Therefore, Emperor Shitian guessed that Su Mo had other goals.

After all, there is such a long list of candidates for the gods on Su Mo's body.

It is normal to have other options.

Anyway, for Emperor Shitian, entrusting Bahram's spirit to Su Mo was just to implement the mission entrusted to him by the Zoroastrian patriarch.

As for what Su Mo, who received this gift, plans to do, it is his own business.

"However, being promoted to three digits means that you are about to abandon your human identity. "

Emperor Shitian warned meaningfully.

"If you really choose to do this, then maybe I can persuade the Buddha to mediate the conflict between you and the Cross Sect. "

If Su Mo were still human.

With the nature he embodies.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find his bias as a candidate for the human side of the original code.

If so, let alone the Cross.

Even the Buddhist sect, and even all the gods in the box court world, cannot lend a helping hand to the original canon candidate on the human side.

But if Su Mo intends to abandon his human identity.

Then it is bound to be impossible to become a candidate for the human side of the original code.

In this case.

The gods are still very happy to help a candidate for the original code on the side of the gods.

At least, Emperor Shitian had the confidence to convince the Buddha in this way.

Hearing what he said, Su Mo smiled.

"Then, thank you for your help. "

Becoming a three-digit number will inevitably abandon human identity-this is common sense in the box court.

Four digits, in the box court is called the outer demon realm.

It means an area that humans cannot reach.,

But in fact, there are actually not many humans who have reached four digits.

It's just that those who have reached the four-digit level are not pure humans.

The demigod heroes in mythology have the blood of the gods.

Kasukabe Takaaki, a rare hero in recent years, can only exert this level of combat power with the help of animal factors of other species.

In the rules of the box court.

Excluding a few BUGS in the future protagonist group, pure humans can only reach five digits.

If you want to reach four digits, you must only be a mixed race with some human factors.

And once it reaches three digits, all human factors will inevitably be denied.

Even a demigod hero like Heraclus.

It is only possible to have a human factor in four digits.

When his spirit level reaches three digits, he will become one of the twelve main gods of Olympus according to mythology.

That is a pure god!

Therefore, there is no problem with Emperor Shitian's idea in the box court world alone.

It's just that he obviously didn't know that Su Mo himself was a BUG.

Su Mo itself is a mysterious phenomenon in which all Su Mo's powers and existences are coupled together.

Therefore, even if Su Mo completed the demon ceremony as one of them, he became the almighty realm and abandoned his human identity.

However, as long as there is one person among the other Su Mo who has a human factor.

Su Mo can show human characteristics.

It is even said that as long as one of the other Su Mo is a pure human being.

Su Mo can directly show the characteristics of purebred humans.

Su Mo, who shares all the power of the world, does not exist in the form of mixing the nature of all the power together.

It is a quantum superposition state with multiple properties at the same time.

The incredible phenomenon of being both a purebred god and a purebred human being can appear at the same time without contradiction in Su Mo.

So, even if it becomes a three-digit number.

Su Mo can also retain the identity of a purebred human without hindrance.

Originally, I thought this feature might not be of much significance.

But now it seems.

It seems that this can be used to obtain the assistance of the gods for nothing.

Thinking so, Su Mo and Di Shitian continued to communicate for a while.

After roughly determining the handling process after this incident, Emperor Shitian led the heavenly army to leave, preparing to report the incident to the gods.

After Emperor Shitian left, he noticed that Bai Ye, who was fluctuating here, was late.

It's not that she didn't notice the previous conflict.

It's just that in Baiyecha's opinion, the average enemy Su Mo can be solved, and this time it is estimated that he was attacked by the devil from nowhere.

After all, she didn't have a heavenly army alarm device, and she didn't know that this time it was a three-digit existence who came to attack regardless of the rules.

Until later, Uriel set off the inheritance of extinction.

Bai Yezha was surprised by this.

Rushed over immediately.

"The Cross Sect dared to openly take action against the class dominators. Did this put us in our eyes?" "

After understanding the facts.

