Has she given up?

  The King smiled at him then took the crown from his hand.

  "Kneel before me, son," Ares nodded. He turned to Reign and she smiled at him before letting go of his hand.

  He smiled back before turning back to his father. He got down on his knees and bowed down his head.

  "As I crown you, My son, Ares Knight, May you prosper as King and may your Kingdom prosper with you for years to come. Everyone will know your name and your subjects will respect and love you" Ares had a smile on his face as the King placed the crown on his head.

  As Ares slowly stood up from the ground, the ministers and other officials clapped their hands with smiles on their faces.

  The King smiled proudly at him and Ares nodded back at him before turning to Reign. He opened his arms for her and she Immediately walked into it and hugged him tightly.