I sat on the bench a little longer as the sun fully rose in the distance and I turned to the sound of the hospital doors opening when the nurse from earlier walked out, spotting me. She stood there for a moment contemplating and she seemed to make up her mind as she started walking my way with a smile.

"Hi... My name is Kate" she waves as she got closer, 'Kate… it suits her' I thought.

"Hi Kate, my name is Cassie." I replied waving back and we shook hands as she sat down next to me.

"Rough night?" she asked and I had to smile at that 'this was one of the better transitions' I thought, "everything went great" I said aloud and she nodded.

"He was a good man, too bad he had to die so young," I added and she had a somber look in her face, "youth is precious, that's why I became a nurse, to help anyway I can," she replied and that made me smile

"We need more people like you in this world." I commented and that seemed to warm her heart because she turned to me and looped her arms into mine.

"I like you Cassie and I'm so glad we met," She said with a smile and I laughed at that as she stood up from the bench, pulling me along.

"I'm hungry, how about you? My car is over here… there is a little dinner down the way" she said all at once and my stomach gave out a little grumble at the mention of food and we both stopped as Kate looked at me with wide eyes, "I guess that's a yes" she said brightly and we both laughed as pulled me along to a little yellow bug.

It was cute and it suited her, "She's not much, but I bought it with my own money" she stated proudly and I smiled "I don't drive… you can only imagine the disaster I would cause when I am ripped away for work in the middle of driving" I said as I climbed in and She gave a horrified look.

"That would be a disaster" she concurred as she drove away from the hospital and rolled to the stop sign.

We were on the outskirts of town and hardly anyone was around as we continued down the road for a little way.

"Do you live here… I mean do you sleep or do you just wander aimlessly." she inquired with a giggle and I giggled back "I'm curious, I see your kind Almost daily, but I've never really met one" she said with eyebrows drawn down in thought, "at least I have never took my time to get to know one, until now... This felt different, special as I felt compelled to meet you" she concluded with a big smile.

"Special!? Why do you think I am special?" I asked on a chuckle, genuinely curious and she gave me a shocked expression like it wasn't already common knowledge.

"Well my newfound friend, where in the world have you been" she said teasingly and I smiled back at her.

"I am kind of a hermit since I matured, I know why we are so important to the world and I know why I'm important amongst my species, but why do you think I'm special?" I inquired, genuinely curious as, other than being Fae, there are Sentinel Beings in both realms and in all supernatural species.

"Female sentinel beings are rare right?" she asked and that took be by surprise as I think back 'Fae female Sentinel Beings are extremely rare, so that has some merit' I thought and nodded in confirmation.

"It is said that sentinel beings inherit their soulmates abilities, depending on the species and their soulmate will also gain the abilities of the Sentinel Being before the transition" Kate said and I agree, in my instance when I find my soulmate he will become part Fae.

"In werewolf lore, if you're an alpha and mated with a sentinel being, then you are considered blessed and it's said that they can gain abilities such as healing or foresight," she explained and now it was my turn to look at her like she had grown some horns "Really? I've never heard that" I confessed, awe sounding in my voice.

'Then again both my parents were Fea and I do not remember reading anything like that' I thought as we pulled in the parking lot diner where there were only a few cars parked by the front, one looked like a handicapped space from here.

"I hope you like breakfast, this is my favorite spot when I'm not at home to have Mrs. Parsons cooking" she said and I smiled

I don't know what it is about her, but she just warms my heart and feels like home,

"A women after my own heart… Until I find my soulmate, I might snatch you up and give you some real passion " I said joking, batting my eyelashes and Kate's eyes go wide as saucers, her cheeks turning beet red.

I do not think she has had much of any passion and I winced at my unfiltered mouth "too much?" I asked sheepishly and she laughed a full belly laugh, with her hand over her mouth as a stray tear falling down the side of her face and after a few minutes she looked at me with a smile.

"I think we were meant to meet, I felt it since the moment I saw you in the hospital," she said breathlessly with a smile and I knew exactly what she meant, because I felt the same way "Come on girl, I'm hungry," she urged as we walked into the diner "morning Sally" she said to the waitress and walked to the first booth on the left.

The diner wasn't very big, 5 booths and tables placed along the windows and throughout the inside, plus additional seating at the counter with bar stools mounted into the floor. Pictures strew across the wall of the local living and surrounding forests, very homey and comforting.

We sat down and the waitress named Sally came over holding two menus with a smile on her face, "Well, good morning Kate – and who is this beautiful young lady you brought with you this morning" She inquired and I beamed at the compliment.

She is being generous, don't get me wrong I have a nice pair of legs for being only five and a half feet, but everything else is plain, brown hair and hazel eyes.

"This is my friend Cassie and we met at the hospital" she said with a grin herself, "two mischievous women lurking around… your brother will have his hands full" she exclaimed as she pulled out her notepad and asked what we wanted to drink.

We both ordered coffee and then after a few more minutes we had our orders put in, I got pancakes and scrambled eggs and Kate ordered everything, literally...

"Kate you ordered half the food in the restaurant, there won't be any food left for anyone else," I said jokingly and she cupped her mouth away from the other patrons,

"A wolf's got to eat" she whispered with a wink and pulled out her cellphone "I better text my brother and tell him I'll be home later this morning," she said as she typed away, then bust out loudly in excitement, "you have to come up to the estate this week, my brother's…" she cut herself off abruptly looking at patrons again.

"Umm… my brother's friend Patrick is getting married and it's a huge deal, the engagement party is this weekend and then a week of fun and activities – games, camp fires, swimming, fishing - Yeah!" she said, fists pounding the air as her voice gets higher and higher with excitement.

Everyone turned and looked at her and I was momentarily stunned by her response and bewildered, "How old are you?" I couldn't help but ask and Kate half laughed at that, with a little embarrassment.

"I'm twenty four" she said little more quietly, sitting back down and then squinting her eyes suspiciously, "How old you are?" she asked.

I looked at her with kinder eyes and smiled, regarding her in more of a sisterly fashion, 'I am an only daughter with 5 big burly brothers' I thought as this is new.

Sally brought our coffee, "Are you off from work for a while then, since this huge deal is going on?" I asked and Kate showed mock hurt that I avoided her question and smiled, knowingly.

"Yes, I am and what does a new found friend have to do to get a week off from work or whatever it is you do, so you can come with me." She asked expectantly and that made me laugh, feeling good inside.

I am sure I have felt this before, but it seems so long ago, "can you show me where your estate is on the map and I can coordinate with the other "workers" in the area to slightly adjust our routine." I said quietly back with air quotes.

Kate seemed fascinated by that, but I felt a tug of that invisible line just as things were getting fun, I hate when this happens sometimes, "don't leave" I pleaded and she looked at me with confusion as I stood up from the table.

"Where are you going?" she asked and I wince "duty calls, I'll be back," I said quickly and went out the door, peeking in to the window to see Kate's face and 'poof' I was gone.
