
  Ares stared at Reign with a raised eyebrow. 

  "What are you searching for? You're literally trashing your room" Reign sighed as she stood up straight.

  "When you went on your Journey, I made a embroidery bracelet for you but I can't seem to find it" She pouted as she glanced around. She had completely forgotten about it because of everything that was going on.

  Ares sighed as he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her.

  "It's okay if you don't find it, it's the thought that counts" Reign shook her head with a frown.

  "I put a lot of effort into that bracelet, the effort also counts" Ares chuckled lightly.

  "How about you search for it tomorrow and ask the maids to help you? It's already late, I think we should rest" Reign sighed. Where could she have put it?

  Her eyes instantly lit up as she suddenly remembered where it was.