Heartless Armor!

In the middle of Tislit city, Inside the main Mansion, A young and exquisite beauty in the early Nascent soul realm was meeting with Uzmir, Giss, and some veterans of the Siphax Legion. They discussed several essential projects in the city and also the overall organization.

Giss Informed Kahina that no one managed to leave the mist. However, she wasn't worried. Anzar's life plat was in her possession. The day he dies, she will be the first informed.

Suddenly she received a communication talisman. She then dismissed everyone, and they all returned to their tasks.

Kahina decided to wear the most beautiful clothes in her possession and went to a particular isolated Mountain.

The higher her realm is, the more charming she becomes, as if insolence doesn't have a limit.

Once she arrived, she found a young man setting plenty of arrays. She immediately realized Anzar was in the Soul Formation realm, and he gave her a mysterious feeling.

Since he developed the Nihility Intent, Anzar's aura has been somewhat intimidating.

She approached him slowly.

"If the mountain doesn't come to me, I will go to the mountain." Kahina stated.

Anzar gave a storage ring to Kahina and said:

"The silence of the mountain is even more beautiful when the birds are silent."

Kahina, upset, investigated the content of the ring and found many resources and techniques. Everything she needed was inside. she also found some gorgeous spiritual Clothes.

She removed her ordinary clothes in provocation and wore the spiritual ones. Kahina immediately felt the effect.

However, she decided to change the subject and asked:

"This Kingdom is on the verge of collapse. Should we advance our pawns?"

Anzar shook his head and said: "Nurture our Juniors, and once they reach the golden core realm, send them to other countries, especially the Afia kingdom. We stay in the shadow."

"So you plan to start a closed-door cultivation?" she asked.

"Hum, no one is allowed to interact with me. Only you will inform me of important information and event. So at the moment, we keep a low profile."

She stayed a bit longer in the mountain and then decided to return to the city.


Anzar, prepared all the Arrays, set up plenty of necessary restrictions, and improved his cave abode.

Thanks to his incredible and subtle qi sense, he knows everything happening in this region. one needs to be at least in a realm higher than him to perceive his qi sense. And still, they won't be able to locate him.

From the outside, even if someone spreads his qi sense to the mountain, they will only find an ordinary mountain. one needs to be at least in the Rebirth realm and investigate meticulously to suspect something.

Rebirth realm old experts never appear in general and are mainly trying to find a solution to leave this planet lost in the void.

Once all his preparation and precautions are done, Anzar checked the content of all the storage rings he had in his possession.

He found several interesting treasures added to what he already obtained.

First, The Mysterious Black Token, but he still couldn't activate it.

Then, The magnificent Axe with a dragon's head carved on it. However, he will need to reach the Enlightenment realm to use it. This weapon can only be used with the power of the laws, and only in the Enlightenment realm can cultivators do so.

The weapons and artifacts that require the power of law are considered more powerful than Divine rank. He currently has eight weapons of this type, but Anzar's skills and combat techniques are Axe-oriented.

He named this Axe the Dragon's Wrath.

He will use other Axes hoping to one day use this one.

The weapons and artifacts of this type are extremely rare, even in the Saint galaxy. Anzar didn't find anything like this in the shops of the Trial Planet.

However, he found from the storage ring of a cultivator he had killed a defensive artifact of this quality.

This defensive artifact was a Black and Red armor made of unknown material. Yet the middle of the armor was missing a small part with the same shape as a heart.

A sad cry was heard when he retrieved this armor from the ring. This armor is extremely heavy. Anzar is a Soul Formation Realm expert, so what is heavy for him means that 100 mortals cannot even move it by an inch.

Anzar named this incredible armor. The Heartless Armor.

He will need to reach the Enlightenment realm to use a portion of its power! Just like the Dragon's Wrath.

He also found a Strange Cube. Anzar discovered that this cube is made entirely by the power of law. He didn't recognize which law it was. Obviously not a simple elemental and stable law. He put it on the side like the Black Token.

Anzar is very satisfied with his benefits. He now needs to reach higher realms. He already had all he needed to cultivate for an extended period.

As long as no one makes things difficult for him, Anzar will only cultivate in his cave abode, train his combat skills, and improve his arrays and restrictions.

His goal is to reach the enlightenment realm. Only in this realm can he become a true powerhouse on the Jugurtha planet.

The next heaven tribulation is in the Rebirth Realm.


Even if Lilla improved the qi in the Kingdom, all the Nascent soul experts died in the mist. so this Kingdom will remain unranked.

Lilla and Kahina are the only two nascent soul experts in the Kingdom.

As for Anzar, Only Kahina knows his whereabouts, and he is considered dead inside the mist like the others.

Anzar has enough spirit veins correctly stocked using a unique method to make the qi inside the Kingdom extraordinarily dense. However, this will alert everyone. He will now only use high-rank source stones to cultivate, which is also a better alternative.

Anzar understood that the higher your realm, the more difficult and time-consuming it is to breakthrough.

As for that mysterious road with the omnipotent Gate at the end, Anzar couldn't advance deeper and could only speculate about what was behind the Gate.

Once all the preparations were done, he adopted a meditation position inside his cave abode, closed his eyes, and activated his breathing technique.