It's been a couple months since we came back from the 2nd Realm and I have the legal process going to be a silent partner in Michael's business, I purchased all of this year stock and had everything delivered to my estate where we inventoried and transported most to the royal gate. I was quite surprised at how simple everything had been to get it there, but we did keep some of the wood to use as not to show our hand too early to the council
Kate had not been happy about my decision, but she had taken it well, better than I expected honestly and I will just have to wait until the winter hunt to see how that plays out,
'Kate's birthday is Christmas Eve' I thought, imagining how that could turn out, I might have to recruit Cass to play matchmaker and maybe if we lay the groundwork, Michael will hopefully do the rest.
I haven't told Michael about Kate yet and I'm not too sure he won't back out from everything if I told him.
I have been back and forth between the 2nd Realm quite a bit, since fire season has passed and working diligently to get this business in place, before anyone becomes suspicious.
Derek was right, I could buy the council, but I am not prepared and that's why the hush-hush.
The King had already started building a watermill from a section of the kingdom that has a giant waterfall that shoots off into emptiness endlessly and by far the most surreal experience.
The watermill is a start to running water and the waterfall wasn't really being used for anything but to look at and I scoffed at my father in law, "this is electricity" I said and he was fascinated as I told him how it worked. We were still so far off from hydropower, but with time and resources we will get them there.
The more progress I see being made, the more I felt that this was the right thing and the supernatural council needs to know we will not stand for it anymore, they are about to get a rude awakening.
Cassie and I have a "mating" party with the supernatural council this week and it's important that we play our cards right, we cant let them know what our plans are or everything will be ruined before it even begins.
I eventually want to bring Alpha Derek in on this, but I need to have everything in place and I am hoping he will be our advocate to the other council members and sway them towards our side of things, but Until I get the Alliance in place, we are sitting ducks.
I am even more invested by spending my own money for the materials, affronting the king of course, but I cannot setup any funds linked to him in any way and I hope he understands my reasoning. Cassie was a little worried about the kings Ire, but she said he will come to see it my way in time and hopes my visions gives us guidance.
Cassie strolled into my office with a smile on her face, "Hey Tiger" she said and I rolled my eyes, "Ha!" I said, 'she will never stop' I thought and she grinned, eyes twinkling, knowing how I feel about her little pet name "how original slick" I said sarcastically and she giggled as she came over and straddled my lap in the chair, when everything zoomed in... I' m starting to get used to this.
"Get some warm water" I heard my sister say, "were almost their Sis one more push… Push!" she said and I heard Cassie screaming as a picture came into view.
I turned my head as my blurry vision become clear, hearing the screams of a baby ring out and my sister Kate holds up a bundled baby,
"it's a boy Alpha" she said smiling and I looked at a pair of matching bright blue eyes, feeling all the love in the world.
Everything zoomed back out and I waited till her golden hazel stare met mine, tears in my eyes, Cassie cupped my face with her hands,
"what's wrong love" she asked concern in her voice 'I think I will keep this one to myself' I thought, kissing her passionately, "I love you mind, body, and soul" I confessed in between kisses, "and I couldn't have asked for a better mate to spend my life with" I declared looking into her eyes.
I was going to wait till later to do this, but there would not be a more perfect moment as I saw tears fall across her cheeks and I reached into my drawer, grabbing a little black box and bringing it in front of us, she looked down, gasping as her hands flew to her mouth.
I slowly opened the box revealing a floral engagement ring, with a 24 karat diamond,
"it was my mother's" I said, tears filling her eyes,
"I want you to be mine in every way Cassandra Alexandria Diarmuid…will you be my wife" I asked and she cried and laughed,
"yes I'll marry you, I never want to be apart" she declared as she kissed me
Sitting up and wiping tears from her eyes, she held out her left hand and I slipped on the ring, feeling complete. Funnily, I did not realize I was missing anything, until Cassie came along that is and my life was turned upside down in a short amount of time, but I would not change it for anything.