Who to believe

      Ares walked into Charlotte's room and found her crying profusely. He furrowed his eyebrows then sighed.

      "Why are you crying now?" She turned to him with red eyes. She wasn't fake crying, her arms really hurt.

      "That damn girl hurt my arms! See!" She rolled up her sleeve to show him the ugly marks on her skin. Ares' eyes widened slightly as he inspected the wounds.

      "Reign did this?" Charlotte glared at him.

        "Why would I lie to you? I told you she wasn't as innocent as you thought. If you don't marry me, who'll marry me with this scar?! She has ruined my life" Ares frowned. Could Reign really do this?

        "I'm sorry about this, I'll ask a physician to be brought in to treat your wounds. Stop crying now" Charlotte sniffled as she wiped away her tears.

        "I'm scared of her, Ares. What if she does worse next time?" Ares sighed.

      "Relax, I'll talk to Reign, don't worry" Charlotte nodded slowly.