After going on a hunt Daniel and I came back cleaning each other among other things and then we both passed out for who knows how long, only to be woken up by a pounding on the door, "Where is he Cass..." my brother Kellen said and I smiled "Little wolf little wolf let me in, " my brother Warren said and I had to laugh.

Daniel just groaned covering his face with the blankets, "hey what did I miss," I heard Dain, he is the youngest like me, only 3 years separate us, but his soul was a young one and only served about 10 years before it passed and found his soulmate, they are both guardians for sentinel beings.

Kellen and Drake are warriors in the King's Army and my brother Aelfric is the General

I replayed everything to Daniel and he groaned again, "You are the cougar here" he said getting up and I laughed again as I walked to the door to hold off my brother's, but as I turned the knob, they all fell in a pile on the floor.

Looking at them all shocked and burst out laughing, looking over to Daniel sporting a big grin while watching the events occur as my brother's scrambled to get their footing,

"serves you right for ease dropping," I replied and they all grinned, "cant help it Sis, were all curious," Kellen said peeking at Daniel.

"Kellen" he said holding his hand out in greeting and Daniel shook his hand, "Daniel," he said and Kellen smiled, "these two are my much younger brothers Warren and Dain," Kellen said pointing and Warren nudged him, "shut up Kellen," as he shook Daniels hand, "I am practically a baby," Dain said and Daniel smiled as everyone got aquatinted.

"Ok... Glad to wake up to your smiling faces, but women around here have different business," I said and Daniel looked at me in horror, "take him and obviously don't kill him, I have you know he's in the King's favor," I said pointing at my brother's

It was their turn to turn pale,

"I wouldn't think of it," Kellen said, "Were just showing him around" Warren replied and Dain pipes in, "ya, showing him the ropes," he said and Warren kicked him in the knee and I raised my eyebrows.

Daniel looked at me with fright, "Don't worry Cass" Kellen said clasping Daniel shoulder guiding him and my brother's out, "well take real good care of your wolf," he said with a smile closing the door behind him and I giggled at the site. I got dressed in comfy clothes and went out in the sitting area where my mom sat eating breakfast and she smiled as I walked in,

"I saw you brothers taking that handsome wolf of yours, but don't you worry, they know how important he is to the king," she assured, "I heard you father say they were going to take him on a tour of the grounds and surrounding lands to show where they would like improvements and what kind of supplies they may need," she said excitedly and I looked at my mom in surprise.

"what?" she said, six children and 500 years later a girl might get a real shower," she said and I laughed, not realizing how much this will change for everyone in the 2nd realm 'being able to freely move in between realms makes me see the vast difference in quality of life' I thought somberly.

The supernatural council has been keeping the 2nd realm in squalor while robbing them blind, 'Yes.. this is a good thing we are doing and it's time for a change,' I thought, the 2nd realm should be allowed the same freedoms as humans do without aristocrats dictating their every move.

After eating breakfast my mom said the queen wanted to meet with us in the kitchens and so she called Melia to help us dress for the day, which took forever,

'it really is the dark ages here' I thought and we set off to the kitchens, heading down the stairs, taking a right at the bottom and walking along the corridor.

We could hear the commotion in the kitchens and the Queens voice rang through,

"I will not have you waste a single piece of that meat," she exclaimed as we came into the kitchen.

"Oh Cassandra so happy you are hear," she said turning to me, "I heard you and your Alpha went hunting last night, a most miraculous kill if I may say so, the King was so pleased with you gift," she beamed.

"Well we were grateful for the hunt and we didn't want any of it to go to waste," I said politely and she smiled, "well I will make sure of that," she said with a wink, "are you and Daniel staying for dinner?" she asked and I knew we would have to get back,

"no your highness, it's not the best time to be away right now," I said " the last visit I was away 4 days and we get a lot of fires because of the heat where we live and it's the busiest time of the year," I explained and she nodded in understanding.

My mother and I went into the market, going to the different shops along the way and buying little trinkets, picking out fabrics and every thing hand crafted Or forged item I liked. All the effort that goes into each item and all for such a little amount, It was very disheartening but I want to help in anyway I can.

As we are heading back to the castle, I see my brother Aelfric, "brother!" I yelled and ran at him, giving him a hug, "I've missed you," I said with a smile and he laughed, "I have missed you... and I have met your soulmate, father approves," he teased.

I laughed, "seriously though," he said a little more somberly, "he had some really good ideas on how to improve in such little time and he has a good heart, I am glad he is yours," he said approvingly and tears came to my eyes at his omission, "oh come now sister, no mushy stuff," he said a little frightfully and I laughed wiping my tears of joy.

We walked back to the castle and he tells me about his family, they only had 2 children and she barely survived her second birthing. The doctor said no more kids and they were happy with just having each other, t'hey are just in love now as they was 400 years ago,' I thought, kissing his cheek as I bid him farewell and promised a visit with his family when we have more time.

I headed upstairs to my parents rooms and opened the door, my father and brothers talking and smiling with Daniel, "Hey there Tiger," I said and everyone went deadly silent, looking between me and Daniel and my brother's bust out laughing at my nickname and Daniel just groaned as I grinned.

"how was your day, I heard you have some really great ideas," I said coming to sit on his lap and he smiled, "There is a lot we can do now, just with lumber and I have a prospective supplier that we can bring in" he said "it will take some time to get the legalities of our plan in place, but I can get enough supplies to keep you busy for a time," he assured everyone and my father was pleased, more likely due to his promptness as my father is not one for leisure.

After talking, Daniel and I packed our things, promising a supply run soon as we said our goodbyes and walked out of the castle and back through the gate, light still in the sky, "that wasn't so bad now was it," I said smiling and Daniel looked at me, "yeah right, easy for you to say," he said as we teleported back into our room.