confidence is the key of success

it's a bright day, in the headquarters of Los Angeles, in the squad room

officers Hurley entered the squad room "sorry sir we are late" they said while giving a salute. "oh it's okay, where's that officer about whom you informed me" he asked with a curious expression "I'm here sir". . . everyone in the squad room turned their heads towards the entrance door. A handsome young man entered the room with self-assurance...he step forward toward the chief and give him a salute, everyone was there amazed by his confident personality..."You are welcome here Mr Daniel, I heard a lot about you and how you arrested the wanted Mafia it's a big triumph over the underworld. I sincerely appreciate all the work you did, and I'm very thankful to your chief for giving us a legend like you, for our mission, please everyone give him a big welcome"

everyone gave him warm smile applause and congrats on his victory.

"thank you so much but what I did was my duty as a police officer " stated with a loud and clear voice... "Please take a seat, Mr Daniel"... the chief starts telling his plan about how to arrest the gangster showing some pictures of her but she was covering her face with a veil in all of her pictures, "sir, why is she covered her face," Daniel asked while he was eyeing to her pictures.

"maybe she is not much beautiful" a voice arose funnily and everyone started laughing.




"but she has incredible eyes"...he said very fondly and in a sweet voice while his eyes still stuck on her pictures.

" don't say, Mr Daniel are you not going to slip into her eyes ocean" someone stated in a sarcastic way




"there's nothing in this world which can attract me during my duty" he stated with a poker face and glare toward that person with sharp eyes.

"really Sir "...




"silence".....a loud and strict voice echoed in the whole room.

" We are here for a serious and important meeting" everyone makes a drop of silence and the chief resumes telling his strategy...

"so the picture you are looking at right now...age 24, name Ana, is one of the most famous billionaire CEOs of Los Angeles ABA Group, but she is also a dangerous gangster in the underworld"

"Oh, she is also the COE of the ABA Group," said while shaking his head

"yes Mr Daniel she is, that's why it's difficult to find any evidence about her. she is also known as the Queen of the underworld because of her perfection. In front of the world, she is a business women but in the real world she is a dangerous gangster who burns people's properties, drug dealing and organised other crimes




now let's talk about her past...when she was 17 she was a bar dancer and there she first time killed someone. then she went to a gangster Sister Maria, she worked under Maria for 5 years.

In addition, according to resources she also killed her 2 years ago and after Maria's death she take over her company and position in the underworld. But now she is known for her achievements. She owns a big company and a big gang...

It seems impossible to arrest her as a cop because we can't go around her and she never leaves any trace behind her, all we need is a person who is close to her and who helps us gain her information. but everyone around her is loyal to her so we need to send a person from our side..."




"and I'm the person who will go close to her" a little smirk showed on his face

" yes you are right Mr Daniel, but now the point is how you will be close to her," he said while thinking

" Sir I think I need to get close to her most important people to make a connection with her" looking like he was assuming something

" But how can you"... "just leave it on me sir all I need is the information about her close people," he says while cutting him off...

" If she is the Queen then I'm the king" dominant smile appeared on his face




"Okay, I believe in you I know you can do it, and you will get all kinds of help from us"

* * * * *

The next day, on 38th Street

few members of her gang were busy gambling... on the other side behind the wall Daniel and one policeman was observing them

" sir these are the gang members from her gang," he says pointing to them.

"Alright, I got it" stated while giving a signal to the woman who was standing on the other flank...

a woman passed by the gang members...they started whistling one of the gang members followed her some steps and tried to snatch her purse she started to howl...

suddenly the sound of a motorbike comes from one side everyone starts looking that way there was smoke...




when someone appeared on a motorbike and gave him a solid punch on his face and he plunged to his knees... the purse dropped on the ground prowling through the air...the rest of them started coming but one of the members stopped them...

he comes down from the bike with a swag...picked up the purse and gave it to that lady and asked her " Are you okay" she nodded her head " go home safely " then she leaves

The gang member raised himself and ran toward the biker with a punch and shouted "now you need to know with whom you messed up"

but the biker thwarted his punch and stated " I know very well how to deal with the people like you" and pounded his chest... he punts his head on his head, slammed him to the wall and dropped down to the floor.

then suddenly someone put a hand on his shoulder...he grabbed that person's hand and turned towards him.




" I think you also want this" claimed and glower at him...




"yeah I" that person smirked at him, " I think we need to talk" stated this and goes towards the bench and he also went behind him...with an evil grin..." sit here boy" while gesturing with his eye...he sits with him...

" you look like a trained fighter, are you belong to any gang?"..." why are you asking...? mind your own business!" stated with a straight face and high-sounding

one of the members points his gun at him...he gave a sign to him with his hand that stay away...

" I think I need to come to the point. So, my name is Max. I'm a member of one of the most famous gangs. Now, tell me about yourself?"

"I'm Dani...2 years ago, I used to be a boxer. And recently I I came from jail" stated with a poker face

"why were you in prison" asked with amazed "someone scammed me in a sexual assault case," said with downcast

" Ooh! Alas! forget about that now I have a job for you"..." for me...a job...! what kind of job? and why are you offering me" he rose his eyebrow with wonder..." yes for you...what's the job? and why you? to know this, you have to meet me tonight at Tempo club at 9 "O" clock" saying this he leaves

" what! why me...?" he asked with amazed and after assurance that Max had left now he bursts into a loud guffaw

* * *