bravery is a soul of cop

In a bar, in the year 2022, America

There was a party, everyone was dancing. A handsome man entered the bar who had a charming personality. His square jawline, sharped feature, and tall v shape body give rise to him being extremely handsome. He was wearing a black suit.

firstly, he looked around his surroundings, went forward with some footsteps and picked up a glass of wine from the table. He gave a sharp gaze to everyone there.

suddenly someone put a hand on his shoulder and said in a seductive voice "Hey handsome, why are you standing here all alone?"

he turned back and saw a bar dancer who was glancing at him with a sensual eye "put your hand back lady I'm not yours" he said with a poker face and walked away.

someone pushed him intentionally and dropped his drink on him "oh I am sorry sir I did not do it with the intention"

he said while shaking his coat" where were you seeing, damn it, you ruined my dress"

" I am sorry sir I fix it" he picked a tissue and went toward him, and told in a slow voice in his ear "sir they are upstairs" he replied " Are you sure"

"yes, sir I'm confident," he said while taking some steps backwards " I am sorry sir as I said before I didn't do it with any bad intention "

" Alright," he said with a sigh...he said to him in sign language that call for a backup.

he slowly went upstairs, there was a meeting arranged by Mafia. They were doing a meeting for drug dealing.

he captured some pictures of the first while standing behind the door and entered the room with swag and put his gun on Mafia's head.

"Who are you, Arrr, Are you a cop," he said in fear.

" I'm your Destiny" he smirked

Mafia's servants pointed out their guns toward the cop.

"How dare you pointed out your guns toward me, do you want me to shoot him here before going to the Police headquarters," he said in an angry tone and rose one eyebrow.

" Put your gun down, you stupid jerk," Mafia said in a trembling voice.

suddenly other police officers start to enter the room they were arresting everyone there.

Mafia pushed him, the gun fell and he runs away towards the downstairs,

" Ahhh you foolish you made me angry "

he said and run after him.

Mafia went to the entrance but he saw police standing there then he run to the back door.

he was shocked he saw with wide eyes,

that the cop was standing there before him,

" How can you be here, I I mean so quickly," he said in the situation confused and shocked

"What did you think you can escape from your destiny," said with a devil's laugh

* * *

The next day, At headquarter

"In the office of the deputy police chief,

so you are that boy Mr Daniel who arrested that Mafia last night, I'm right?

" yes sir " he was standing in front of the deputy

"mmm you know what the brave cops like you are the honour for our country, we were not able to gather any evidence against him for a long time but you not only found the evidence but also arrested him"

" It was my duty, sir," he said with a smile

someone knocked on the door

"come in"

A man entered the office " Sir some police officers from Los Angeles came here to meet you "

" From Los Angeles," he repeated in surprise "okay send them to me"

"Okay sir" he leaves the room

"Mr Daniel, you can also leave" gave him a bright smile

"yes sir" he left the office with a salute

two officers entered the office they salute the deputy

" Please sit down" " yes sir"

"First, tell me what would you like in a drink something like tea coffee or cold drinks"

"there's no need for this sir"

"no no what about a cold coffee"

" Yeah, sure sir"

"Okay," he said with a smile and ordered three cups of coffee

"So why are you here," the deputy formally asked them" Sir we are here in the order of Los Angeles, deputy police officer, we have an urgent case. we need your help "

"Okay what's the matter tell me in detail"

"sir in our city, Los Angeles, there was a gangster, a female gangster, she is the leader of the biggest gang in our town. we have been behind her for a long time but still, we are not able to find a little clue about her,"

" A female gangster and you are not able to arrest a female, how ridiculous "

he burst out laughing " oh I'm sorry " he laughed again

"Sir, she is an expert in her work. she doesn't leave any trace behind her and yes, indeed, we are not able to arrest a female that's why we are here asking you for your help"

one of the police officers said the whole thing in a formal way

" So are you going to help us or not," he asked

" of course, I didn't refuse to help you. So, tell me how can I help you " he asked them in a polite tone

"Sir, we planned everything already we just need a brave cop from your department"

"A Cop?" he repeated

"yea sir, A cop, she knows about every member in our department So we need a new face for our mission and a new face with bravery"

"Okay, I understood it, I'm going to give you a treasure of our department," he said and smiled

"Okay sir"

he picked up the phone and ordered to bring Daniel to the office

" knock-knock "

" Come in, so here is Mr Daniel. Mr Daniel, they are the cops from the Los Angeles police department you are going with them to their town for an urgent case" he said straight everything in one sigh

"what sir" Daniel was surprised but suddenly he changed his expression and said " okay sir "

" We are thankful to you sir," they said while standing from their seat and leaving the room

"Mr Daniel, I know you are confused because of this sudden situation but I chose you because I know you are not going to let me down"

"yes sir I'll try my best to not let you down and I must serve my nation no matter in which City" he saluted him with a smile and left the room

* * * *