Found her

  ~Earlier that day~

  Ares felt so useless and hopeless because he couldn't find Reign. He felt like he had checked every damned corner of the Kingdom but she was no where to be found. It had already gotten dark but still, no Sign of Reign.

  "Maybe we should all take a break for now. We need all the strength we can get if we want to spend the night searching for Reign" Julian suggested as he stood next to Ares.

  "No one is allowed to stop searching for Reign till she is found. If anyone dares defy me, they will be sent to their death ground in a sack" Ares boomed with his eyes as cold as ice. Julian could see he was so close to losing his mind which made him wonder just how much Reign meant to him. The last time he had seen Ares like this was when he's mother died and he was so adamant on finding evidence against Diana.