Nihility Intent

The Evil Sword Princess noticed the presence of Anzar blocking the small exit out of the mist.

She immediately released her strong Killing intent. Her Intent was much stronger than four years ago, indicating that she killed many experts during this Period.

All the Devil Fire Sect members next to her were under the influence of this Killing intent. Fear was deeply anchored in them.

Everyone was trembling in front of such Intent! The Evil Sword Princess released waves of strong Killing emotions!

Suddenly she said:

"To think that you also reached the Soul Formation Realm. However, this time will be different from before. You are the best stepping stone to make my Dao heart stronger."

Anzar didn't let this killing intent affect his emotion. He had been fighting a hidden battle again his Human nature for a long time. He wants to eliminate those ineffective feelings and emotions that influence humans.

The day when he discovered that his family and wife were dug out from their graves, he entered an enlightened state. After that, his aura changed slightly.

And right now, this mysterious aura fluctuates strongly! Stimulated by this strong Killing Intent of the Evil Sword Princess!

The space around Anzar deformed, his aura reaching the maximum intensity! The sea under him shakes violently!

From the body of Anzar, a massive burst of power pushed forward!

Anzar was releasing a Massive amount of Intent!

Nihility Intent!

Waves of Nihility spread in the surroundings pushing back the Killing Intent of the Princess.

This Nihility Intent entered the Mind of all the cultivators.

Contrary to the previous Killing intent, they didn't feel only fear But Despair!

As if they were but mere Ants in front of Anzar, their struggles were meaningless. Nothingness existed in their Mind, affecting all their beliefs.

They looked at Anzar as if he was an Aberration! as if nothing could please or affect him.

Anzar was extraordinarily calm. He extended his Primary Domaine and englobed everyone inside. Previously, he sensed a vital connection in his sea of consciousness and didn't want to lose more precious time.

The primary Domain disintegrated all the weak cultivators into particles of Ying and Yang.

But because of the massive number of cultivators, the effect was less considerable.

Some peak Nascent soul experts managed to leave this Domain Injured. However, Anzar used The Axe Blade Storm technique, killing everyone who succeeded in leaving his Primary Domain.

The Evil Sword Princess activated her Sword Domain to counter the Primary Domain.

The two Domains Clashed, and numerous powerful swords resist the decomposition rate. But as the number of cultivators reduced, the Stronger Primary Domain became.

The Evil Sword Princess kept persisting with an expression of Distress, Cleary affected by the Strong Nihility Intent.

She saw everyone returning to dust around here, and those who survived only exploded due to the constant attack of Anzar.

Suddenly, The Sword Domain was crushed by the Primary Domain.

"YOU, what treasure did you find??" Asked the confused Princess.

The Primary Domain reached her body almost instantly!

"NOO, Father! Father will avenge me!" She Vowed.

Both her Legs disintegrated into Yin and Yang particles. She saw her body being decomposed in front of her.

Suddenly Anzar retracted his Domain. The Princess was disabled and didn't understand what he was up to.

Anzar looked in a certain direction and said:

"Brother Utas, there is no need to hide. Just come here. I won't kill you."

Suddenly a middle-aged man appeared from nowhere, clearly using a Hidden technique.

"Brother Anzar indeed found some great inheritance. I am very thankful to spare my little life." Said Utas while approaching with apparent distrust in his eyes.

"We came from the same kingdom. So it is only normal to act like this. However, even brothers can't trust each other." Said Anzar.

"What Brother Anzar said is true. What can I do to become trustworthy?"

"Not much. Accept a slave contract for five years. And I will never kill you. I vow this on my Dao's heart! If you refuse, then we won't be brothers anymore. "

Utas thought about this for a few seconds, then said: "if it's only five years, then I will gladly accept."

Anzar nodded, and Utas opened his sea of consciousness to him.

Anzar activated the slave contract inside Utas sea of consciousness.

The crippled Evil Sword Princess understood something and said: "What are you waiting for? Just kill me."

Utas bowed and said respectfully: "Master!"

"Kill her." ordered Anzar.

Utas, under the influence of the slave contract, executed the order.

He pulled his weapon and pierced her body a hundred times.

Suddenly once she died, A black Gas left her body toward Utas. This Black gas surrounded him.

"Don't try to remove it, and keep an eye on the area." Ordered Anzar.

"Yes, Master"

Anzar took the Storage rings of everyone he killed and then went to his sea of consciousness.

When he comprehended the Nihility Intent, he felt a strong connection in his Mind.

He found inside his sea of consciousness an open Gate!

This Gate had complex patterns and runes carved on it.

Anzar approached to inspect this Gate. However, he was immediately absorbed by it.

A portion of his consciousness was Instantly transported to a different dimension of space and time.

The wisp of Anzar's consciousness arrived at a vast Road.

He witnessed another Gate at the end of this Road. However, this one was huge and exceptionally luminous. Anzar couldn't see or imagine how high this Gate was.

This Gate inspired Awe!

The distance to Reach it was unimaginable!

Anzar discovered on this Road an incredible number of beings of different types, Humans, Demons, Beasts, Saints, Human beasts, Elves, and even some other kinds of beings of varying shapes Anzar couldn't recognize.

Some were in a meditation position, and some were advancing on the Road toward the Gate. Then, finally, Anzar realized that no one was talking. Everyone minded his own business. They all looked calm and detached, just like him.

Anzar tried to advance further on this Road. However, after only one step, intense pressure descended on him.

Anzar felt considerable pressure from the Gate. He decided to go to the side of the Road and adopted a meditation position like everyone.

He doesn't know what this Road and Gate represent. So he decided first to end everything in this mist and investigate later.


In the Afia Kingdom, Inside one of the halls of the Devil Fire Sect sat multiple Elders and the sect master in front of Life plates.

Those Life plates all exploded in less than 10 seconds. Indicating that their disciples in the mist all died.

"In only 10 seconds?! Just what beast did they enrage" Asked one of the elders in shock.

Suddenly the life plate representing a particular Genius also exploded.

"NOOOOO, Not her! My Daughter!" The Sect Master screamed in pain.

"I want Everyone in front of the mist. The one who killed my Daughter will regret it deeply." He ordered and left at full speed toward the sea of the abyss.