She left

  It was as if time stopped. Reign watched as everyone rushed forwards to help a wailing Charlotte up from the ground including Ares. It was a surprise Charlotte hadn't passed out.

  "It hurts Ares, I'm in pain" Charlotte wailed as Ares held her in his arms. 

  "It's going to be okay, alright?" Ares murmured. Reign sucked in her breath as she watched the scene in front of her. That witch was insane, she fell down purposely just to get Ares attention?

  Reign walked down the stairs and was about to say something when Charlotte screamed out of fear.

  "Don't come near me you witch, I told you she was out to get me but you won't listen. She's a demon" Charlotte ranted while Reign glared down at her.

  "I didn't push you, you…."

  "Reign that's enough" Reign turned to Ares with wide eyes as soon as he said that.

  "But she's lying, I didn't push her," Charlotte cried out in pain.