
Outside of the Mist, all the powerhouses of the continent Gathered.

Many were at the Soul Formation Realm, some at the Soul Transformation Realm like Aksil Imjad, and even the sect masters of the Fire Devil sect and Heavenly Flame sect were releasing the powerful aura of the Enlightenment Realm!

"For four months now, no one has left the Mist. Something must be happening inside."

"Hum, Even the Nascent soul cultivators we sent to check the situation didn't come back."

Aksil Imjad was accompanied by his two wives, Lilla and Tristina, the granddaughter of the Heavenly Flame Sect Master.

He understood the situation didn't look great and asked his two wives to leave.

Idren, The sect master of the Heavenly Fire sect, was just next to them. He asked:

"Aksil, Do you know anything?"

Aksil shook his head.

Idren knows that Aksil has been preparing his forces since long ago to obtain one Blessing Fire Flower.

This Flower only Bloom Every thousand years in the volcanos inside Afia Kingdom. With this Flower, one can make the pill necessary to breakthrough past the Enlightenment Realm and Reach the Rebirth Realm.

Aksil was only at the Late Soul Transformation Realm, so Idren believed he was preparing not for the next Bloom of the Flower but the one after it.

Every time this Flower bloomed, the powerful sects and even the Wolf Clan would do everything to obtain it.

This Blessing Fire Flower is one of the rare treasures than can also enhance the bloodline of the Wolf Clan.

The cultivators who obtained this Flower have a good chance of reaching the Rebirth realm. This realm is the peak cultivation on the planet Jugurtha.

The qi is too weak, cultivations methods are wrong, and the knowledge is lost. Therefore no one knew what was after the Rebirth realm. Those who managed to leave the planet never returned to tell tales. Or maybe they just died in the Void searching for a Galaxy.

The lifespan of an Enlightenment Realm powerhouse is around 10 000 years. Unfortunately, Idren is already 7 000 years old, so he only has two more chances to get his hand on the Flower, reach the Rebirth realm, and increase his lifespan by a factor of 3.

This is why he married his granddaughter Tristina to Aksil, to get an additional Ally for the next battle.

Mazar, The Devil Fire Sect Master, is also in the same situation. However, now he is very resentful about losing his genius daughter. He hopped to nurture her and together obtain the next Blessing Fire Flowers.

Mazar Saw Aksil and Idren discussing together. Suspicious, he said:

"If it is some of your schemes, I will Ally with the Wolf Clan and erase your little sect."

"Why should we do such things? We already agreed with you about the juniors." Answered Idren.

Suddenly out of the Mist, the first cultivator in months appeared.

Everyone looked in his direction. They all wanted to know what was going on inside.

It was Utas!

Utas was significantly injured. Once he left the Mist, he went toward Aksil and said:

"Senior Aksil, the Devil Fire sect is killing everyone inside the Mist and blocking the exit. I was lucky enough to leave."

Idren released unimaginable Killing intent and said to Mazar: "So, in the end, you are scheming to get all the benefits!"

Mazar saw the Black Gas on Utas and shouted, full of anger:

"HaHaHaHa, So you kill my precious Daughter because you are afraid of her potential, and then you have the face to lie to me!! Since she is dead, your little Genius will also die for me!"

Aksil felt strong killing intent locked on him. However, he remained calm and said:

"Senior Mazar, this must be some misunderstandings. We need to control our anger in this kind of situation."

Suddenly a sect member of the Heavenly Fire Sect left the Mist even more injured than Utas. He had a sword piercing his body. Before he could say anything, he died.

However, everyone recognized the sword. This is the Evil Princess Sword!

Idren confirmed his doubt and went on the offensive, Aksil Cursed.

Mazar went directly and killed Utas to avenge his Daughter first, then engaged in battle.

All the powerhouses outside the Mist started an enormous War.


Meanwhile, Anzar was blocking the exit, killing everyone inside, and taking all the benefits.

Four years ago, 50 thousand cultivators entered the Mist hoping to discover some inheritance. Now only one will leave with all the treasures.

His name is Anzar Siphax!

Of all his techniques, his scheming ability improved the most.

Anzar felt that the Mist is thickening, and the four years period is over. He first confirmed that no one had escaped. He then activated all the remaining treasures he had to protect his soul, used the Flying citadel, and moved at full speed inside the Mist.

He decided to leave the Mist far from where the old monsters were waiting.

He wants to avoid fighting the soul transformation realm, enlightenment realm expert, or Rebirth Realm old monsters, even if he has a lot of artifacts and means.

A few days later, once he considered that he was far enough from everyone qi sense, Anzar decided to leave the Mist.

This trip inside the dense Mist was extraordinarily costly. The soul Mist attack was no joke. Anzar only had a few treasures left to protect his soul from this kind of Law attack.

"Just what was the realm of the expert that made this Mist?" Anzar thought to himself.

He left the Sea of Abyss at full speed, then arrived at the South Fire continent.

He recognized the random country he had reached, then decided to head to his cave abode.

Anzar plans to make his mountain a Hidden and undetectable fortress with many types of Arrays, Restrictions, Protections, and so on.

A few hours later, Anzar arrived at his isolated mountain.

He can now Finally digest all his Gains!!