Episode two

"Here we are." Zachary said as we drove into the school compound.

The school was really big and beautiful, with tall buildings and a water fountain situated at the center. It was like something out of a movie. Except that, it looked unnecessarily big. You could fit a whole estate in here for Christ's sake.

A lot of parents hugged and kissed their children goodbye, like they weren't going to see them after today, which was weird because in a few hours, they were going to be picking them back up.

This is high school not kindergarten, I thought as I stared at the woman, who still hadn't let go of her son. I was sure he felt embarrassed.

"The orientation for new students will commence soon " A man on big glasses said. He looked to be in his early fifties.

I didn't need the orientation, not when I had Zachary with me.

"Be good, my dear " My mom pulled me in for a hug. I made the hug quick as possible. I didn't want people staring at me or assuming that I was a mummy's girl or anything like that. I could see that she was disappointed, but also, she had to understand that I was in public.

She turned to Zachary. "Take good care of her"

"I will." Zachary assured her, holding onto my hands, which made me blush a little.

My mom drove back home leaving my care in the hands of Zachary since I was still new here.

"Come with me let me take you to the registration office so you can drop your documents" Zachary said and I followed him. We got to the registration office and I dropped my documents.

I was handed a paper containing my department and classes. I frowned at it, realizing that Zachary and I weren't in the same department, which meant that we wouldn't be having the same classes. "Maybe I should switch departments." I suggested, showing the paper to him.

He glanced at the paper, took everything in, then looked up at me. "You don't need to do that. We are just a class apart from each other."

A huge part of me didn't like the fact that I was going to be in a different class from him, but according to him, we were just going to be a class apart. I guess I could deal with that.

"This is where we depart." Zachary said as he handed me the paper back.

As I tried to find my my class, I bumped into someone because my thoughts were all over the place, but I apologized immediately. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking."

I bent to pick up all my books that had fallen out of my hand, but the guy was just standing there, staring at me. "Are you okay?" I asked, genuinely concerned, but he still kept mute and that pissed me off. "Hey, are you deaf or something? Can't you talk?" I yelled at him.

I mean, the least he could do was apologize and walk away. I couldn't even tell exactly how he looked because I was still too angry to look at his features. To make matters worse, he just walked out on me. I didn't blame anyone but myself for apologizing to him.

When I finally found my class, I was a few minutes late and by the time I walked in, the class had started already. What a nice way to start my new school, I thought sarcastically, as I took in the way people looked at me, not bothering to hide their curiosity.

"You are late, young lady " A middle aged woman, dressed in a black turtle neck shirt and brown skirt, said. Since she was standing in front of the class, I assumed that she was the teacher.

"I'm actually a new student and I lost my way here. " I explained, hoping she would let it slide since I was new.

"It's okay, just introduce yourself." She told me and I almost sighed out in relief.

"My name is Ariana lopez. It's nice to meet you all." I told the class in general, even if I didn't mean a single thing that I said, but they didn't need to know that.

"You can go have your seat now." She directed me to a vacant seat beside a guy who seemed to be resting his head on the desk. That was surprising, because at my old school, you couldn't get away with doing something like that without getting into trouble. I guess the teachers here were not that strict.

"Thank you.", I told the teacher, already heading towards my seat.

"So, where did we stop?" She asked the class, swiftly going back to teaching, glancing at the book she was holding.

A nerdy girl, wearing thick rimmed glasses, replied saying,"We stopped at page sixty-two. You were talking about Angelina's plight in the play. ".

She looked at me and smiled, revealing her teeth laden with braces.

"What a real life Ugly Betty." I actually thought that I said that in my head, but from the looks on people's faces, I knew that I had said it out loud. Oh, shit. Now everyone was staring at me. I silently willed the ground to open up and swallow me.

"That's not a nice thing to say." The teacher said quietly, with frown on her face. "You should apologize to her right now."

I could hear the annoyance in her voice and I didn't want to get into trouble with a teacher already on my first day, that would be setting a really bad record. Not to mention that she seemed like a really nice woman.

I tried to sound as honest as I could. "I'm really sorry. I promise I wasn't referring to you when I said that." She looked up at me and smiled again, but this time, it was scary.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean what you said. I accept your apology."

I knew that her words sounded genuine, but the look on her face had me second guessing her words. But then again, that could just be me being paranoid.e, Zachary and I walked out the door.