"Alpha Daniel I have waited half a millennium for this opportunity," the King said slamming his fist on his desk, 'half a millennium... for what?' I thought as I'm suddenly back in that room with with the king and Cassie's dad.

"I understand how important this is, but it's fire season in the human realm and I can't give the kind of attention this would require," my dream self said to the king.

'Attention to what? This is killing me...' I thought again as I'm a third conscience with no awareness and unable to direct the scenes.

"How long?" the king asked, grabbing my attention and pulling me from my thoughts,

"Three months" I said back in my dream or vision or whatever the hell this is.

I feel like fate is playing a cruel joke and I've quickly realized that I am not as patient as I thought I was.

The King stood up holding out his hand to shake,

"three months…" He stated and I clasped my hand in his when I woke with a start, to pounding on my door, "Alpha! Alpha!" Patrick said and I sat up in a daze "WHAT!" I yelled and Patrick strode in hastily,

"No time," he said striding to my closet,

"Alpha Derek just announced his arrival, you have ten minutes," he finished and I hopped up quickly,

"Fuck! Alpha Derek from the council!" I exclaimed standing up and stripping down, stumbling in the bathroom quickly and getting under the spray, not caring it's cold,

"They have spies everywhere," he said from the room, "plus Cassie is a Female Sentinel Being, which is even more rare," he added and that made me pause, 'Cassie is rare and this would be highly publicized across nation's,' I thought to myself and winced inwardly, "Shit..."

"Your right, this is huge... Her father is an advisor to The Fea King," I informed him and his eyes went wide in understanding and I got dressed quickly as I run down the story to him,

"I am so besotted with her it never occurred to me how important this mating would be," I said and he stared, raising an eyebrow, "which is true," he interjected and I chuckled, feeling a bit at ease.

"Right, and... Tell him he only needs to meet her to understand," I said more confident,

"Cassie comes in and wins him over," I finished with a smile and was feeling better already.

Looking into the mirror, I dressed in black slacks with dress shoes and a button up shirt, leaving a few buttons undone,

"I'll greet him at the door and bring him up to my office, you go update the ladies." I said heading out the door and walking to the stairs hearing the sound of a vehicle pulling up as I reached the bottom and I walked out the door, Alpha Derek and two other men stepped out, whom I assume are

his guards.

"Alpha Derek, it's been ages, to what do I owe such an honor as your presence," I asked boastfully and he grinned at my admiration, but it didn't reach his eyes, "Cut your shit, Daniel " he said, irritation leaking out And I looked at him pointedly.

"Let's go to my office so that we may discuss it," I invited, preceding him and his guard's into the manor, "You must be hungry after you journey, I will have some food brought up for you and your men," I offered and I saw appreciation in the guards eyes,

"that would be much obliged," Alpha Derek said and I looked back at the kitchens, seeing Cassie's form peeking to me with silent understanding and I guided the men towards the stairs,

"my office is this way," I said heading to the top floor and guiding them in.

"Gentleman make yourself comfortable, My Beta Patrick will be up shortly and I'm afraid my Gamma Jackson is on active duty so won't be able to attend." I stated and

Alpha Derek sat on a chair in front of my desk, nodding as I came around to sit

Imagining Cassie laying across my desk with her plump ass has my pants tightened and sat down, looking to the Alpha, "how have you been?" I asked genuinely, we used to be roommates in college but his dad died suddenly and he up and left before he completed, then next thing I hear he joined the council.

His mouth curved slightly in a grin, "Oh, you know… Life of a councilman," he responded nonchalantly with a shrug, looking around my office.

We may not be close, but he said a lot in that statement, "well if you ever want to retire, your always welcome here," I said to him and he looked at me briefly with something in his eyes, but then it disappears just as fast "thanks" he said genuinely.

