After all, this can fill the gods with fresh blood.

The Cross Sect has a lot of beliefs, so even the dead gods will be re-summoned, and they have always been in a state of full membership.

Such a group of gods should not fight for Su Mo.

Hear Leticia's words.

The canary on the side spoke faintly.

"The only possibility is that the Cross itself is not full. "

"In their group of gods, there is indeed a vacancy that will be replaced by a candidate for the gods, but they do not want this position to be obtained by anyone. "

"That's why there will be zero tolerance for anyone who has the possibility of inheriting this position. "

If it is polytheism, the position of a mere god will not affect much.

But for monotheism, some key positions are absolutely irreplaceable and must not be obtained by outsiders.

In the Crucifixion, there are only two such core positions in total.

Hear the strings and know the meaning of elegance.

Hearing what the canary said, Emperor Shitian also had a shocking guess in his heart.

The old-fashioned Leticia still didn't understand.

"No, the Cross Church is indeed full! Over the years, the Son of God has suppressed the gods in the realm of full authority. Although the other angels have had little activity, we have all met when facing the dystopian Demon King. "

Leticia has been active in the box court for a long time, and the angels of the Cross were not reclusive before.

So she has an impression of these angels, either she has seen or heard of each other's activities.

Therefore, she was very puzzled by Canary's inference.

"If you have to say that there is a Cross god who I have never heard of before, there is only-"

She frowned and recalled for a long time before remembering the most important pillar, which she seemed to have never seen before.

But halfway through, she got stuck.

Even she now knew what Canary meant.

Restraining the stormy waves in her heart, Leticia raised her head and glanced at Canary, Su Mo, and Di Shitian.

Several people nodded tacitly, and did not continue the discussion.

This topic is too dangerous. .

Chapter 565

If you want to ask, who is the most important existence of the Cross?

Perhaps many people will answer-the Son of God.

After all, when the Crusade recruits believers, the most important thing is the New Testament.

As the largest branch, Christianity itself worships the Son of God, not God himself.

Moreover, because he was targeted by the center of the Box Court, the strongest of the Cross Sect in the Box Court world was also the son of God who had arrived in the realm of full authority.

As the de facto strongest.

The Son of God naturally became the head of the group of gods of the Cross Sect.

But if you want to ask who is the cornerstone of the Cross.

Except for God himself~, he doesn't think about it.

After all, even the Son of God can only share the glory of God with the help of the Trinity theory.

If there is no God, there is no foundation for faith in the Cross.

And since the existence of the Son of God is certain.

If Canary's judgment is true.

Isn't there only one vacancy that the Cross lacks?

The few people who were tacitly aware of something, but did not speak.

For the existence of this field, even if it is only mentioned in this secret, it is very likely to be discovered.

So, after a while of silence.

Su Mo was very natural, and started another topic.

"By the way, Emperor Shitian, you just mentioned the fight against the dystopian Demon King. Listen to what you mean, the Cross Religion at that time was not ironclad? "

"Hmm? "

Emperor Shitian was a little puzzled, not knowing why Su Mo mentioned this.

However, since it was a change of subject, he naturally had no reason not to answer.

"Regarding the fight against the dystopian Demon King, you may know better by asking Canary and Kasukabe Takaaki than by asking me. "

Emperor Shitian smiled, and then said.

"But I do know a lot about the gods. "

"When the Dystopian Demon King ravaged the western district of the Box Court, there were indeed many gods who were confused by him and stood on the side of the Dystopian Demon King, and the Cross Sect was no exception at first. "

Emperor Shitian clearly remembered the final trial of the most fierce and powerful human being in the world.

From the perspective of future generations, it may be felt that mixing the gods with the dystopian devil is a very incredible and depraved behavior.

But at that time, the Dystopian Demon King was actually quite popular with the gods.

Using breed improvement, humans were domesticated like animals, and brainwashed with religion after birth.

The product obtained in this way is the human race under the rule of the dystopian Demon King.

However, it may be inappropriate to call it a human being.

It is better to say that these people belong to livestock that do not [think].

Humans can be easily domesticated by giving shelter and food just like pigs.

People are raised as pure meat bags.

The product obtained is the meager faith that the gods need.

