Believe me

    Ares furrowed his eyebrows.

      "A crown?" He questioned. Why a crown? 

        "Do you have an idea what it means?" Julian questioned and Ares nodded slowly.

        "I'm just guessing but a crown symbolizes Royalty and with my initial guess the first time we saw those guns, someone is trying to overthrow the royal family and….."

        "Become the Ruler instead" Julian completed with a frown. He knew this was serious. 

      "Yes and I guess that's what they mean by reform. He or she he's coming to change the rules of this Kingdom" Andrew sighed.

        "So what should we do? Not only do we not have a lead but we are just guessing and might be wrong" Ares sighed as he ran his fingers through his head. He had a matter to settle with his love life and now this too? Won't the universe give him a break?

        "This shouldn't have to be my problem. I'll tell the King when I get back" He muttered.