"Daniel, you can't expect us to believe you didn't intentionally forego notifying the council of your mate?" he asked suspiciously and I gave a guilty look, "To be honest… yes," I confessed and he scoffed at my omission and looked at his guards.

"So you expect me to go back to the council and say that the Alpha wasn't aware he was mated to the most royal Sentinel Being on the human planet…" he said skeptically, looking back at me and shaking his head.

When he says it like that I can see how absurd that sounds, but it was true!

I was about to respond when there was a knock,

"My Love..." I heard Cassie's musical voice chime and I instantly cheese grinned as she walked in, still in her green pant suit and lighting up the room, "My Love…" I said back in a trance, staring at her curves and thinking of our love session as she sat the tray with a different assortment of drinks on the table.

Patrick followed behind, rolling in a cart loaded with food "sorry I am late Alpha…' Patrick said and Cassie interrupted, " you were helping me… it is I who should apologize," she said floating to my chair and I'm memorized.

Entranced instantly as she leaned in kissing my lips, I was lost and grabbed her up in my lap with a growl and deepen the kiss, forgetting our audience, when I heard my beta cough to get my attention and Alpha Derek burst out laughing.

"I would say besotted…" he said wiping a stray tear, "ahem" I said and sat up in my chair, Cassie making no move to leave my lap and with a smile, she leaned over my desk,

"Alpha Derek… it is good to meet you?" she said brightly and he took her hand, already besotted himself,

"oh the honor is all mine," he said, kissing her hand and my wolf growled making Derek laugh

"Daniel, this is a delight indeed and brings me back to my college days for sure," he reminisced and stood up, "I will vouch for you, but this is a grand event that needs to be celebrated," he said walking to the tray and loading some food on a plate, 'a celebration' I thought looking at Cass,

"The Supernatural Council will want to hold a ball," he looked at me directly, "as your friend… they are going to want to know where your loyalties lie," he finished and I scoffed at his statement, "loyalties?" I exclaimed, "what do you mean by that?" I pay my sanction fees, plus an additional ten percent," I stated as he came back to the desk,

"the werewolf council is not questioning your loyalties and we feel this is a grand match, truly no Alpha has been mated to a sentinel being since the prince disappeared he assured me and paused before his meal,

"the supernatural council has a choke hold on the Fae King and they are concerned that you will side with the 2nd Realm…" he explained and both Cassie and I looked at him at such an unscrupulous statement, cautiously...

"so you're saying the supernatural council is forbidding me to work with the Fae King, did they say what would happen if I refused?" I inquired and Derek looked pained at my question,

"your sanction…" he stated plainly and I stood up abruptly, holding Cassie in my arms,

"they wouldn't dare! Derek this is ludicrous!" I roared, agitated.

Gently I sat Cassie on my chair and she had a look of horror as well,

"Im not saying it will happen, but they can petition the council and then it's a matter of getting the votes," he stated calmly and I scoffed again at his indifference.

"Easy enough for you to say," half the council is in upstate NY and California "those pompous Jack's won't go against the council," I stated plainly and Derek's guards reared their heads like a deer in the headlights.

Pointed to them, "can they be trusted?" I demanded, looking at Derek. The one reason he is here is so that I can be open without reparation. Derek breathed deeply,

"yes… this is my personal guard who only have my ear," he assured and I gave him a stink eye,

"You're not the only one who doesn't trust the council," he said, holding my gaze, "it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it," he confided and

I nodded, trusting in him,

"there is a way for this to work and it will benefit all supernatural beings," he spoke quietly and I regarded him, "how?" I asked and he smirked,

"money of course" he said and looked at me, "if you pay better than the council, I'm sure you would not have any trouble keeping your sanction." He finished and started eating his meal and I contemplate his words, 'this could be the change that the world needed' I thought to myself.

"It will have to be in the Fall, since it's fire season and I cannot be away," I said to him as I picked Cassie up and placed her back on my lap, smiling to him 'I think it's time to plan my visit with the King' I thought.