Who are you?

The internal war inside the Kingdom of Imjad finally ended, and one of the families became the new leader, thanks to a rising nascent soul realm cultivator.

They renamed the Kingdom to their name.

However, they didn't send an envoy to Tislit city or ask for taxes. Afraid of angering this powerful force in the north. Therefore the Siphax Legion is entirely independent and controls there own small region.

Nevertheless, Since the war between the Heavenly Flame sect and the Devil Fire sect began, many more minor sects took the opportunity to expand their territories and influence.

The Blue Cloud Sect is also doing the same. And their interest in a particular city has grown stronger over the years.

The Blue cloud sect is the closest sect to Tislit city. Only the Yellow Beats mountain separate them. Usually, they will never be interested. However, because of how blooming this city has been, they must recognize it.

Therefore they sent a few elders to visit Kahina, asking her to submit and join the sect, offering her an elder position. But they were surprised by the constant rejection.

Today, they decided to send a large expedition force composed of several Elders led by Louisa, the second Soul Formation realm of the sect after her Father.

Once they arrived in front of the city of Tislit, Louisa said to the elders:

"I don't understand how a city In such a useless kingdom can bloom like this. Anyway, Everyone, Don't destroy the city. Just subdue Kahina and kill all those that don't recognize our authority."

"Vice-sect master Louisa, we discovered that Kahina was part of the sect long ago." informed Aderfi.

Louisa nodded, then said with a voice mixed with qi toward the city:

"I am Louisa, the Vice-master of the Blue Cloud Sect, a Soul Formation realm expert, and today I am accompanied by 8 Elders in the nascent soul realm and a hundred disciples. I declare the city of Tislit under our direct control, now submit or die."

Everyone inside the city heard this message. The 100 thousand inhabitants panicked. They all looked toward the biggest mansion in the city.

Finally, 4 Elders of the Siphax legion suddenly appeared. Saba, Silya, Uzmir, and Giss were led by now the Supreme elder of the Legion, Kahina.

"Kahina, you still didn't manage to reach the next realm? humpf!, you can only blame yourself for staying in such a remote country without spirit vein." Stated Louisa.

"I advice you to return from where you come." said Kahina.

Everyone watched this exchange and didn't understand how Kahina got her confidence, and the 4 Elders behind her showed resolute expressions.

"No need to waist more them, kill th..."

Suddenly a Monstrous Aura Emerged from a mountain nearby. Everyone in the Kingdom and even the surrounding country felt it.

Louisa couldn't finish her sentence and turned toward the aura.

With Anzar's current speed, he arrived in mere seconds.

"Senior, we didn't know you were in seclusion in this region. We are truly sorry to disturb you." Said a shocked Louisa.

She realized the realm of Anzar, a Soul Transformation realm old monster!

Anzar ignored her, and under the eyes of everyone, he released his Domain and Nihility intent on the Blue Cloud sect members.

Before they could even react, they were all restricted by the Domain, and felt Despair.

Aderfi recognized Anzar. However, he couldn't say anything and disintegrated. Everyone suffered the same fate.

Despite being in the Soul Formation realm, Louisa doesn't have a Domain, and like Aderfi, she recognized Anzar.

She saw Anzar at the Aksil banquet.

"You! you didn't die???....Wait ! No! please don't kill me!" She begged.

However, only a second later, she became Yin and Yang particles.

Anzar didn't waste more time. He activated the flying citadel and left for the Blue Cloud Sect. he resolved to remove this problem from existence.

At speed 30 times faster than sound, he left the yellow beast mountain and entered the country of Souss!

The sect Master just noticed the destruction of Louisa's Life plate, And he also felt the aura of a strong old monster nearby.

He still didn't understand what was going on when Anzar already arrived.

Before he could give the order to activate the protection array, Anzar was already inside the sect.

He activated his Domain and his Nihility intent. Then, he pulled out his Axe and hit the ground at full power.


The earth shook violently, the buildings were destroyed, and Aksil's statue was obliterated. It went so fast that some believed it to be a powerful earthquake.

Many disciples died on the spot due to the powerful shockwave of the attack.

Understanding that this was not an earthquake but an attack from an expert, those who still survived started to flee, the sect master included.

However, Anzar activated the Heavenly Soul Mark immediately. As a result, they all had a mark on their forehead.

Anzar went at full speed toward the sect Master.

"Senior, why? There is no grudge between us."

Anzar ignored this, and with the Axe, he cut his head.

He directly chased after the Elders. However, Thanks to treasures, some managed to remove the mark, but this only alerted Anzar even more.

Whenever he felt a mark erased, he would go to the location immediately and kill them before they hid. His speed is not something a nascent soul realm or golden core realm cultivator can handle.

In less than 2 min, No one survived in the Blue Cloud Sect.

Suddenly two powerful auras approached Anzar at full speed.

Anzar didn't flee. They were in the middle of the Soul Transformation realm. He wants to see just what they are up to.

The first one was a middle-aged man with a Halberd on his back. The second one was an old man with a short white beard.

Once they arrived in front of Anzar, they didn't talk and pushed their aura to the maximum.

Anzar also did the same. Their aura clashed, and the space between them deformed. The sky darkened, and multiple strong claps of thunder appeared.

They released powerful killing intent because their aura wasn't enough to intimidate him.

Anzar wasn't threatened at all and unleashed stronger waves of Nihility Intent.

The earth beneath them shook violently! Many cultivators in nearby cities fled to avoid the aftermath of this confrontation.

Suddenly, the old man asked: "Who are you?"