I was sitting in my office finishing up some paperwork for the wedding and luckily, we have a professional party, slash event planner in our midst.
Olivia Turner just so happens to be my sister's best friend and former college roommate, they met in college and she officially transferred in from The Golden Pack in Upstate New York about four months back after she graduated with her BA, falling in love with location.
She was extremely happy to plan our Beta's wedding as I recalled her and my sister Kate jumping around like schoolgirls running away all chatty and discussing ideas. I looked out the window at the sound of my sisters' little yellow bug coming up the driveway, "speaking of my sister..." I said aloud to myself as Patrick walked in the room and grabs my attention.
"Angela and her family just hit the property and they will be up to the estate shortly," he said with excitement and I grinned at him, "Good... their rooms are ready," I said placing my feet on my desk, steepling my fingers on my face.
"I put Angela and her family on the 2nd floor" I informed him and he nodded as Kate strode through the door with a big smile on her face, putting her arm over Patricks' shoulders.
"Getting closer Beta, how you are feeling?" she asked and Patrick seemed to think about that for a minute.
"Anxious, excited... I'll be better when she just gets here - it feels like forever since I walked away from her a month ago," he admitted in anticipation.
With a sympathetic look, Kate gave a little squeeze of his shoulders again and touched her head to his, then walked away coming up to me and leaned a hip against my desk, looking between us, "I have a plus one," she said looking at me intently, "her name is Cassie and she will be staying here at the estate with me," she informed in a matter of fact tone and Patrick raised his eyebrows at her haughtiness as I grin, Ignoring her disrespect.
"So, Sister..." I said grabbing her attention and leaning back in my chair, hands behind my head, "is this the new friend you spoke of?" I inquired with a big smile on my face, "because I didn't know you to be a lover of women," I teased and her cheeks turned the brightest red.
I do not think I have ever seen her quite so embarrassed, "Has he been talking to my friend?" she mumbled, which made me draw a frown. She then waived her hand "never-mind," and replied to herself quietly, then aloud said "anyway ,she doesn't drive, so I will go pick her up tomorrow and bring her back here... Ok?," she finished and I didn't see why this would be an unreasonable request, unless she is human and that drew another frown, making me sit up in my chair.
"This friend is not human?" I asked, concern in my voice and Kate looked up at my question, "is there a reason you are announcing this friend's arrival or is it something that I need to be worried about?" I questioned and Kate's eyes widened, I have enough on my plate to worry about and then she frowned down in a questioning look, hand to her mouth thinking, which only made me more concerned.
"What is it that makes this friend so special Kate" I growled out, a little irritated, "what is it that you haven't told us?" I demanded, my Alpha voice coming through and she tensed at my command and stood up, casting her eyes down and showing her submission
"She is not human" she assured me and I relaxed inwardly and Kate seemed to feel the tension lessen as she looked at me with excitement, "She is a Sentinel Being" she exclaimed with fascination and I felt my eye bug out in shock, looking over to Patrick and he seemed to be sporting the same look.
'I have never met a Sentinel Being before' I thought, since we do not have humans on the estate, I have never had an opportunity to meet one.
Patrick on the other hand, like my sister, has interacted with humans, being a part of the Forestry Service and I am certain he has as well.
"A female Sentinel Being! Females are rare... aren't they?" Patrick stated with surprise and looked over to me as if I knew the answer and I raised my eyebrows, shrugging my shoulders, "I remember learning about them in my studies and I know how important they are to earth by ensuring they pass on the souls of the humans to be reincarnated, but it is more fantasy to me" I said truthfully.
In school all the she wolfs would get gushy about the possibility of being their special soulmate, "Heck yeah, they are rare! She is the only daughter of 6 kids, so don't fuck this up for me and scare her away." she demanded, pointing to me and I raised my eyebrows at her demands, "Please Daniel, she is special, I just feel it in my bones" she said sheepishly, more to herself and my wolf took that as a challenge.
I am not sure how my sister challenged him, but she is quite passionate about this woman and I must admit 'I am quite intrigued myself' I thought to myself and looked up to the sound of SUV's pulling up to the front, smiling,
"Your long wait is over my friend - it looks like your mate has finally arrived," I said joyfully as I stood from my desk and Patrick was out the door, heading down the hall before I could even finish the sentence and I hear my sister laugh as she loops her arms through mine
"Come brother, lets meet this Angela and her kin and give them all a warm welcome" she said with a grin and I nodded as we strode out into the hallway, down the stairs and out the door, "John... welcome to our home! We have been so anxious of your family's arrival" I stated warmly.
I turned to see Patrick holding his mate in his arms and looking into her eyes with awe and love, her mirroring his own "this is a good match" I thought aloud, without realizing and turned when I heard John speak.
"Yes, I feel this is a good match and I couldn't have asked for a better mate for my daughter, he is a good man" John stated and I saw the truth in his eyes as I nod my agreement.
John pulled an older woman to his side, "Alpha Daniel this is my wife Sadie, my second son John Jr. and my daughter Felicity" he beamed as he introduced his family and I waived my greeting.
Johns first son Michael is Alpha now, so he will miss out on all the activities, 'maybe he could come up for a winter hunt with the pack' I thought and replayed that to the former Alpha.
He seemed to appreciate the offer, "That would be a great idea, I will run it by Michael when I get back and have him reach out" he said with a satisfied smile, that I returned.
"I'm so glad you all came, I reserved the whole second floor of the estate for you and your family during your stay and your free to roam the grounds and national forests around it" I stated as I guided them towards the house,
"I'll have some of the pack bring your things up so you can get settled, you have at least today and most of tomorrow before the engagement party is scheduled and we wanted you to have as much involvement in this as we have, so we wanted you all to have time to prepare as well," I finished and educating them on our resident party planner, which they seem to appreciate as both John and Sadie had bright smiles.
"Well you know how women can get during this time and this is our first daughter we get to marry off, so we appreciate the thought" John said with a twinkle in his eyes and Sadie smiled, lightly slapping his forearm,
"Yes Alpha Daniel, I am most appreciative of you and glad the time has finally come that we may see these two love birds married and mated , with grandbabies hopefully in the near future," She said teasingly, waggling her eyebrows.
I had to laugh as both Patrick and Angela's reaction of shock and embarrassment showed on their faces, "Mother!" Angela exclaimed loudly in protest and made everyone laugh even more.
"Come, let me show you to your rooms" I said, gesturing towards the stairs and called my lead groundskeeper...
"Hey, Kevin! Get some people together and bring our guests things up to the 2nd floor" I ordered and he affirmed striding away, faintly hearing him reach out to others, doing as I asked as we came up to the 2nd floor.
"The master bedroom is the room on the end - I figure you and your mate would be comfortable in there and there is extra bathroom here in the hall just to the right there, for the other two," I said and pointed,
"You must be hungry, I will have my cook make up some lunch for everyone, just come on down whenever you're ready." I said and shook hands with the former Alpha.
"Ladies, Olivia is on the 4th floor utilizing my Luna suites for the wedding, please feel free to go and get involved," I finished as I clasped my hands behind my back and walked away, leaving them to their own devices as I headed to the kitchens.