Aching heart

"What do you mean my betrothed?" Ares questioned as he stood up from his seat.

"Diana and I thought that Reign can't possibly be your wife, you need to marry a lady from a prestigious family with an education" Reign bowed down her head in shame as she wrung her fingers. She had a feeling this was going to happen. She snuck a glance at Ares and he still wasn't looking at her.

She turned to the girl, Charlotte and she felt a whole lot more insecure. Charlotte was beautiful like a white Lotus. Her brown wavy hair flowed down to her waist and her light brown eyes shone brighter than the sun. Her skin was glowing and she really looked like a princess unlike Reign.

With the way Ares was staring at her, he must think that too.

"Let me guess, this was all Diana's idea, wasn't it?" Ares turned to Diana with angry eyes while she just flashed him a sly smile.

"I was just looking out for you like a real mother would, Ares and I…."