For modern humans, such a life may be tantamount to hell.

But for the gods, there are many who believe that this is the posture that man and God should have.

Humans do not need to carry out any activities, they only need to worship their beliefs like gods.

Therefore, the society they originally built was also called Utopia by some gods.

In this kind of situation, the gods are happy to see it.

Many gods have cooperated with the Dystopian Demon King.

The dystopian Demon King was also able to encroach on a quarter of the land of the box Court in a very short period of time.

Turn the western part of the box court into your own ranch.

As a cross religion that has always advocated treating humans as lambs and treating the Lord as a shepherd.

Naturally, he was born to have a good impression of the behavior of the dystopian Devil.

At the very beginning, he reached a cooperation with the Dystopian Demon King.

"It's just that later, under the lobbying of the Canary, and other gods gradually discovered the harmfulness of the dystopian Demon King. "

"There seems to be a dispute within the Cross Sect, and they gradually changed their opinions, and finally chose to abandon the dark and turn to the light and leave the dystopian demon King. "

Obviously, although Emperor Shitian knew about the change in the attitude of the Cross Sect.

But I don't know the real internal reason.

However, for Su Mo, this is enough.

"I remember that in order to erase the possibility of the emergence of the dystopian devil from its roots, the canary borrowed the sovereignty of the sun and once guided the historical transition period of the Black Death. "

With that said, Su Mo looked at the canary and Kroa beside him.

"The emergence of the Black Death greatly reduced the faith of the church and caused the trend of Renaissance thought. The Christian belief system temporarily sank and was replaced by the rise of rationalism. The Industrial revolution and the development of science and technology are the products of rationalism. "

"In the 19th century, rationalism was gradually replaced by existentialism, and Nietzsche, as an important figure in existentialism, even shouted the slogan of shattering the sky. "

——God is dead.

·····*Seeking flowers· ··

Although Su Mo didn't say it clearly, everyone who was a little more knowledgeable on the scene knew this famous saying.

And according to Su Mo's inference.

It is precisely because of the disappearance of the dystopian demon King that the trend of human thought has evolved to this point.

Everything that happens in the box court is not isolated changes, but interconnected.

Therefore, the current reaction of the Cross Church is not without warning.

After listening to Su Mo's words, Canary rubbed his head.

"In that case, the root cause of the Cross attack can still involve me? "

If the Renaissance wave hadn't been created in the first place, maybe it wouldn't be like this now.

But in order to deal with the dystopian Demon King, there is no way.

There is no room for regret at all.

"It seems that the troubles of the Cross Sect are not over yet. "

. . . . . . . . . . 0

With such a sigh, Canary shook his head.

This time Uriel's attack can only be regarded as an appetizer.

The purpose of the Cross Sect is simply to confirm the characteristics of Su Mo's [Godslayer] spirit.

It has now been confirmed.

There will inevitably be further actions by the Cross Sect.

Being targeted by the most powerful religion in the box court, even the canary couldn't help feeling a little insecure.

At this moment, Su Mo's voice sounded, injecting everyone with a tonic.

"There is no need to worry, even if it is a Cross sect, it is difficult to be my opponent if it cannot end in the field of full power. "

"Moreover, we will not sit still here. It won't be long before my spirit will go one step further. At that time, even in the face of the almighty realm of the plural, I will never lose. "

Su Mo didn't panic much about the threat of the Cross Sect.

After all, from the beginning, he regarded all the gods as imaginary enemies.

It's just a cross sect, compared to the million gods he is going to deal with, it's not a big trouble.

Hearing Su Mo's words, everyone in Arcadia calmed down.

Emperor Shitian touched his chin and said.

"With your four-digit breakthrough level of spirit, it's a further three-digit number. "

"Sure enough, you are ready to take this step! "

He entrusted Bahramlinger to Su Mo, but it is not surprising that Su Mo has the ability to become a three-digit number.

It's better to say that Su Mo could actually become a three-digit number at any time.

Emperor Shitian was a little curious that he didn't know which god Su Mo planned to complete the spirit of to the completion type. Ding.

Chapter 566

Su Mo, who holds Bahramlinger, couldn't be simpler to step into three digits as Bahram.

It's just that he hasn't done this all the time.