You'll never be Ares

  Reign was dozing off when Reynolds' brought Anna back.

  "What took you guys so long?" Mirabel questioned as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at them.

  "I was waiting for her" Reynolds uttered and Mirabel's attention turned to Anna.

  "What took you so long?" Anna sighed.

  "I spotted Ares and Julian on the way to get this and I had to maneuver my way around them. It was really hectic because they have guards searching for us around the Kingdom" Mirabel's eyes widened slightly.

  "Really? Then you can't go out to buy the food anymore so you don't get caught. Well we won't be in here for long, the army is close already and I've already sent a message to our allies and they should be sending their army as well. We're going to win this war because we have more warriors than Ares" Mirabel uttered with a smirk. She couldn't wait for this to be over so she could get to rule her Kingdom just like it was supposed to be.