
  Anna could feel her toes curling up with the look Ares gave her.

  "What do you mean missing?" He said through clenched teeth. They first said she left, now she's missing?

  "I had asked her to wait here so I could go ask what was the hold up but when I came back…. She was nowhere to be found" Ares stared at her as his body shook with anger.

  "If Reign isn't found, count yourself dead" He growled before walking back to his horse, mounting it and riding away leaving Anna there, shaking with fear and worry.

  This was all her fault. She should have never left Reign all alone.

  "God please protect Reign" Anna muttered as she made the sign of the cross. Just then, she saw Julian riding towards her on a horse and behind him was Jess, holding on to him for dear life.

  As soon as Julian saw the state she was in, He instantly grew worried.

  "Where's Reign?" Jess asked as she jumped off the horse. Anna wiped away her tears.