The foyer was spot on, they replicated the forest so impeccably that it brought me back to my visit to the King's forest and I am impressed with how much they did in such a short period of time.
The ballroom matched the foyer, but along the back there was a depiction of the castle looming in the background with twinkling lights strewn along the ceiling at varying heights; if this is to be our engagement then I couldn't have thought of a better gift.
Walking in to the ballroom there was an announcement of our arrival, "Cassandra Alexandria Diarmuid daughter of Freya and Borak advisor to the King of Fae, mated to Alpha Daniel Rawlings of the West Mountain Pack" and there was a hush across the room as we walked up to the front of the isle and I bow before the council cordially; Cassie elegant as ever with her practiced curtsey.
"Alpha, what a lovely mate" Chancellor Giving said, he looked older, maybe mid to late forties per appearances, but supernatural beings age differently and there is knowledge in those eyes, he is at least a hundred maybe more; there were five other men, one dark and mysterious, with jet black hair, "vampire" I thought and he smiled as if could read my thoughts, "yes.. absolutely delectable" Chancellor Vahal said, flashing me some fang.
I instinctually pulled Cassie closer to my side, "That she is Chancellor's," showing a grin with my own bit of fang, "forgive our delay getting here, fire season is all hands-on deck and then finding my mate at the same time…" I said on a laugh and did a mind blow gesture and Cassie giggled at my antics, "crazy busy, but looking at all this effort" turning around a circle "I am truly honored" I said genuinely.
This plays right into my hands, "Cassie has been telling me tales about the forest around her home and she said it's almost an exact depiction and I look forward to the day I could see it for myself," I relayed and the Chancellor's looked shocked at my omission, "you can't honestly expect us to believe you have not visited the Fae King?" Chancellor Adams asked, skepticism in his voice.
Chancellor Adams is the head of council for the exotic species and he could smell a lie before it hits your tongue, this is where it gets tricky, "Chancellor Adams…" I started and he raised his eyebrow, daring me, "if you heard anything about the 2nd Realm, time moves differently over there" I said avoiding his question, "I must confess, my mate had visited during our courtship for one night in the 2nd Realm and she didn't come back for 4 days." I said exasperated.
"my wolf went crazy" gesturing to Chancellor Riker, head of the Werewolf Council, "you can just imagine finding your mate and then a few days later poof without a word or note" I said and Cassie playing her roll to a T, "I left a note to Kate saying I would be safe and not to worry…" she added, "Ah… yes, but you did not say where my love" I interjected, just as we rehearsed and she was a phenomenal actress, giving a sheepish look.
"yes… Well, I did leave that part out" she added as we came to our crescendo, "you can very well see my reluctance to visit my new in laws, plus Alpha Derek paid me a visit, after my failure to report my mating and I thought it best I hold off, as not to offend the council." I stated and I gestured towards the whole table.
It is almost like having a public hearing, except everyone is dancing and chatting as if our future and the future of all supernatural beings isn't being determined by this night; I hope my consideration for the situation would stem them through to the New Year and then it will all come down to the Alliance and a mating, with or without Kate's consent… I thought with a cringe.
Chancellor Adams from California piped in, "what's with the recent purchase of wood from the Rocky Fork Pack's Alpha Michael… What were your intentions with all the wood" he sneered and I wanted to sneer back, he was at the root of this injustice!
"These issues are unrelated" I said acting confused, "My Beta recently mated with his sister and they are wanting to build their own cabin," I assured, partially true and Chancellor Vahal squinted his eyes in suspicion; Valhal and Adams control a big territory and finance the Midwest, including Alpha Charles and Alpha Peters of the Werewolf Council and they keep a tight leash on everyone, therefore I can kiss my sanction goodbye if this fails.
That is why we need to get the Alliance in place before anything else can fall into place and If everything goes to plan, then hopefully they will be in my pocket instead; Chancellor Acadia was eyeing us with a sly smile on her face and Chancellor Lowell gauging our response, he's the liaison to the Fae Council and fox shifter, both cunning and advantageous, I am certain they would be eager for change, but it's all about the timing.
