'It has been over twenty minutes! I wonder how long something like this takes?' I questioned to myself as she stirred the crowd when she just disappeared in front of everyone and Kate calmed the guests down by saying she has an important job to do, but will be popping back in soon.
We continued the party as planned, The West Mountain Pack accepted the union with the Rocky Fork pack and I gave a toast to my friend and Beta to many happy years, then turned the room over for any additional well-wishers as guests stand up one by one.
While one of the guests was speaking screams of fright ran out across the room, startling me as people jumped from their tables and backing away from the commotion, when loud obnoxious bark rang out unexpectedly and my eyes went wide with surprise.
"Brutus... Hush!" I heard her sweet-sounding voice say sternly as I twist and turn amongst the throng to see her standing there in all her beauty, next to a big old bloodhound?
At her command the big dog laid down obediently at her feet, grumbling and there was a quiet pause through the room and she grimaced.
"I'm dreadfully sorry for my interruption. Umm…" she hesitated as she tapped her lips and squinted in thought "words for the bride and groom... Yes!" she exclaimed and held her finger up.
"Patrick, woman are emotional beings," she stated confidently, then jumped as laughs rang out at that statement and she smiled.
"Even though we don't "show" our emotions," -using her fingers as quotations- "women sometimes still bear it, so... Go with your gut and always surprise her with love," she announced and then continued.
"Angela... Men are emotional beings," she reiterated looking to the crowd, getting a few laughs, "Even when they "pretend" not to be," -she stated truthfully- "Be fierce in the face of his enemies, but love him gently in the night, for "you" -pointing at Angela- "are his light to guide his soul." she finished softly, awe in her voice.
The whole room was quite at her wise words, which seemed to stretch on forever and then everyone stood and applauded and cheers rang out as she said sorry again.
"Congratulations to Patrick and Angela!" she yelled out, which got the crowd back into the celebration.
I look at the bride and groom with smiles on each of their faces and see Patrick wiping Angela's tears away gently, then kissing her face on each side lovingly, whispering words only they would know.
Cassie has captivated everyone with her mere presence, 'including myself' I thought as Patrick lifts his glass of champagne in salute and I strode over to where Cassie stood.
Turning towards me, "I'm sorry again for interrupting" she said quietly and cast her eyes down, but I waived it off, "no matter, I'm sure your friend here might be hungry, let us get him settled" I said with a smile and gestured out of the ballroom.
I do not think she was expecting that response as she turned her full smile on me and it was like a gut punch with her beauty, dazing me momentarily, "come," I said gently, linking her hand in my elbow, but Brutus seemed a little protective because he started to growl at me.
'I am Alpha here,' I thought, if Brutus wants to stay, then he better fall in line and my wolf was in complete agreement as we gave our own growl, showing our canines at Brutus and he whined, laying down with a grumble and Cassie giggled.
I escorted Cassie out of the ballroom, through the foyer and towards the kitchens, when she spoke.
"Can I ask a favor?" She inquired after a moment of silence, which surprised me, "depends… what kind of favor?" I replied and she seemed to think about it and handed me an envelope.
"That man was up there all by himself and Brutus here…" she gestures and I understand, but 'what does she want from me?' I wondered and it's as if she read my thoughts.
"Well, I assured the Gentleman that I would take care of Brutus, but there is nobody to take care of the Gentleman," she said with a solemn look on her face and I realized quickly she passes souls, not bury the dead.
"I will ensure he gets located by the proper authorities, we can call and say we know he's up there and hasn't come down for supplies like usual and they will send a rescue team into find him." I reassured her as I took the envelope and tucked it into my inside jacket pocket.
"Oh... Thank you!" she said appreciatively and hugged me, placing a chaste kiss on my lips and walking away with Brutus in tow, unbeknownst to her, what she does to me... Touching my lips, a tingling sensation left from the contact "I think you'll love it here Brutus," she said interrupting my thoughts.
"Big open spaces where you can roam and sometimes everyone goes on hunts, I know that's right up your alley... Isn't it boy?" she said excitedly, which made me smile as she rubbed both of his big floppy ears, "I wish she'd rub my ears like that," I thought, but I must have said that out loud because she chuckled and walked over to me.
