He wants her

          Reign sat down reluctantly as she glanced around the room.

        "Why… why did you bring me here, your highness?" She questioned as James sat in front of her. 

      "Would you like some tea, Reign?" She shook her head.

        "Thank you for your offer but I'm not in the mood for tea right now" James raised an eyebrow.

        "Did you just decline my offer for tea?" Her eyes widened slightly.

        "Oh I didn't mean… I just…" James let out a chuckle.

      "Relax, I'm just joking with you but at least, have a sip. I can't drink all these by myself" Reign reluctantly agreed and poured herself some tea. 

      "Is Ares the Reason you were crying just now?" Reign was surprised by his question and didn't even know what to say. 

      "Erm… I .."