What's happening?

  Jess turned to James with wide eyes.

  "You're…. You're going to tell me about your mother's plan? Why would you do that?" James sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  "Listen, Jess. I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling but I can at least explain what you heard yesterday. If telling you my mother's plan will make you trust me again then I'll tell you" Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. She was almost even sure he could hear it. 

  "How do I know this isn't one of the schemes you planned with your mother?" James frowned at her question.

  "Jess, you were the first person that didn't judge me based on what other's had to say and saw the good in me. Whatever we had, I don't want to lose it because of the throne that I'm not even sure I want anymore. Can you just come in so we can talk?" Jess stared at him for a while then sighed.

  "Fine but I want to know what your mother's plan is first" James nodded.