Alpha Derek stayed overnight and left the next morning, promising to reach out with exact dates once he talks with the council.

Daniel had said he had another vision and described vague insight,, but seeing as that may be a potential subject on our visit, we decided to go earlier and hoped things might become clearer.

Patrick and Angela will manage the pack with the help of Kate, while I take my mate to meet my parents and I have to be honest, I grin every time I think back to Daniel's face, at the thought of meeting my five brothers.

I walked into our room and Daniel is checking himself out in the mirror, dressed in a black and white penguin tuxedo and I giggled into my hand like a school girl as I watched him pose in different angles.

"Your very handsome My Love," I said with a curtsey and he smiled back at me, "Oh but not as ravishing as you are my dear," he bowed and walked over to me, kissing my hand.

I was wearing a white A-Line/Princess Chiffon Ruched off the shoulders sleeveless dress, that I picked up in a bridal shop a couple decades ago for just this event,

Anytime you meet the King and Queen of Fae its an extravagant affair, so technically this is my wedding day and we will be presented together.

Grabbing our overnight bag with essentials, I hand it to Daniel and took his hand in mine, popping us both into the Royal entrance, wrought iron gates from my last visit.

The guards stand tall at a new face as I waved and walk over to the guard shack tapping on the window, "Hello Mr. Layke" I exclaimed and he looked up with surprise.

"Cassandra back so soon?" he asked with a frown and I smiled, pulling Daniel closer

"I found my soulmate and the king requested a visit with him personally, once I had met him," I stated and Daniel looked at me with shock, not knowing that tidbit of information and Mr. Layke beamed "oh what a joyous occasion indeed" he said clasping his hands,

"What is your gentleman's name" he inquired and Daniel cleared his throat, "Alpha Daniel Rawlings of the West Mountain Pack," he stated and Mr. Layke wrote it down,

"ok great you are both cleared to go," he said as the wrought iron gates opened.

Walking through the gates with Daniel in tow everything went dark and we were teleported into the courtyard, I took off, pulling Daniel along, before we were announced, patrons and vendors trying to get our attention.

"There are a lot of formalities for the first bit, but after we are announced to the king things will be a lot more relaxed," I said and he nodded as

I whisked us to the right.

Reaching the castle and guiding him up the stairs, heading towards my parents rooms and paused in a secluded corner and pushed him up against the wall, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

I was slow at first, then our hunger built and I pulled away, no need to get steamy here.

"are you ready tiger?" I asked teasingly and he smirked at my nickname "as ready as I will ever be," he said and I grabbed his hand walking him up to my parent's rooms.

It was late here, 'both my parents should be in house' I thought as I knocked on the door and I heard footsteps across the floor, squeezing Daniel's hand tighter, the door opened to my father's face, surprise and realization when he saw Daniel, "Peanut?" he said not taking his eyes off Daniel and I squealed like a school girl.

"Hi daddy," I said giving him a hug then pulling Daniel closer to me, "Daddy, this is Daniel," I said and Daniel reached out for a handshake,

"Nice to meet you Sir," he said and my father clasped his hand, sizing him up and

I heard my mom before I saw her,

"Who is it Dear?" my mom asked and my father turned so we could see, her eyes landing on Daniel and then me, Daniel gifting her with a bright smile and she was giddy like a schoolgirl herself, "Oh... Your back" she said excitedly coming over and hugging me.

Turning to Daniel, she takes my father's arm "this is you wolf?" she asked unabashedly, admiration, "Freya," I heard my father said sternly and she raised her eyebrows,

"What My Love, I am only looking," she said teasingly and I father regarded Daniel for a moment,

"I just left the King and its not too late for a private showing, I am sure he will not want to wait till the morning," he said and walked out the door and up the stairs,

"You two look so handsome together," mother said catching my attention and looping her arms in ours, walking us in the sitting room, where we waited,

"Your old room is still ready and you both can sleep there, I'll have hearth fired up to warm the room up" she said beaming at us both, but Daniel protested "Oh, that won't be necessary, we wolves run hot and prefer the cold" Daniel said with a grin and my mom smiled,

"You are just beautiful together, I am so happy for you both," She beamed with tears in her eyes and

I rolled mine "Mom don't make me cry," I said and she sat up wiping her tears and Daniel just smiled, then my father walked in,

"Come you two… The King and Queen are waiting," he said and we got up following him out into the hallway, walking up the stairs,

"I have never been up here," I whispered to Daniel quietly where my father couldn't hear and he raised his eyes in acknowledgement, wolves have exceptional hearing I recently learned.

At the top of the stairs my father leads us down the hall to the room on the end,

"Is there no electricity?" he asked, looking around and I shook my head as we reached the door and my father knocked, followed by "come" behind the door and my father walked into the room first,

"Your Highness… May I present my Daughter Cassandra and her new soulmate Alpha Daniel," my father announced with a bow and we ushered in behind, The King was seated at his desk with the Queen standing behind him,

"Cassandra… Alpha Daniel, it is such an honor to meet you," he said as Daniel bowed and I curtsey, "the honor is all mine," he said and we sat in front of the King and Queen at their gesture.

They asked Daniel about his pack and what it was like and where he lived, also asked what kinds of work the pack did, "there is a forest behind the castle and our animals are similar, but don't look the same way," he said on a laugh, "but I am sure Cassie could point out some game you may like, we rarely allow a hunt" he invited and we both beamed at the offer.

Daniel and I loved the idea of hunting in the Fae forest and thanked the King and Queen for their gracious offer as the king stood,

"Its late and I would like to visit more with you Daniel, but I must bid you all goodnight and we will talk again tomorrow" the king said and we all stood.

Daniel, my father and I left, heading back to my family's rooms and walked into the sitting area,

"Daniel, I am happy that you and my daughter has met, we will talk more tomorrow," he said shaking his hand and clasping his back "Welcome to the family Son" he added and headed to his rooms.