What you doing?" He questioned without looking at her. Suddenly, his voice sounded so familiar. He looked exactly like the man she had seen earlier in the hall so why didn't he come meet her then?

"Why are you covering your face from me?" He turned to her and all she could were beautiful pair of grey eyes as they glowed in the dark.

"Because my beauty is too blinding for mere mortal eyes" Reign furrowed her eyebrows. That was not what she expected to hear.

"I'm sorry?" He sighed.

"Do not worry about my face and you do not need to go to the dining room later on, just stay in your room and someone will bring food to you. Got it?"

"Why are you being so cold with me? I was brought from my home to be your wife. I also didn't want this" She was getting fed up with his behavior. He scoffed.

"I don't care about how you feel, this is how I am so you have to deal with it" She pursed her lips. She has never in her life wanted to punch somehow more than she wanted to punch him. Why was he being so annoying?

"If you don't have anything else to say then I'll be on my way" He turned around and took big strides towards the door. She tried to stop him in a hurry and ended up stepping on her gown. She yelped as she fell towards the ground but he caught her before she could touch the ground.

She raised up her head to stare into his eyes.

"You are fond of falling for me, aren't you?" She furrowed her eyebrows with confusion then suddenly gasped. Was that why he felt so familiar? Was he perhaps the guy she met at the market that day?

To satisfy her curiosity, she hurriedly took off his mask. He stared at her with wide eyes, too stunned to speak.

"Why did you…."

"You're that handsome god I meant at the market?" He raised an eyebrow as an egotistic smile appeared on his face.

"Handsome god you say? Well, I guess you can say that" Reign didn't pay attention to his words but to his face. How could someone be so handsome?

He wasn't like Isabella had described at all, it seems everyone just thought so because he covered his face.

"Why do you let those rumors about you being ugly spread around when you look like this?" Suddenly his playful demeanor disappeared. He pushed her off him and took a step back.

"That's none of your business. Now that you have seen my face, do not tell anyone outside of the castle about it, got it?" Reign nodded slowly and watched as he walked out of the room. She slowly closed the door as her mind was filled with questions. This castle was indeed filled with secrets.

The next morning, Reign woke up with a yawn and as soon as she did that, three maids ran into the room. She shrieked as she stared at them with wide eyes.

"What are you all doing here so early in the morning?" They bowed their heads respectfully at her.

"Good morning madam, we heard you wake up so we came in to get you ready for tea with the prince" Reign furrowed her eyebrows.

"What tea with the prince?"

"The prince has invited you to have tea with him at the courtyard. We don't have much time, we need to get you ready, now" Reign nodded then slowly got out of bed.

Suddenly, some more maids brought in gowns, shoes, jewelry and accessories and began arranging them inside her huge closet.

"Milady, sit here while I do your hair and makeup" Reign turned to one of the maid's as soon as she said that then she nodded and sat down in front of the dresser.

The maid was great at what she did, Reign looked like a queen after she was done but Reign still couldn't help but miss Jess and Anna. They weren't just maids to her but her best friends.

After makeup and Hair, they got her into a tight corseted peach silk gown that flowed to the ground. The gown was an off shoulder gown and showed a lot more cleavage than she was used to and because of how tight the gown was, her boobs looked pumped.

They wore her shoes then immediately led her over to the courtyard without another word which she found strange. They didn't even praise their work, were they that confident that she looked good?

As they walked towards the courtyard, Reign suddenly stumbled upon the guy she had seen with her Fiance In the hall yesterday.

The maids immediately fell to their knees as they bowed at him.

"Your highness" They all greeted. The guy nodded at them and motioned for them to stand up then he turned back to her.

"I'm guessing you're my brother's Fiance, right?" Reign nodded as she bowed her head.

"Yes I am your highness" He smiled.

"If I knew My brothers betrothed was so beautiful then I might have had you betrothed to me" Reign's eyes widened at his words. She raised her head to stare at him but he just chuckled.

"Why are you nervous? I'm just stating the obvious"

"I don't need you to state anything to my fiance" Reign's eyes turned to the gorgeous god walking towards them. He looked like a majestic being that had just descended from heaven as he walked towards them, she couldn't keep her eyes off him.

The guy in front of her chuckled.

"Well, I hope we meet again, Isabella. If Ares doesn't treat you right then you can come to me, I would never treat you badly" Then he hurriedly walked away like he was sure Ares was going to blow up.

Ares clenched his fist as he stared after his brother. Why was James so adamant on making him mad?

"Your name is Ares?" He turned to her like he was just remembering she was there. He nodded slowly as he walked up to her. He took off his fur coat and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Next time, don't wear such revealing clothes when you're outside"....