
  After her talk with Anna and Reign, even though she was still angry at them and felt betrayed, she felt Reign was acting on her emotions and her running away wasn't the best option. Although she didn't support the way Ares spoke to her earlier, she didn't think Reign should have left.

  She had wanted to mind her business but she knew Ares loved Reign and she knew Reign loved Ares. If they both weren't so naive and stupid when it came to love, they would have been married by now.

  That's why she decided to tell Ares and by the look on his face, all hell was about to break loose. 

  Ares' eyes immediately turned deadly cold which made Jess take a step backwards.

  He didn't say a word before running out of the room.

  "Ares, wa…." Jess stopped Charlotte before she could complete her sentence.