Sleep with me

  They watched as Charlotte's carriage rode away before Reign turned to Ares.

  "What happened to her face? Did you… did you hit her?" Ares frowned.

  "I would never hit a woman. Don't worry about it, okay? All that matters is that you're okay and she's gone" Reign took a deep breath then nodded. 

  "Shall we get on with my list?" Ares chuckled at the excitement in her voice.

  "I didn't think you were going to make a list. Okay, let's hear it" Reign smiled.

  "Well I didn't write it down because I don't know how to but they are all stored in my head" Ares grabbed onto her head gently.

  "You weren't taught how to write?"

  "Or read, yeah. When Isabella was being taught, I was outside cleaning the barns or something" Ares frowned.

  "Well would you like to learn then? I'll arrange a class with the best teachers in the kingdom" Reign stared at him for a while, contemplating it.