Change of heart

  Reign struggled, trying to get herself free but it was of no use. They were stuck down here with two psychopaths watching them.

  "This is what Ares and the other's can't find you, it's because you never left the castle at all" She muttered as she glared at Mirabel who was busy combing her hair by the corner.

  "Yes my dear. Ares is too stupid and he's never going to find us. Even if he does decide to check within the castle, he still won't be able to find us because we are beneath the castle and only Reynolds and I know the way down here. Anna doesn't even know" Reign glanced at Anna who was seated at the corner with a complex look on her face before turning to Reynolds and Mirabel.

  "Why are you both doing this? What did Ares and James do to both of you?" Mirabel sighed.