She need to be Taught a lesson

North of the mountains where Anzar and Kahina are hunting, you will find the country of Souss, which is much larger than the kingdom of Imjad.

The country of Souss is considered low Rank, while the kingdom of Imjad is unranked because no sect is established there.

The classification of a country depends on the strength of the sects present inside it.

The Blue Cloud Sect is one of the sects in the Country of Souss. This Sect is located 500 km north of the mountains known as the Yellow Best mountains.

That day an Elder from the Blue Cloud Sect was standing in front of the mission board. Because he didn't have hair on his head, he was known as Bald lord, but this shouldn't be said in front of him.

A young man dressed in blue, like all the inner disciples, approached the Elder and said to him:

''Ba...Heu...Elder Adan did you summon me?''

Bald Lord, with an annoyed expression, touched his head and said:

"You have reached the middle of the Qi condensation Realm, you have also become an inner disciple, and by unlocking 12 meridians, you became a great hope for our sect, but you must also contribute if you want us to nurture you even more."

While the young man adopted a worried look, the Elder continued:

"The wild beast tide didn't occur last year. However, you know very well that it is something important for the Sect, so you must go and check the reason behind it, and you must also bring 20 blue cores 5 white, and...1 red core. I'm sure with this, you won't be wrong the next time you say my name."

The young man, on the brink of crying replied:

"Esteemed Elder Adan, with all respect, this little one only wants to be an Array master. I am not interested in fighting. Please reconsider''

"Sometimes the fight comes to you. Take your junior sister Fara with you. It will give her some experience too. You can ask for a defensive artifact reserved only for the core disciples in the treasures hall. With that, nothing can happen to you."

After saying this, he flew away and disappeared into the distance.

''Tshee, it doesn't surprise me that you've lost all of your hair...."


A day later, a young man and a young girl, dressed in a beautiful blue outfit reserved for the inner disciples of the Sect, flew on two swords and headed full speed towards the Yellow best mountains.

"Senior brother Elyass, you must have pissed off bald lord again...."

The girl said while laughing.

Elyas replied, laughing even more:

"It's stronger than me, junior sister.., no, we have to stay focused...hahaha"

Sometime later, after arriving at their destination, they began to fly over the region for 3 hours but found nothing special. Then suddenly, while their qi sense was deployed to the maximum, they noticed a fight. So they headed towards it at top speed.

There they found a young woman of celestial beauty engaged in a fierce battle against a wild beast of white Rank.

Elyass immediately notices that despite her mortal clothes, she is in the Early Condensation Realm.

Then they landed on the ground not too far and began to watch the fight.

However, the fight lasted a long time, and one would even say that the wild beast has the upper hand and is on the verge of catching this young woman who throws arrows but has little effect.

It is at this moment that Fara says:

"So weak"

A few minutes later, Kahina finally succeeded in making the beast exhausted and finished it with an arrow. Then, she went to take the core while looking toward the direction where the two disciples were.

This was when Elyass said:

"My name Is Elyass. I am an inner disciple from the Blue Cloud Sect, and this is my junior sister Fara. How should I address you?"

Kahina glanced at them coldly and said:

"I am Kahina."

Elyas, with a pleasant smile, said:

'' so it's sister Kahina. Nice to meet you. Where did you come from? You must be a rogue cultivator with how you are dressed, am I right? "

Kahina Annoyed told him:

"Brother Elyass is asking too many questions."

Fara, completely vexed, said:

"Senior brother, this woman doesn't know how to speak. She needs to be taught a lesson."

Elyas looking at Fara dumbfounded, said:

"Sister Kahina shouldn't take it wrong, but I must ask questions. I'm on a critical mission. Rogue cultivators are not allowed to be here. "

Kahina did not answer.

A mad Fara exclaimed:

"Senior brother, there is no need to talk. She is only a rogue cultivator. I will capture her now."

Elyas, stunned by the behavior of this junior sister, screamed :

'' NO ''

But it was too late. Fara activated her movement technique, pulled out a sword from her storage ring, and rushed toward Kahina.

At this exact moment, a man emerged from the bushes not far behind them.

Realizing this presence, Elyas barely had time to activate his defensive artifact when Anzar was already within his reach. Then with a movement of his arm immersed with qi in the form of a sword, Anzar clashed with the protective layer provided by the artifact.

A loud noise is then heard, and the strong qi fluctuations caused the ground to shake. In a fraction of a second, the protective layer shattered, and Elyas was then sent flying like a cannonball, and he crashed 20 meters away, his artifact that just saved his life ruined.

Before he could even get up, he heard the sound of an explosion. He turned his face in that direction and saw that this junior sister, who was under a rain of arrows without any defensive artifacts, and only a tiny layer of protection made of her qi, didn't last more than a second and ended being a mixture of blood and organs, he couldn't help but vomit on himself.


10 min before this, while hunting together, Anzar, with his qi sense consistently deployed to the maximum, discovered the aura of two Qi Condensation realms. Then he asked Kahina to hunt alone while he went to hide not far to verify the intentions of these two uninvited guests.

If they have bad intentions, he will have the advantage of surprise.

But he didn't imagine that Kahina would pretend to be a pig to eat the tiger.