Halberd King and the Praying Mantis

The old man noticed that Anzar ignored him.

He continued :

"Fellow Daoists, we have no ill intention. I am Baya, and this is my friend Izza. We are from the middle-rank country further north. We just felt your unfamiliar aura and decided to investigate."

Soul Transformation realm powerhouses are all rulers of a country or members of the most powerful sect inside the Afia Kingdom.

Anzar already knows who those two are. Together they control a middle-rank country north of his current position.

Anzar asked: "so now that you investigated, what are you going to do?"

Izza, understanding the meaning behind this question, was upset and took his Halberd. Anzar released even more Aura and Intent, indicating that he wasn't to the maximum before.

Baya, the old man, sent a qi sound transmission to Izza, requesting him to calm down.

Baya stated: "We are not interested in this country. But you must support Sect Master Mazar in his war if you want to control it."

Before waiting for an answer, they decided to retreat, the pressure released by Anzar was increasing, and they were clearly pushed back.

Anzar understood that they would have killed him if he were any weaker. They won't let a strong enemy next to their country appear.

He said:

"Izza, the Halberd King, ranked 8950 in the golden decree, and Baya, the Praying Mantis, ranked 8979. So don't pretend you have a strong backer, especially during chaotic times."

Izza exclaimed: "So you know us and still dare act like this."

Izza took his Halbert for the second time now. Anzar stopped the useless talk and also pulled his Axe.

Anzar and Izza clashed violently, and the shockwave destroyed all the surrounding villages, killing many mortals.

Baya decided to sneak on Anzar's back and harass him. However, expecting this, Anzar released his Primary Domain, and in reaction, Izza and Baya also activated their Domains. As a result, the three domains conflicted violently.

The aftermath of this friction put heavy pressure on the entire Souss Country. All the cultivators still present fled as fast as possible.

Some Soul Transformation powerhouses in the neighboring countries sensed the battle and decided to arrive and watch the show.

"Oh, isn't that the Halberd King and the praying Mantis?"

"hum, However, I never saw the expert fighting them."

"He must have just breakthrough into the Soul Transformation Realm, There is no indication about him, and he is not ranked in the Golden decree."

"This is the first time I see someone in the early Soul transformation realm this strong."

"What a strong Domain! And his achievement with the Axe is truly profound."

"Hahaha, I guess the Halberd King will finally get his ass kicked!"

Anzar went all in! He chained powerful and swift attacks on Izza.

Izza could feel the enormous burden on his body every time the two weapons collided. They exchanged moves more than 20 times per second.

Izza has to inject a vast amount of qi into his Domain. He noticed the Strange Domain of Anzar and didn't want to be submerged in it. He could only hope that his friend Baya would be helpful.

Baya activated powerful palm techniques and kept on harassing Anzar. However, he only clashed with the shield technique of Anzar and had a tough time approaching him because of the Primary Domain. Like Izza, he is spending way too much qi in his Domain.

Anzar isn't worried at all. He has many life-saving artifacts. But, ultimately, he wants to know the extent of his combat prowess. So he first tested his Domain and injected much more qi into it.

This change was directly felt by the other two. They had terrible expressions. Izza was known for his skills with the Halberd, but he was still inferior to Anzar's accomplishment with the Axe. after only 20 seconds, he was injured many times. Finally, he started using defensive artifacts. He then shot to Baya:

"What are you doing? Attack!"

Baya cursed: " You Idiot can't control yourself and still have the face to complain"

Anzar's Domain surrounded the old man. Baya Domain was but mere few meters wide now!

Anzar kept destroying the useless artifacts of Izza with powerful attacks. He went all in!

Those artifacts couldn't even last 2 or 3 blows from Anzar.

Suddenly being short on Artifacts, Izza was sent flying to the ground.

Anzar followed him at full speed and even managed to injure him again before Izza could crash.

Izza hit the ground and created a vast pit. He spat a mouthful of blood and then quickly swallowed a pill. However, Anzar entered the pit and attacked him continuously.

This looked highly savage from the outside. Izza's body was deformed entirely. His soul tried to escape at full speed, but Anzar anticipated this and let his Domain always extend to the maximum. The soul was completely obliterated.

All the expert watching the show swallowed their saliva. Suddenly they felt the strong qi sense of Anzar, who was looking for Baya.

They all decided that they had watched long enough and left the area!

Meanwhile, Baya Fled on a flying treasure. He activated multiple techniques to increase his momentum. Suddenly he felt Anzar's qi sense. He Cursed:

"useless bastard, why did you die so fast?!"