Steamy story

  James' eyes widened slightly as soon as she said that.

  "What are you talking about? Ares won't allow it. You know what grandfather tried to do to his mother the last time he was here" Diana Scoffed.

  "So what you're trying to say is that Ares can stop me from bringing my own father to the castle?" James sighed.

  "In case you haven't noticed, Ares is the king now and he practically rules over everyone in this castle" Diana smiled slightly then turned away from him and walked over to her bed 

  "Oh I've noticed but he won't be King for long" James' heart thumped in his chest as he stared at her with wide eyes.

  "What…. What do you mean by that? What are you planning, mother?" Diana chuckled then turned to him.

  "Don't worry yourself about that, son. Mother's got everything under control already. Just sit back and enjoy the show" James pursed his lips then walked up to her and grabbed her arm roughly which shocked Diana.