The estate is a zoo, Olivia was up at 6am to start setting up for the engagement party tonight in the large ballroom, located at the West of the estate and the back lawn is starting to fill with guests for the weeklong activities.

I have Kate taking charge, getting them settled in the individual cabins and guiding them to the camping grounds outside, she is an alpha wolf herself and a registered Nurse, so directing and keeping organized is her specialty.

I have allowed Olivia to setup anything wedding in the Luna suites since I don't have a mate and therefore, not being used, so that will afford her some space to work and organize the wedding. Angela and her mother are up with Olivia now, getting caught up with all the wedding detail and any last-minute changes before the wedding.

As for the week's activities, I have passed them on to Kevin to handle, my lead Gamma from grounds keeping. My third, Gamma Jackson would normally handle security and such things, but he is an active duty Marine serving overseas on his fourth tour and It has been almost a year since he has been home, with only a few phone calls and video chats, he will be happy for Patrick as well.

We have cabins all around the reservation and surrounding national forest for various purposes, the pack has different guides available for rafting, hiking and hunting throughout the year and we rent the cabins out to tourist. Money from the cabins rented through the National Forest Service allows us to fund and maintain forests all across the United States, shifters and other species have been living amongst humans since the creation, but now we're more myth and legend.

Hundreds of years ago, maybe a thousand, humans and other species came to the decision that it's better to live in peace than fear and since then, only certain number of humans have been privileged to know of other species. Now it is just a big government cover-up, like aliens and Bigfoot and we contribute anywhere we can as Citizens. Even though we do not let ourselves be known to the public, other species are working alongside all humans in peace and have been for a really long time.

Next thing on the agenda... Food and with a big werewolf wedding and over a couple hundred wolves to feed, endless... Mrs. Parsons is preparing all the food for the guest and that is what I need to help to tackle now, Mrs. Parsons is an old wolf with a young soul, she lost her mate a few years back in a car accident and has thrown herself into her work since then at full speed ahead. Werewolves have superhuman healing and can survive lots of things, but decapitation is not one of them.

She once told me it kept her going and she was afraid that if she had stopped back then, she would have faded with her mate. I walked into the Kitchen to see where I can assist.

"Mrs. Parsons, what do you need - how can I make this go smoothly?" I asked all at once and at the sound of my voice she looked up with a pained smile.

"Everything is going, but we have a couple fridges in the back that need reorganizing for lunches and dinners through the week," she informed me in frustration "The last truck that came in put some of the food for the wedding in there and it got mixed in," she said sounding little tired.

I can only imagine the nightmare, we have over 100 wolves here this weekend and that is not counting the wolves who live on the estate or the surrounding forest and not everyone in the pack can partake in this weeklong event, so we have essential personal on duty. Fires do not take vacations, unfortunately and its fire season, the Forestry Service needs to be at peak performance.

It's something everyone in the pack is more than willing to Sacrifice for each other and after the events, I plan on setting up a week off for the pack members that are not able to attend, a fair trade for all their hard work and dedication.

Turning to Mrs. Parsons, "I'll go find Kevin and have him get a few more hands in here," I said and there was relief in her eyes "thank you, Alpha" she responded gratefully and I strode out of the kitchen into the foyer.

Kevin standing at a table with clip boards spread out among it, checking things off and assigning workers, organizing the staff and trailers. Normally Jackson would be handling these things, but Kevin has picked up the slack the past few years.

Kevin looked up as I approached, then cast his eyes down in a show of submission and respect, "Hello Alpha," he said awaiting my arrival and I waived him free.

"Just the man I was looking to see," I said and he looked up, "Mrs. Parson needs a few extra staff in the kitchens, there was a mix up in a couple of the fridges and they need to be reorganized correctly as some of the decorations and food for the wedding next week needs to be relocated to the correct fridges." I informed and he had a thoughtful expression on his face.

This is exactly why Kevin is lead Gamma for the staff and the grounds, he is organized, precise and can make miracles happen. Grabbing a separate clipboard, he started reorganizing, "just send them to Mrs. Parsons and let me know if you need anything else," I said as I walked away and he gave me a nod.

I walked outside to see my sister Kate heading right for me, "Brother… there is one more bus coming up to the estate and the 3 cabins along the back are reserved for them," she informed me, walking past me, "I have to go get my friend and then we have to get ready for tonight." She said hopping in her car.

'Yes, this new friend... How had I forgotten', I thought to myself, "ok go get your new friend and I will take care of the remaining guests," I assured her and she's already driving away.

It's a good Kate has friends, even though my sister is young, she had to grow up fast.

After our parents died she would hide herself off away from everyone else, she was 14 when they passed and she rebelled hard, my parents disappeared after they took off in their Cessna to Alaska for their anniversary and never returned.

There was a storm and the plane was never recovered, I'm ten years her senior, so it was up to me to raise her and It was not till she turned 16 that I started to see a change.

That's when she started volunteering at any medical facility that would allow her, she was determined to make the world a better place and she knew she wanted to be a nurse. She was the youngest to graduate in her class, plus, had most of her internship work done before she graduated high school, so college was a breeze. She said it was for the "experience" and made air quotes with her hands.

Her 25th birthday is coming up and we made a pact, if she does not find her true mate by then, she will get to choose one from a list I made.

It seems kind of barbaric now that I am thinking about it, but being an Alpha Female does not afford you many options or time and an alliance is vital.

We have peace for the most part, but there is still a world within a world inside the supernatural community, good and evil reigns in both realms and there are rogues who would kill to have what we have.

The humans stay out of our squabbles amongst ourselves as long as it doesn't affect the real world, one time in 1930s there was a little town in Maine that got caught up in a werewolf war, the whole town was decimated and you can only imagine if something like that happened now in the 21st century, technology alone would out the whole supernatural community.

The Werewolf Council is a Liaison to a Supernatural Council and is made up of all different kind of shifters and other supernatural beings in the human realm. I guess you can say its our version of government and nothing happens without their approval, but since my pack is on a reservation, there are some things afforded to me through the human government that none of the council controls.

Werewolf wars are rare in these times, but can still occur, so we continue to reach out and form alliances the same way we have for thousands of years and… it wouldn't surprise me if The werewolf council tried to give me a mate of their choosing, pushing for an alliance just to get me under their thumb, but I won't budge and they can't force their hand.

Looking up to the last bus pulling up, I paste a smile on my face as the bus comes to a stop and the doors open, patrons filing out,

"Welcome everyone, I am Alpha Daniel," I announced as I walked up to the bus, "I have prepared your cabins in the back, if you would just follow me and we will get you settled and my staff will assist in getting your things to your cabins," I said as I ushered them along.
