Primary Domain

Anzar entered the planet while the speed of the cocoon kept decreasing. He noticed that the region he would land in wasn't too far from the island he had discovered. However, he believed that the mist would be much thicker.

Anzar anticipated this and prepared all the artifacts he had bought to protect him from the soul mist attack. He also planned to use his Domain to counter this mist to a certain extent.

Anzar landed in a ruined city in the middle of an oversized island. He discovered the landing area was under an Array in the middle of this city. This Array led the cocoon back to the Jurgurtha planet and permitted Anzar to establish a connection thanks to his mark.

However, when he left the cocoon, Anzar decided to destroy this Array.

If a random cultivator discovered another Trial bead and went to the Saint galaxy like him. Then the old Saint can use the mark of that cultivator to locate the Jugurtha planet in the void. He preferred to remove this unlikely possibility.

Also, the moment he left the cocoon the black Mark on his forehead transformed into the Trial Bead, Anzar put it back in his storage ring.

Anzar immediately felt the considerable burden this very dense mist in this location was inflicting on his artifacts. He activated the best flying treasure he could use right now, Spread his Primary Domain around him, and flew at maximum speed to leave this ruined city.

Currently, he is too weak to explore the densest areas inside the mist.

Anzar understood that this mist was an incredible Attack made of the Law of the universe a long time ago.

He can only leave these ruins, probably filled with treasures, at full speed before it's too late.

This flying treasure he bought, Anzar genuinely appreciated it. From the outside, it looked like a beautiful normal-sized boat. However, thanks to a space Array, the inside is massive, and there are a lot of rooms.

Alchemy room, multiple rooms for meditation with qi gathering Array integrated into it, guest rooms, and all the conveniences were installed.

Outside this Boat is a curtain of robust protection Arrays and other different Array to block qi senses.

The speed is also incredible. Of course, it can not compare to the cocoon and unfathomable expert in the Saint galaxy. But it still travels at least 30 times the speed of sound. Comparable to a Peak Soul Transformation Realm powerhouse.

Anzar didn't even need to use his qi to manipulate it. He exchanged some high-rank divine source stones for an unimaginable amount of normal source stones. He can fly like this for hundred years and more.

Anzar decided to name this costly treasure the flying citadel.

A few hours later, Anzar finally left the most dangerous mist area. But unfortunately, he lost half of the artifacts that could protect the soul from a law attack during this period. Sadly he couldn't judge the effectiveness of his Domain yet.

He decided to go immediately to the exit of the mist, the same area where he entered the fog with the other cultivators three and half years ago.

In this region, cultivators are still exploring the islands and fighting for treasures. Suddenly they all felt the flying Citadel heading at incredible speed toward the exit.

Anzar only needed a few days to reach the exit.

Anzar realized that his Domain alone was enough to repel the mist attack in this region. He can expend it for a few kilometers or use it as another layer of protection around his skin.

He left the flying citadel and adopted a meditation position in front of the exit.

Anzar plans to kill all the Nascent Soul and Golden Core cultivators still inside the mist and take all the benefits for himself. Like this, the old monsters like Aksil Imjad waiting outside will get nothing from this exploration.

He decided not to let anyone leave the mist. as for that Divine Beast Wolf. He believed it was too weak and too injured and must be in deep slumber somewhere on this planet. And even if that beast wanted to complicate things, Anzar prepared a contract beast and other means to subdue it.


Time passed.

After three months, finally, the first cultivators approached the exit. It was a young woman with her partner, both in the late Golden Core realm. They saw a young man meditating before the exit, his realm unfathomable.

They approached respectfully to leave the mist with the treasures they managed to obtain. However, Anzar didn't even move, and once they were close enough, he extended the Primary Domain.

This couple disintegrated into billions of tiny particles of Yin and Yang.

Nothing was left, not even their blood or soul. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.

Anzar found this Primary Domain to his liking.

He took their storage rings. He decided to check once everything was done.

A few days later, another group of cultivators also arrived, and like that couple before, they approached Anzar to leave the mist, but they only left Yin and Yang particles behind them.

One day later, another group approached, but this one was more cautious. When they saw Anzar in front of the exit, they decided to split into two.

The first half arrived next to Anzar and disintegrated. Even a middle Nascent Soul realm only survived for half a second more than the others.

"Senior! What is the meaning of this?!" a young woman in the group that stayed behind asked angrily.

Anzar decided to kill them before they alerted the others. He wants to avoid fighting them all simultaneously, just in case someone finds some heavenly-defying inheritance and complicates things.

He killed them quickly and took their storage ring.

A few days later, yet another group of cultivators came. This time, a peak Nascent soul realm was among them.

"Soul Formation expert?? How can you stay unhindered inside the mist?" the middle-aged Peak Nascent Soul cultivator asked.

Anzar ignored this. However, he rushed to him, wanting to see the effect of his Domain against a Peak Nascent Soul cultivator.

The middle-aged man didn't have time to react when Anzar was already in front of him.

Anzar extended his Domain. However, the middle-aged man didn't disintegrate directly. Instead, this guinea pig wanted to flee. Yet, the middle-aged man realized some abnormality with his body and couldn't circulate the qi correctly or move.

It took around 5 sec to disintegrate a peak Nascent Soul Realm.

Anzar understood this was just a peak nascent soul realm from a ruined planet with the wrong cultivation method. However, the effect is still considerable.

Anzar was like the protector of the underworld, and everyone was trapped inside the mist.

A few moments later, an enormous number of cultivators arrived simultaneously. They were all members of the Devil Fire Sect.

In front of this group of hundreds of cultivators, he noticed the presence of the Devil Sword Princess!

Like him, she was in the Early Soul Formation Realm and isn't affected by the mist in this region!