Baiyecha immediately exploded in anger.

Like Arcadia, she is a class dominator.

For her, who loves the order of the box court, the attack of the gods on the overlord of the class is simply unforgivable.

"Let us accept the constraints of the gods, but they themselves did such a violation of the rules. Does the Cross Sect think that things can pass so easily?" "

In order to protect the box court, Bai Yecha would rather compromise with the gods and wear a collar, from the star spirit to the level of a mere god.

But if the gods are one set in person and one set behind.

If you blatantly violate the order of the box court.

Then what is the point of her forbearance.

"Canary, don't worry, we will definitely find the Cross Sect for this matter and let them give an explanation!" "

"Otherwise, we don't mind letting them recall the horror of the White Night Demon King!" "

Bai Yecha showed his small tiger teeth, and his eyes were full of deep anger.

Although she is a pervert, she also knows that if the bottom line is broken once, there will be countless times.

If she sits idly by, then the box court she loves may be trampled clean by the gods.

So at this point, Baiyecha's position is even firmer than that of everyone in Arcadia.

After hearing her words, the canary blinked, showing a fox-like smile.

"No problem! Later on this matter, I will contact all the class masters in the Western District, Southern District, and Northern District to express my protest to the gods. . . . . . "

Originally, the vast majority of the class masters of the box Court were allies of the [Arcadia] community.

This time it involves the safety of the class overlord himself, and other communities will naturally advance and retreat at the same time.

If the dominators of all strata unite to intimidate the gods to give answers.

Even if it is a cross sect, it will be unbearable.

Under Canary's plan, he had already figured out how to use this matter to take a bite of the Cross Sect.

In this regard, Bai Yecha naturally agreed.

Lessons that are not accompanied by pain are meaningless.

This time, she is going to let the Cross Sect who has crossed the line taste the pain.

After discussing with Baiyecha.

The canary quickly contacted the Laplace Demon, the class overlord in the West End of the Box Court.

Then with the help of this demon, the news spread to the dominators of all classes.

Under her plan, the dominators of all strata agreed to her strategy and protested to the upper gods together.

And after the business is discussed.

Looking at the station that had been completely destroyed, Canary looked at everyone and launched a proposal.

"The tragedy of the destruction of the resident station is the best evidence to accuse the behavior of the Crusaders, so we'd better not rebuild it directly for the time being. "

"It just so happens that other allies have invited us to borrow it in the past. During this time, let's travel to the allies! "

With that said, she looked at Su Mo and Heitu with a smile.

"Su Mo is not very familiar with our Arcadian allies, so this time we can just get to know each other. "

"Moreover, the birth festival of the Son of God of the Moon Rabbit clan will arrive in less than one month. Let's set up our last stop in the city of Moon Shadow, just in time to send the little black rabbit back. What do you think? "

Obviously the station was destroyed.

Canary's arrangement is as if he originally needed to travel.

And all aspects were taken into account, even Su Mo couldn't find any reason to refuse.

"I have no problem here. "

He nodded.

Originally, he planned to go to other allies.

Whether it is Alger, which is being monitored by the [Perseus] community, or the dead eye of Barol stored in the [Dragon Horn Eagle Lion].

For Su Mo, they are all imperative gifts.

At the moment, it is inevitable to face the Cross Sect.

Before facing off head-on, it is still necessary to improve your strength as much as possible.

"People have no opinion either. "

The little black rabbit on the side nodded very happily.

Being able to go out and meet other legendary people is also a very happy thing for her.

Not to mention, in the end, Su Mo and the others will send themselves back to Arcadia.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but take a peek at Su Mo.

"If Master Su Mo was there, my mother would definitely not punish others! "

Thinking about his own little thoughts so much.

The little black rabbit's rabbit tail wagged happily.

Everyone else also agreed with Canary's proposal.

And before departure.

Su Mo moved his mind and closed his eyes.

Came to the misty space again. .