Something changed in her body language, more sensual and alluring, like a siren as she put herself right in front of me, only inches away and looked right into my eyes, my body on fire with arousal, just from her proximity.
She leaned her pert little body against mine, placing her hands on my chest, "I'm sure that could be arranged" she said huskily, wantonly and my wolf stirred under my skin "growling" his approval at her musical words.
I placed my hand in the small of her back pulling, her body flush with mine and she "gasps" at the sudden movement as I spun her around in my arms, walking her backwards slowly around the corner, to find a hidden space.
Once we were private, I lifted her up to be eye level and… sweet mercy she wrapped those delectable legs around my waist and I put my face against her neck and inhale, "I feel connected to you somehow," I said almost questioning and looked into her hazel eyes, mirroring the arousal I know she sees on mine.
"Cassie?" Kate's voice rang out and she disappeared, literally... My wolf popping up as my claws broke through my outstretched hands into the wall, my partial shift causing the plaster to crumple under the pressure and I willed control of my body as my wolf is wanting to take chase.
My own damned sister cock blocking me, 'just my luck' I thought as I felt her appear behind me, just as fast as she left, "slow down tiger," she said a little breathlessly, if you asked me and I turned my head in confusion.
"Tiger..." I repeated, 'I am a wolf' I thought and she just walked away laughing with Brutus's form following behind as she turned the corner and I huffed out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
Laying my body flat against the wall, I groan inwardly and imagine her undulating body against mine, but In the distance I heard my sister say, "There you are... You teleported a dog! That is so cool... Do you think you could do that with a person?" she asked, a little too cheerily in my opinion and straightened myself immediately, in a haste and striding around the corner at Cassie words.
"Maybe... I've never really tried" she said and I see my sisters eyes go wide with excitement, when I cut her off, "we are here to celebrate the joining of two people in their mating and wedding, not asking guests to teleport them around," I said with finality and she looked at me with disappointment.
"Yeah… OK" she said deflated, like some kid who lost a toy and that made Cassie laugh, "How old are you again?"- she asked and I chuckled as well- "I was just thinking the same thing," I agreed and then we all laughed.
I wrapped my hand around Cassie's waist without protest and pull her body possessively to my side, taking her hand in mine and staking my claim and my sister's eyes went wide with surprise, but I ignored her look.
"Mrs. Parson is in the kitchen, let's see if she has some scraps left," I said and gently urged her towards the kitchen.
"Brutus..." I said and he came at my silent command as we walk into the kitchen, Mrs. Parsons and the staff cleaning up, preparing desserts, when she caught sight of us, "Alpha…" she said brightly looking between Cassie and I with her keen sense.
"Yes... Mrs. Parsons," I said just as Brutus decided to show himself, "OH... No... Out!" she yelled pointing her finger back the way we came and we all cringed at her tone as Brutus ran off somewhere,
"Mrs. Parsons..." -I started- "My apologizes Alpha, but I will have no dog or wolf, in that manner in my kitchen" she said brooking no argument and Cassie decided to work her magic,
"I am dreadfully sorry, I have brought Brutus here and your Alpha was so kind as to suggest you may have some scraps for him," she said sweetly and Mrs. Parsons seems to taken an instant liking to her, just like everyone else.
"Oh no need to be sorry Dear... We will take fine care of your Brutus, I'll just make him up a plate and have someone go pick up some food from the local market" she assured, giving Cassie a motherly squeeze and collecting various vegetables and steak from dinner and cutting them up into bite sized pieces.
"Here you go sweetheart," she said handing her the bowl and Cassie beamed her smile, saying "thank you," and walked back out to find Brutus.
Mrs. Parsons is looking at me with a knowing smile and she leaned in,
"She's beautiful, but... Does she smell different or is it just me," she asked me silently and I chuckled in returned,
"She most assuredly is Mrs. Parsons..." I replied "She most assuredly is..." I repeated more to myself and walked out of the kitchen to go find my mysterious creature and my wolf growled his approval, excited for the hunt.