The afterglow of my dream did not last long before duty called and now I am back in the little hospital. I can just pop in and out as needed since I have been here before, which makes things easier.
Walking back down that familiar hall I was in yesterday, there was a commotion and I heard the nurse say she was in a car accident and losing a lot of blood, then everything slowed, but before I could blink a form ran past me and I looked back...
"We got a runner" I said softly and scanned the corridors as I turned around, allowing my invisible string to guide me like a GPS, I walked back out into the waiting area, not feeling any draw or turn as I keep my heading through the automatic door.
Looking left and right, I don't see or hear anything as I followed the pull, when suddenly, I felt it turning right... 'It looks like I am going for a walk' I thought as I imagined my string.
"Hello… come out, come out, wherever you are?" I said playfully as I am not sure if it's a child or not, but they tend to be more adventurous and that's when I heard giggling... A little girl, children are sensitive.
"1…" I said covering my eyes and playing along
"2...", I spun around and listened for movement, only peeking so I didn't run into anything
"3…" I continued and she laughed again moving around and joining in on the fun, then I feel my string get taunt with a ninety-degree angle that ended and I jumped out "boo!"
Opening my eyes and she screeched in delight, blue eyes looking at me with a head of blonde curls and she gave me a big hug, "can we do it again" she asked looking up and I hugged her back, kissing her head.
"Anytime kiddo," I said as she faded away and I was left hugging myself.
I closed my eyes on a sigh and I popped back into my home, I managed to get everything for this week packed up in a couple suit cases without a hitch and the one thing I do not lack is a wardrobe, but I know there will be outdoor activities, so I do not want to be under prepared.
After my dream last night, 'I have a feeling I might meet my wolf' I thought dreamily, you could drown in those smoky midnight eyes and I am sure I will know exactly who my wolf is.
'The excitement is almost unbearable' I thought dancing around in circles, shaking everything in silent anticipation. I had dug clear back in my closet for a special dress that I had picked up in Paris a couple of decades ago, it was love at first sight and I know it will turn heads, 'which is exactly what I want' I thought with a smile when I here a knock at my door and Kate's voice rang out.
"Hey Cass it's me Kate" she yelled and I opened the door with a grin.
"I'm ready to go," I said and she helped me grab up my things and load them in her little bug, "I haven't done anything like this since before I hit maturity and I'm feeling kind of giddy like a school girl," I confessed as I climbed into the car and she looked at me with a smile.
"So when does a Sentinel Being hit maturity" she asked and I smiled at her fishing for my age, I will give her some boon.
"Sentinel Beings transitions on their 35th birthday when they ferry their own soul first into the earth" I said and she regarded that thoughtfully as we drove away from my home
"what happens after you pass your soul back into the earth?" she asked and I know my soulmate is out there now and maybe because of this new found friendship, I might meet him.
"Sentinel Beings are only required to serve for 1 life cycle and nobody knows how long the cycle lasts, each human is different and accidents happen…" I said as Kate was focusing on the road, but I knew she was listening, "So when a Sentinel Being Passes its soul, after their first cycle, it triggers something that allows our soulmate to come through so that we may find them," I finished and she looked over to me with wide eyes.
"How do you find your soulmate?" she asked and I thought that over, shrugging my shoulders, "there isn't anything special, that I know of, all I was told is when we reincarnate our soul goes back into the earth and my soulmate will come to me continuously in my dreams until our souls are combined and we become one " I said and she peeked over briefly, "I guess the rest it up to me," I concluded and we stayed silent for a little while.
Listening to the music as the National Forest started coming up in the distance Kate told me about her home, "We own land right in the middle of the National Forest between here and Canada, our land is marked as an Indian Reservation and we help maintain the land and surrounding forest," she said as I was looking all around and taking in the scenery.
"It is beautiful up here," I admired, rolling down the window and feeling a warm breeze.
"A majority of our Pack members are Forest Rangers and work right here for the Forestry Service, maintaining all the woods. A lot of our income for The Pack come from tour guides and renting out cabins along the river to tourist," she explained and pointing out what we could see.
'That is very resourceful' I thought to myself and said as much, "we need more places like that, where the people manage and take charge to keep earth thriving." I commented.
Kate smiled.
"My brother Daniel is Alpha and he is responsible for the whole pack, ensuring we have food, shelter and safety for the betterment of the pack as a whole. My brother's Beta is Patrick and he is second in command to the Alpha, supporting and protecting his Alpha till death. Patrick is the one that's getting married this weekend." She added.
'Wow, that's a big deal' I thought with wide eyes,"Your practically royalty in pack terms and you invited me... Someone you don't even know? What if I was a murdering sentinel being?" I said teasingly, raising my eyebrows and Kate gave me a look of mock horror
"There are evil sentinel beings!?" she said with laughter in her eyes and I laughed at her false seriousness.
Kate just grinned as we pulled into a little dirt road off to the right and drove up to a large sprawling wrought iron gate, about 15ft high and 25ft wide and mashed some buttons on the keypad,allowing the gate to open automatically and as we rode through.
My excitement bursts, "WoW!" I said in awe, looking at the trees surrounding us all around and you can see peaks of mountain tops periodically throughout the tree line.
Kate just smiled, "Wait till you see the estate, there are so many people here and all the cabins on this side of the forest have been rented out," she explained as we came around a bend, which led to an open field.
In the distance was a huge mansion, at least 4 stories high and Kate was right, there were tons of people and a few semi-trailers parked that was being unloaded, all sorts of camping gear, rafts, four-wheelers. I see the different cabins along the side and rear of the property, with tents spread throughout the estate to the east for those who didn't get a cabin.
Kate seemed to be pleased with my response "you are going to love it here," she said with a smile as she parked and I could only agree, nodding my head as I got out of Kate's car.
We each grabbed up my bags and start carring them in, when two gentlemen came rushing forward and offered help, "Ms. Kate, let us assist" the tall gentleman said good hearted and Kate smiled, "Thanks Kevin, put it in the room across the hall from mine and have you seen the Alpha?" She asked as she passed my bags to him.
He just shook his head, "Not Since this morning," he said while looking at me with a curious expression and I passed my other bag along to the other guy, looking at hazel eyes...
'Not my wolf' I think internally and give him a bright smile, "Thanks" I said and he smiled back, getting ready to respond, but Kate took my arm and pulled me forward, having none of that. "Ok, thanks Kevin" she said and I peeked over to similar brown eyes, looking at Kevin and... 'not my wolf either' I thought as I smiled and waved, following behind Kate.