"Well…" Chancellor Acadia said huskily, "I don't know about anyone else in the room, but I am famished, Why don't we allow the happy couple to mingle, so that I may get to the meal sooner," she said dismissively, looking around as if she is bored.
Seeming to appease all council members, Chancellor Lowell responded, "Yes I second that, we are keeping the guests of honor from the other patrons… Acadia it would be a pleasure to escort you to the buffet" he said offering her his arm as he stood up and she smiled, "it would be a pleasure" she said standing up herself and they walked away.
"Please enjoy the festivities and congratulations on your mating" Chancellor Givins said with a smile "We will be watching you" Chancellor Adams whispered quietly as we passed by 'I'm sure you will' I thought to myself, but I just smiled and guided Cassie along.
The rest of the night went off without a hitch and I can only be hopeful that the council stay in the dark, we danced and we mingled and just enjoyed the night, because regardless that this was a partial hanging, it is also our celebration of life and love, ensuring the future for earth and all human kind.
I certainly didn't expect things to turn out the way they had, but I most certainly don't regret anything and there is still a long journey ahead of everyone, but the cause is worthy and something all supernatural beings should be able to strive for.
Like the saying goes 'one day at a time' the process will be slow, but the results will be worth it and I feel the fates had wanted this, so failure is not an option and I must be more calculated, more… cunning and I can't back down for even though I am but one wolf, I was made for this.
Later that evening, Cassie and I popped back into our rental after we took our necessary leave, laughing and kissing as things started to get heated, "You're so enchanting" I say between kisses "I've been impatient waiting for you…" I whispered along her jawline "to taste you..." Kissing down her neck as her dress falls.
Knock… Knock… we both stilled 'What The Fuck!' I thought and we both looked at each other, she definitely has the same look I feel.
Knock… Knock… "Daniel" we heard Derek yell and I bristled, "everyone is a fucking cock block" I said angrily and I heard Cassie giggle and I looked back with a scolded look as I opened the door and turned it to Derek, "you may be superior to me in some ways, but don't think I won't kick your ass for coming over unannounced in the middle of the night on my honeymoon" I said and quirked my brow expectantly.
Hands in a surrender "Whoa..." he said eyes wide, brows high on his forehead and then he smirked, "bad timing" and I rolled my eyes 'tell me about it,' looking back, I see Cassie pulling on a robe and I moved aside to let Derek in, "I will be brief" he said as he walked through and I closed the door behind him.
Taking a seat he turned it facing towards us both and sat down, a glum look, "the council is suspicious" he said and that made me nervous, but I can't show my hand, eventually I will need Derek in the process, but it's too soon.
"Suspicious of what" I said acting aghast and he seemed to sense my ire "as your liaison, I am to inform you of any decisions made by council" he said like that explained it all, "normally I have to go to committee first, but your my friend and I came immediately before I left."
"Council is demanding to be notified of any future purchases and finance's kept" he said and I looked away, "I see…" I said and I did, this is just another obstacle "I trust in your judgement old friend, committee is the end of next week and you can expect a report the following…" He said and glanced at Cassie then back to me, "get your things in order and I will talk to you then… sorry Luna for my intrusion and I look forward to seeing you again" he said and got up.
Cassie always having something witty to say, replied, "at a more respectable hour I hope" and Derek's lips twitched slightly, "Yes Luna, I will not disturb you so late again." and he raised his hand in parting as he strolled out of the door.
Resigned to my fate I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes, "everything will work out" Cassie said stealing the words out of my mouth as she came up to embrace me and my shoulders sagged and I wrapped my arms around her, "it has to…" I said kissing her neck and she smiled "it will…" she said as she kissed me back and we got lost in each other's arms temporarily forgetting the journey ahead 'yes, we must get The Alliance in place then we will be safe.'
The End