Jess agrees

  "So…. How did It go with Julian?" Reign questioned but before Anna could respond, Jess spoke.

  "I saw her walking back with him last night. He even gave her his jacket" Reign and Jess squealed happily while Jess blushed.

  "I guess…. I guess Julian and I are a thing now" Reign and Jess squealed again while Anna let out a giggle.

  "I'm so happy for you Anna" Reign told her with a smile.

  "Same. I'm happy for you" Anna smiled at them.

  "Thank you both. Well, we better get Reign ready quickly before His highness's return" Reign stood in front of the mirror as they got her dressed. 

  She was wearing the purple gown she had bought with Ares. It was a bit loose on her body now because of how many days she hadn't eaten and she wasn't even hungry now.

  "After this, I'll go get you food. You seriously need to fill your stomach, okay?" Anna told her.

  "But I'm not really that hungry"